- 1 Training program for weight loss in the gym зале для
the men- 1.1 Set of exercises for beginners
- 1.2 Weight loss training
- 1.3 Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides
- 2 What exercises can you do at home?
Поиск способов похудения для the men — первый шаг к началу новой
life, abandonment of past habits and readiness for discoveries
own capabilities. First you need to decide on the way
weight loss, if the answer is “weight loss in the gym”, it means
There is a long and interesting way to a new self. At this stage it is important
make a habit of adherence to the main principle of weight loss:
«сбалансированное питание + регулярные
тренировки». With this set you can achieve significant
results regardless of body mass index
start up
The program for weight loss in the gym for a beginner includes
a set of exercises for all muscle groups and works according to the principles
�”A little bit of everything” and “go slower – you will continue.” Here any
the coach will consider it necessary to pay attention to the beginner in the gym on
warm-up, cardio, average pace of training, small
рабочий вес и большое количество повторений. And right there
ask you to temporarily forget about the big scales and heavy overloads,
After all, now the goal of a novice is to lose those extra pounds, and not
to gain an athletic body.
Training program for weight loss in the gym зале для
the men
To start the weight loss process in the gym
through fat burning workouts, you need to know a few important
- losing weight is a complex process that occurs
одновременно во всем теле при равных нагрузках на
all muscle groups, including the heart; - to lose weight on the principle of “do no harm”, you need
постепенно приучать сердце и мышцы к нагрузкам, и
follow this rule until fully cardiovascular
system and muscle mass that can take from one to two
months of regular workouts.
Onчать тренироваться в спортзале обязательно
с разминки, не жалея на нее сил и времени, так как
this part of the workout tones the muscles, prepares the joints for loads
and insures the novice for unpleasant consequences in the form of sprains,
breaks. At this stage in the gym fit running
track, ellipsoid and exercise bike. By the way, they can be fixed
effect after the main workout, if you work on them another 20
minutes, or 3-5 minutes after each second exercise. For beginners
it is best to alternate with more weight on the treadmill
walking and easy running, without overloading. Remember
кардиотренировка — залог быстрого похудения, ведь
the more often the heart beats, the faster the calories are burned. Here
главное не перестараться.
After 15-30 minutes of heartbeat, a novice can begin to
the main part of slimming exercises. Помним, что как для the men,
so for women, losing weight in the gym is thorough
working out all the muscles. Coaches may advise to engage in
сплит-системе — дробная программа занятий на
different muscle groups on different days of the week. But most believe that
лишний вес нужно убирать регулярными нагрузками на всё
тело. А после первого «обката» железа the menам советуют
тренироваться суперсетами — сдвоенными
exercises on several muscle groups in one go.
Each workout should last about 1.5 hours (maximum 2
hours), along with cardio (up to 30 minutes), and the main (up to 60 minutes).
The break between classes in the gym can be up to two days.
With the observance of the program of weight loss and proper nutrition
the menа с большим лишним весом может сбросить от 5 до 10 кг
за месяц. The more at the beginning of weight loss show scales
the faster the first time with the water will go those extra pounds.
Приятный бонус к мотивации: the menам скинуть лишний вес легче, чем
for women.
A set of exercises for beginners
Программа для похудения в тренажерном hall for men может быть
built differently, but a set of exercises for beginners based
on the same movements (squats, bench press, deadlift) and
the number of repetitions (from 12 to 20 times). Every newcomer should
remember: you can not chase the perfect result from day one in
тренажерном зале, вы работаете на прогресс.
Exercises for beginners in
- Разминка — 5-10 минут. Jogging on a treadmill
the track, classes on the ellipsoid and stationary bike, jumping from
rope, exercise “Mill” for warming up hands, warming up
knee and hip joints in circular motions. - Гиперэкстензия — 15 повторов по 3 approach. On
первых занятиях в спортзале the menе нужно дать телу привыкнуть к
this exercise, and later it will be possible to complicate it with a small
burdening. - Отжимания от пола или скамьи — 15 повторов по
3 approach. - Тяга гантели одной рукой на скамье — 10
повторов для каждой руки по 3 approach. For this exercise you need
rest your knee and hand on the bench, leave your second leg straight on
the floor. Elbow arms with dumbbells gently start behind the back. - Тяга верхнего блока за голову — 15 повторов по
3 approach. - Simulator bench press для ног — 10 повторов по 3
approach. To lose weight faster, you need to load the whole body at once,
therefore, the maximum harden and feet. - Подтягивания коленей с упором на локти —
15 повторов по 3 approach. - Кардио на тренажерах 15-20 минут.
Weight loss training
Strength training for men for weight loss in the gym –
this is not heavy weights and an infinite number of repetitions, this
небольшой вес, который всегда слегка напрягает мышцы, но не
более того, и максимум 20-25 повторов по 3-4 approach.
- Разминка — 20-30 минут кардио и разминки
joints. - Становая тяга — 15 повторений по 3
approach. - Выпады с гантелями — 10 повторов для каждой
ноги по 3 approach. For starters, it is better to train your legs alternately.
If 10 repeats are still difficult to do, reduce to 8, but after a couple
days begin to build up strength. - Разведение гантелей лежа на скамье — 15
повторов по 3 approach. - Жим гантелей сидя — 15 повторений по 3
approach. - Подтягивания — 15 повторов по 3 approach.
- Приседания со штангой — 12 повторов по 3
approach. In the first classes in the gym, the best for men
use only the neck, and it is crucial not to put pressure on them
spine. - Кардио на тренажерах 20 минут.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides
To a man to lose the hated “lifeline”, will have to
понять сразу, что человек не может худеть в определенной
части тела, а в другой — не худеть. Swing press sake
removing the belly is an ancient sports myth that
ready to dispel every coach. To lose weight anywhere
the body, whether it be arms, legs, cheeks, sides or abdomen, will have to work
всем телом, ведь так организм затратит больше энергии, и если
do not jam training, but wait patiently for two hours, and then eat
рациональную еду согласно времени суток, то цель сбросить
вес станет чуть ближе. Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides
in the gym for men – these are the same exercises for beginners
in the gym as described above. Главное, не забывать
include aerobic exercises with exercise
сердце, и всё обязательно получится.
The most effective types of exercises for dropping excess
fat on the sides and abdomen:
- Twisting on the whole body in the prone position;
- Exercise “Bicycle” in the supine position with swings
feet; - Exercise “Plank” on the elbows and palms;
- Exercise “Table” based on four limbs;
- Mahi and pull-ups in the prone position and in
bar; - Lunges.
For particular effectiveness, it is better to combine several exercises.
Повторять их нужно по 10-15 раз по 3-4 approach. For the best
result and early weight loss need to be done every other day.
What exercises can you do at home?
Training for men for weight loss at home based
on the same principles as weight loss training at the gym,
only have to work with its own weight. You can also
use water bottles instead of dumbbells. Do not forget
тренироваться в спортивной обуви, чтобы не повредить
What do men do at home to lose weight and bring the body into
tone? Помним о разминке — бег на месте, прыжки (можно со
скакалкой), упражнения для разогрева joints.
Next, you should include exercises for arms, legs, abs, that
нужно чередовать с несколькими минутами кардионагрузок в виде
jumps and running. Основные упражнения: скручивания,
приседания, отжимания, планки, жимы, выпады. If there is
гантели, или бутылки с водой, то можно совмещать приседы и
жимы, или выпады и жимы, что очень
works effectively on losing weight in men.
At the end of a weight loss workout you can do some simple
exercises to stretch the muscles of the arms and legs.
At home, men can exercise every other day, for 40-50 minutes, and
the result is not long in coming. The main thing is not to forget о
normal nutrition.