Treatment of herpes with folk remedies: what and how.there is ли смысл использовать в лечении герпеса народные методы?

Пн, 04 июн 2018 Автор: Анастасия Жарикова

Viral diseases, which include
herpes on the lips, often are hidden, not showing
for a long time. The symptoms appear
many patients are so obvious and mediocre that they are not even
consider it necessary to seek diagnosis and treatment
to the doctor.

For them, the main way to get rid of the disease are tips
familiar and knowledge of folk methods on the Internet. As a result
the patient’s condition worsens, new symptoms appear that
subsequently complicate the diagnosis by a doctor.

Let’s tell you the truth. Who if not us! Getting into
organism once, the virus remains there forever. Ways
There is no definitive cure.


What is herpes and how can you get infected

Герпес первого типа, вызывающий язвы на губах и
near the mouth, transmitted through the discharge from the mouth or wound on the skin, in
time kissing, or sharing intimate
hygiene (toothbrush, dishes, cosmetics).

A common misconception is that the virus is transmitted only,
when there are wounds. It is not, even if the external manifestations of herpes
No, it is easily transmitted. Human carrier may not suffer from
fever itself, but is able to “reward” the virus of other people.

How does herpes appear

This is usually a small area of ​​skin on the lips or near the mouth, on
which produces a lot of small (and not very) wheals,
accompanied by pain, burning, and tingling. As a result кожа
thinning and blistering burst, leaving behind ulcers. On this
stage painful sensations subside, the wound is tightened with a crust and,
dries out.

Often, skin problems are accompanied by fever, general malaise,
similar to the common cold.

What provokes aggravation

The main “provocateurs” of the development of painful symptoms

• general disease of the body, accompanied by inflammation;

• emotional or physical stress;

• menstruation;

• chronic fatigue;

• injury of a potentially dangerous area;

• reduced immunity due to chemotherapy, steroids or

Abundant multiple herpetic eruptions can talk about
воспалении легких, при этом нужно срочно обратиться к to the doctor.


An experienced doctor can identify the virus by first-person admission.
characteristic features, but if clarification is needed, it may be
DNA analysis performed.

How to treat herpes

It is impossible to cure this virus once in the body.
�”Treatment” consists of preventing relapse and reducing symptoms.
diseases. May reduce the frequency of manifestations of strengthening
immunity and antiviral drugs, and with skin problems
can handle antiviral drugs for local use.

there is ли польза от народных средств

Not only folk healers, but also scientific medicine recognize
positive effect of vegetable decoctions, salts and alkalis, fruits
and berries, but not every “suitable” ingredient found in
house, able to help in a particular case. Is of paramount importance
also method of application and dosage. So what is recommended
�”Folk healers” and online articles for the treatment of herpes than
fraught with such methods.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Salt

Sprinkle the affected part of the skin with salt for ten minutes, of course
disinfected, but salt (whether sea or cooking)
able to greatly eat off the wounds, making them deeper and hitting new layers
skin. As a result продолжительность заживления увеличивается, а на
the injury site remains scar.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Soda

After reading on the Internet about the benefits of soda, even with cancer
diseases, the doctor involuntarily skeptical smile. From the doctor
practitioners can see that the treatment of soda with heartburn, cancer, thrush, and other
systemic diseases, leads to the aggravation of the process and
chronic overflow. Food antiseptic effect
soda is questionable, as is its positive effect.

The fact is that soda is a powerful reagent that can
give an unpredictable reaction even with water of a certain composition.
For the preparation of therapeutic solution is not used as usual, but
medical soda, as a solvent, water should not be
from the tap, and not even bottled, and its temperature should not
exceed 50 degrees C, otherwise soda can

The only thing that baking soda can do is
softening too rough crusts from sores. But better still
use medications designed for this with
antiseptic or antiviral effect in order to avoid

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Manganese

Given the known antiseptic property of potassium permanganate, the people
often trying to use this toxic substance for
обеззараживания разных частей organism. Not only is delicate skin
with herpetic ulcers under the influence of a weak solution is irritated
even more, the use of more concentrated potassium permanganate leads
to strong burns and skin peeling off not only in the place of bursting from
herpes blisters, as well as throughout the area of ​​”therapeutic”

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Garlic

Another great idea is to cure herpes with garlic juice.
Craftsmen recommend imposing gruel for treatment
crushed cloves right on the wound. And for the prevention of re
occurrence – grease with a clove of garlic, peeled from the bottom,
lips on all sides, up to two times a day.

The result of “treatment” – a constant unpleasant smell, burnt lips
(possibly mucous), burning sensations, and high
probability of relapse. Well, can not garlic garlic, unfortunately,
suppress viral activity.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Sagebrush

Bitter decoction of wormwood, which is easily agreed to take
herpes sufferers can actually have a terrible side effect
action – convulsions, loss of consciousness, hallucinations. Especially dangerous
it is for pregnant women. It is strictly forbidden to use without
doctor’s appointments. Sagebrush действительно обладает
anti-inflammatory effects, but inside it is used,
mainly, with violations of the digestive tract. As local
disinfectant can use wormwood, but only
purchased at the pharmacy and strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Earwax

The secret, freely departing from the ear of the person, the ear
sulfur, people for unknown reasons called antibacterial,
antiviral, fungicidal, and endowed with other therapeutic
properties. In fact, sulfur is produced in the ear canal
sulfur and sebaceous glands in order to prevent entry
in the ear of microbes and remove the desquamated epithelium from the shell.

Its composition varies depending on the ethnic group
diet, age, presence of ENT diseases, and a number of other factors.
The basis of the secret is sebum, dead cells, many and
dust. Sulfur contains organic compounds, acids and

Despite a huge role in preventing infection
ear canal, as soon as earwax comes out of it, its
function she performed. Scientists have proven her lack of real
antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal action.
Bacteria successfully multiply in a similar secret as soon as he
left ear. A slight bactericidal effect was noted only to
hemolytic staphylococcus aureus, but to the treatment of herpes it is
has nothing to do.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Valocordin

The drug can actually be effective in cases of
аллергической реакции, так как доксиламин (основа «Valocordinа»)
обладает антигистаминными properties.

The soothing effect on the blisters of herpes is having and similar in
action principle “Corvalol”. However, common components in these
the two preparations are only alcohol and mint oil. there is
the assumption that it is the latter that plays a crucial role in the treatment,
since, in addition to the antiseptic effect of alcohol, the oil blocks
moisture in the wound, thereby preventing reproduction
infected cells.

But scientific research is about confirming the effect of these
drugs or their components for the treatment of herpes, yet. therefore
Doctors can not recommend such means, and, judging by
reviews, they do not help everyone.

Herpes Treatment. What really works?

Instead of untested, potentially dangerous folk methods
treatment, medicine today is quite large
range of effective antiviral drugs that
sure to help cope with the symptoms of herpes and prevent
relapses. Внутрь назначают «Ацикловир» и его
производные, а местно — мази «Зовиракс»,
, и тому подобные медикаменты, самый подходящий
of which the doctor will prescribe.

The only thing that popular and scientific methods agree
treatment that is important in the fight against herpes is to strengthen
immune system. For this, they are quite suitable as immunomodulators in
a form of drug therapy, and less costly, natural
ways – decoctions of plants, juices of fruits and vegetables, berries, and the
similar prevention methods that are aimed at improving

The basis of the fight against viral infections is a healthy lifestyle:
adequate regular nutrition, prolonged sleep and moderate
physical exercise. In this mode, the body fights disease much

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