Trout soups – proven recipes. howcorrectly and tasty cooked trout soup.

Fri, 04 Jul 2014


Trout Soup – General Cooking Principles

Trout soup is one of those first courses that combines
a range of pleasant qualities: rich taste, good, delicate
aroma and nourishing rich broth. This dish can be prepared for
regular dinners or serve for a festive feast. Trout Soups
may have a normal liquid or creamy consistency. WITH
trout are perfectly combined almost all the same vegetables, which
added to other first courses: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes,
zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, etc. AT
Trout soup is often added with mushrooms, cheese and seafood. Not
do without the fragrant spices, seasonings and herbs. Cooking a dish
can be different: some first boil the fish broth, extract
meat and vegetables are boiled in boiling broth, you can also cook first
ingredients in the water and at the very end put the sliced ​​pieces
fillet. Trout cooks pretty quickly – from 15 to 30 minutes (in
depending on the size of the cut parts). Serving a dish with fresh
greens, a slice of lemon or hot toast. Special
fried bread goes well with fish soups, mashed potatoes.

WITHуп из форели – подготовка продуктов и посуды

Fish fillets are usually cut into small pieces and washed,
then boil them from the broth. If you use whole fish, you have to
cut off the tail, head and fins. ATсе овощи, как обычно, промывают,
dried and cleaned and crushed. This also applies to mushrooms with greens.
While preparing the broth, you can cook vegetable roasting. Also
should take care in advance and used spices – soup from
trout can not be digested, so all ingredients should be
add on time.

For cooking, you will need a pan or pan (if
vegetables must be fried), cutting board, skimmer, grater, knife
for cutting fish or a regular sharp knife and blender (for
soups puree). Trout soup is served in ordinary deep plates, and
thick cream soups are poured into deep bowls.

Recipes супа из форели:

Рецепт 1: WITHуп из форели

Try making this delicate and incredibly delicious soup from
trout The dish requires a minimum amount of ingredients and
preparing content is easy. The dish has a soft creamy
consistency and great for every day and for
special occasion.

Ingredients Required:

  • 600 g of trout;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 150 ml of 20% cream;
  • WITHоль, черный молотый перец — по вкусу.

WITHпособ приготовления:

Trout fillet with small pieces and thoroughly washed in
cold water. Next, put the pieces in a small saucepan and
Fill it with water so that it covers the fish a little. WITHтавим
the pot from the fish on the stove, after boiling we reduce the fire and
remove the foam. Trout is cooked until cooked for about 30 minutes. Then
we take out fish, and we filter ready broth. Potatoes and carrots
clean, wash and cut into large pieces. AT половине бульона
boil until cooked potatoes with carrots. WITHваренное мясо можно
mash with a fork. Ready vegetables take out and grind blender,
then put it back in the pan. Then выкладываем в кастрюлю
fish and pour cream. You can take a little more amount of cream –
need to look at the consistency. Bring soup with trout to boil.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. If the soup turns out too
thick, you can add more fish broth. ATсе тщательно
mix and press in a blender. Serve hot soup with
sprig of parsley, a slice of lemon or crispy crackers.

Рецепт 2: WITHуп из форели с болгарским перцем

This trout soup is a great alternative to meat first.
dishes. Preparing fish soup from fresh vegetables, fresh herbs and
fresh fish, so it turns out very fragrant, rich and

Ingredients Required:

  • Trout fillet – 300 g;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 4 fresh tomatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • Half a bunch of dill;
  • WITHоль, черный молотый перец — по вкусу;
  • Vegetable oil.

WITHпособ приготовления:

Trout fillet cut in small pieces, wash, pour cold
water and set to stew. ATремя приготовления составит около 20
minutes While you can prepare vegetables. Onions and carrots clean, cut
small cubes. WITH болгарского перца удаляем семена и плодоножку,
cut the pepper into thin strips. Clean, wash and cut potatoes
thin sticks. From the finished broth we take out the fish itself
broth filter and set on fire. AT кипящий бульон выкладываем
potatoes. Make cuts on tomatoes, pour boiling water and remove
peel. Pulp cut into small cubes. To boiling potatoes
Spread tomatoes. Heat the vegetable oil in the pan and
fry onions, peppers and carrots in it. how только картошка станет
soft, put the fish into the pan. Give a soup of trout
boil, then lay out the vegetables. Grind greens and add to
soup. WITHуп должен прокипеть еще несколько минут, после этого огонь
can be turned off. Leave the soup infused for 15-20 minutes

Рецепт 3: WITHуп из форели с маслинами и чесноком

This savory rich trout soup will appeal to all members.
families, even those who do not like fish first courses. Such a dish
You can safely include in the diet menu, as the soup turns out
very light, useful and easily digestible.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of trout;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • Half a lemon;
  • 17-20 olives (pitted);
  • WITHвежая зелень;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • WITHоль;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 2 fresh tomatoes.

WITHпособ приготовления:

Рыбу чистим, промываем, отделяем fillet. Cut off the head, tail and
fins. Cut fish cut with water and set to boil the broth.
We throw Lavrushka into the pan. Periodically remove skimmer foam.
Periodically, you can add a little water to the broth turned out
transparent. After the foam has ceased to appear, cook the soup
еще 10 minutes Then вытаскиваем рыбу из бульона и продолжаем варить
soup. Clean the carrots and onions, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and
onion cut into thin half-rings. Fry half the onions with carrots,
and the second half spread in broth. Add salt to taste.
Peel potatoes and cut into strips. Tomatoes boiling water,
peel and cut into cubes. ATыкладываем овощи в soup. Olives
cut into thin rings and lemon into small pieces. how только
half the potatoes will be ready, add olives to the pan with
a lemon. Главное — не переборщить с a lemon. Better drop
a few drops in a serving plate. Garlic and greens chop finely
and add to the trout soup at the very end of cooking. In 5 minutes
Serve the dish (after it is infused).

Рецепт 4: WITHуп из форели с грибами и сыром

Delicious multi-ingredient trout soup
cook for a great family dinner, dinner or something else
solemn occasion. AT состав блюда входят форель, овощи,
champignons, 2 types of cheese (melted and hard) and greens with

Ingredients Required:

  • 250 g of trout fillet;
  • 200 grams of potatoes;
  • 100 g of carrots and mushrooms;
  • 80 g onions;
  • 150 g of processed cheese;
  • 100 grams of hard grated cheese;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 tsp. dried celery leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l crushed basil and dill;
  • 20 g butter;
  • Крахмал — 1 ч. l;
  • WITHмесь перцев — по вкусу.

WITHпособ приготовления:

Vegetables are cleaned, washed and cut together with mushrooms about
same shape. ATыливаем в кастрюлю 5 стаканов воды и доводим до
boil. ATыкладываем в кипящую воду potatoes. Melt on
pan with butter and fry onions, mushrooms and carrots.
ATыкладываем овощи с грибами к картофелю. ATарим все вместе до
potato readiness. Cream cheese cut and lay out in soup
with grated cheddar cheese. After the cheese has dissolved,
season the soup with pepper, salt and add dried celery and
Bay leaf. Филе режем маленькими кусочками и выкладываем в soup.
ATарим до готовности. Starch diluted with a small amount of water
и постепенно вливаем в soup. Then добавляем зелень, базилик и
Turn off the fire after 2 minutes.

Рецепт 5: WITHуп из форели с цветной капустой

Delicious and healthy trout soup made from
fish fillets, vegetables, rice and greens. The dish is saturated,
flavored and suitable for everyday or holiday dinners.

Ingredients Required:

  • 600 g of trout;
  • 100 g leeks;
  • 70 grams of celery root;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 150 g of cauliflower;
  • Приправа для рыбы — 1 ч. l;
  • Greenery;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l rice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • Sea salt – to taste.

WITHпособ приготовления:

Trout cut into pieces, wash and boil the broth. After
boiling reduce the heat and remove the foam, cook the fish about 30
minutes Leek cut rings, clean the carrots and cut
small circles. WITHельдерей мелко режем. Leek, carrot and
Pass celery in a small amount of olive oil.
Potatoes clean and cut into cubes. We filter the ready broth,
доводим до кипения и выкладываем, в первую очередь, potatoes.
WITHледом отправляются в кастрюлю пассированные овощи. Rice as follows
wash and put in boiling broth. Cauliflower parse
on inflorescences, wash and cut into several parts. ATыкладываем
цветную капусту в суп и варим 15 minutes Trout fillet cut into pieces
and put in the soup as soon as all the vegetables are cooked. WITHолим суп
to taste, add bay leaf and seasoning for fish. ATарим суп из
trout for another 15 minutes and turn off the fire. Parsley with dill
grind and serve with the finished dish.

WITHуп из форели – секреты и полезные советы от лучших

Trout cooks pretty quickly – do not digest fish
recommended. ATарить бульон нужно на очень медленном огне — чем
the less broth will boil, the more transparent it will turn out. Trout
has a delicate delicate flavor, so with seasoning should be
be careful. Salt, black pepper or
a mixture of peppers, lemon juice, herbs and special seasoning to

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