Ugly man: what is the secretattractiveness?

Tue, Apr 08, 2014

In the early stages of dating, women often avoid ugly
men. The laws of aesthetics dictate their own rules, and the lady wants to see
next to a gentleman-handsome. But when the relationship goes
the brink of love, often the fair sex
prefer outwardly imperfect men.

What is the secret of attractive ugly men?

Pretty boy

When nature bestows on man a great appearance, he
begins to actively use it. As, however, and the woman. With young
years of such a boy like all the girls in the class, he makes concessions
teachers, and housemates admire its beauty. Guy
getting used to being the center of attention and universal love. He’s good
realizes that his brown eyes with lush eyelashes, cute
The face and torso of Apollo will help to overcome many difficulties.

But in adulthood, such a man turns out to be a bad party.
He is so accustomed to a good attitude that he does not want to understand
other people. A young man thinks he is worthy of great love.
just for its beauty.

Lady in a relationship with a beautiful man often
count on your own strength. Pretty boy не будет завоевывать ее
and maintain in family life. Why should he overwork himself? After all
he is “not like everyone else,” which means, in the case of a failed relationship to
other girls will come running to him quickly.

As practice shows, men – handsome men often get bored from
monotonous family life. With age they become
irritable and capricious; beauty goes, and with it the amount
privileges that were distributed for “beautiful eyes.”

Not handsome

Otherwise, life is formed by ugly guys. Fate does not indulge
their excess attention and additional privileges. To
to get the girls attention, the ugly guy needs skillfully for
take care of them; and good academic results are achieved thanks to
persistent mastering of the material. Ugly guy realizes that life
will not give him gifts, so he directs all his efforts to
career success.

It takes a couple of three years and “not handsome” just do not know. Of
a young man with a pimply face and a thin figure, he
turns into an imposing man who knows the price of life. is he
learned not only how to make money, but also skillfully handle
the fair sex. His clever compliments,
self-discipline and enveloping look do not leave indifferent
beautiful ladies.

Therefore, it is not surprising that beautiful girls bind
your life with ugly but self-sufficient men. After all куда
it is better to know that your chosen one will decide everything himself, what to do
searching for another job while the handsome partner admires his
reflection in the mirror.

Why ugly men – a profitable party?

  • is heи не делают ставку на внешние данные. They are characterized by
    ambition, dedication and perseverance.
  • They develop a habit of self-discipline and constant
  • A man with an average appearance better watching
    your health and lifestyle.
  • To the lady who did not push him away because of the external
    imperfections he tries to be attentive and
  • According to statistics, ugly men are more patient and
  • is heи чаще становятся хорошими отцами и верными мужьями.

Another amazing fact: by age 40, ugly men
tremendously prettier. Until that happens, the lady can extract
from such a relationship is another benefit. After all на фоне неидеального по
appearance of the partner, the woman will seem even more beautiful. Such
the contrast will play her hand: the lady will always be the center of attention,
adding to the image of men additional success.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Drybed 09/04/2016 Ugly all harder: both men and women!
But it often happens that they quickly find their halves! I guess
that this is due to the fact that the appearance does not distract from the content!

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