Top-8 reasons why men give upof women

Thu, Mar 27, 2014

Многие of womenы считают, что мужчина хочет получить идеальную
wife, which I would combine the role of the hostess, mistress, friend.
It is desirable that she was moderately modest and intelligent and able
fulfill the wishes of your partner. But men themselves admit that
на of womenе лежит только 50% ответственности за разрыв

Men told, in what cases they have a desire to leave
from the ladies heart.

The woman has ceased to be a “mystery” for him

The woman became uninteresting for the man. And no matter what it is
manifested: in sexual life or conversations. A man is looking for a lady
with whom you can talk on interesting topics, and with which
enjoy your time in bed. When it comes to long
relationship, he wants to see next to a smart enough
of womenу, в меру раскрепощенную и слегка загадочную. He wants
constantly unravel your beloved. If the lady is completely
opens in front of a partner and becomes too predictable, he
loses interest in her.

Здесь очень важным остается вопрос сексуальных relationship.
A woman should be just a good, not a great lover. Her
excessive constraint can make a man look for love joys
on the side, and sexual activity will make him think:
�”How many men are familiar with her outstanding” talent “?”

Incontinence ladies

A man loves when a lady knows how to keep a low profile in society.
He does not want to blush at all for absurd and reckless acts.
your partner. Moreover, if she can easily another quarrel
turn into a scandal for everyone to see. Men confess that
life with such an unpredictable lady loses meaning. Поэтому of womenа
should be able to control their emotions, especially in public

Before exploring him, the lady led a dissolute life

A woman in the role of “Don Juan” has always been condemned by society. Even
if her adventures remain in the past, there will always be a person
who remembers that he once saw her in society
a gentleman. ” A man to hear this is extremely unpleasant and offensive,
because he wants to be, if not the only, then at least, not the 20th
мужчиной в жизни любимой of womenы.

Popular wisdom is priceless. How often can you hear that when
another husband quarrels his wife for infidelity, although there is no
no reason. And all because of her “fun” past. Therefore,
Before you start a few lovers, think about how it can
affect your future life.

The woman stopped looking after herself

Appearance of the fair sex is always tempting for a man. When
he marry a graceful blonde woman with aspen waist which
subsequently turns into a shapeless lady with unwashed hair, he
begins to lose interest in it from the aesthetic side. Is not
it means that you always have to be a “model”, just a man wants
contemplate feminine beauty. Daily light makeup beautiful
combed hair, neat clothes – that will be enough
to satisfy his need for aesthetic beauty.

Lady uses man as wallet

When of womenа постоянно тянет из мужчины деньги, одаривая его
evening sex, without any special feelings, men quickly notice this.
The strong sex is in need of love, because he can buy sex for
money. Therefore, the lover will quickly “see through” your passion for his
money and maybe tomorrow you will be in splendid isolation.

Woman frankly demonstrates her desire to go out
get married

Some ladies go too far in pursuit of official
husband and manage to get pregnant to drag him to the registrar. But how
practice shows that marriage “on the fly” is rarely happy. If a
мужчина хочет жениться, of womenа сразу это почувствует по его
manners of behavior. Otherwise, do not put pressure on the partner
otherwise he may quickly run away from you.

Women’s treason

As you know, a man rarely forgives female adultery. Once
he learns about this unpleasant fact, he immediately has a desire
to break relations. A man takes no excuses about
treason partner. Yes, and from a legal point of view, the lady harder
will sue my husband “state” after such an act.

Wife earns more than husband

For a man, the desire to earn big money is natural.
a wish. Because of this, it is established in life. Men
подчеркивают, что когда of womenа начинает зарабатывать больше них, у
she is tempted to blame her partner for this. Man doesn’t want
to feel their “insignificance”, and therefore rarely happily responds to
news about raising earnings from his wife. Often successful career
of womenа и ее высокий заработок становятся причиной разрыва

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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