They say: the taste and color – no friends. In sympathy and love
между the menами и женщинами тоже все сугубо индивидуально.
However, like most people in general, the bitter taste is unpleasant,
так и большинству the men неприятны определенные женские качества.
Неприятны настолько, что the menы распознав их в процессе знакомства
They immediately stop the relationship. And women in that case
it remains only to puzzle over the causes of the gap.
In this article, simply and clearly we list the types of women,
которые сильнее всего отпугивают the men. If in one of the descriptions
you know yourself, then do not worry. Apply some effort and have
you will surely change for the better. Or
at least learn how to hide carefully, because we are women
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1. “Mercenary calculating bitch”
Such a woman wants to marry only to her
the satellite was its sponsor. From the very first meeting she will
accidentally test the ground in order to learn as much as possible
о финансовом положении the menы.
It is a pity, but statistics says that nowadays more than 30%
women belong to this type. So when you ask yourself
вопрос: «Куда же подевались хорошие, честные и щедрые the menы?», то
here is the answer: some very long zahomutala
self-serving person, which vity of them ropes, but naive beauties do not
can understand this, because it is very well masked.
Да-да, далеко не многие the menы могут распознать такую женщину с
first glance. It would seem, how so? Can not see
that she only needs money? And here it is not visible. If he
really liked the lady, he himself will come up with an excuse for
any of her offenses, and she will again win.
Representatives of the stronger sex, of course, are afraid of such
women, because they are like spiders – they can weave beautiful and long
a solid web until one who needs gets into it, remaining
there forever. That is why you may first think that
the menа слишком молчалив, скупой и осторожный. If he is so himself
leading, it means he probably had a negative experience that
now will not allow him to so easily open up before you and
confide in
2. “Inaccessible snow queen”
This woman is easy to see in the crowd: a great figure, perfect
posture, arrogant gaze and, certainly, too overestimated
self esteem. Она всячески показывает the menам, что она тот еще фрукт
and in order to at least go on a date with her they will need
show originality and somehow surprise her a little melt
icy heart.
Да, the menам известно, что если они хотят покорить
the fair sex, it is necessary to care for her,
make pleasant surprises and show other signs of attention. But im
need to know that in the end will conquer the good, smart and interesting
person, and if you fight for a cat in a bag (woman, by behavior
which is not clear who she really is), then in the end this
the game will become boring and the interest in such a lady will just evaporate, not
leaving a trace.
Men try to sidestep the “inaccessible snow
queens “not because they want to find easier prey, but to
not to be disappointed once again in women and not to waste
precious time for the one that pretends to deserve
like this, only now, this is not quite true.
If in addition to cold and excessive arrogance in a woman more
ничего нет, то разве нужна она будет нормальному the menе? Far from
everyone believes in the kinship of souls, but I’m sure everyone will ever
want his beloved support, smiled tenderly,
hugged. �”Inaccessible Snow Queen” will never do that
поэтому, какой бы красивой она ни была, никакой the menа долго с ней
in a relationship can not be.
3. “The talkative stuck”
Women of this type try to always be in
the center of attention of your loved one. They call them every minute, they write
messages that surround them with unnecessary care, from which you want something wrong
what to escape, and fly away forever to another planet, so that more
never be near this woman.
At first they may seem nice, everything is interesting to them, they try
spend a lot of time with him, but in the end it causes some
inconvenience, because you can’t hide from it or hide from it. �”Chatty
stuck ”will be where he does not expect to see her. She herself
get acquainted with all his friends, and soon, and with
It can not be forced to shut up even a minute. Если the menа
asks her: “How was your day today?”, then she will even know
such trifles, which is indecent to speak at first
Почему the menы боятся таких женщин? But because there is nothing
worse than being in a relationship with “talkative sticky”. AT
women should be dignity and pride. Need to know
when you need to impose something, and when to take a deep breath and
retreat, leaving him as much space as he can
would need.
4. Too available
Women who belong to this type does not necessarily have to
look like painted dolls and dress too open and
frank clothes. Very often they are naive and
frivolous fools who are sacredly sure that if offered
the menе секс на первом же свидании, то это будет означать, что он
will want to build a serious relationship with her and light up in his heart
the fire of love for her.
These girls do not notice that they are used only to
to spend the night together, and for the morning break up, as if not
familiar at all. They can not refuse and love when they
are interested.
Большинство приличных the men стараются обходить девушек «второго
varieties “side, because if they see him at least once in the company of that
о которой ходит дурная слава, то начнут сплетничать и о the menе.
Почти все the menы дорожат своей репутацией и положением в обществе.
They are afraid that they will lose all this. No sex, even the best in
the world is not worth losing the respect of friends and acquaintances.
5. “Inadequate Tantrum”
These ladies can always find a reason to cry and
throw a tantrum from scratch. Any crooked word they are
perceived as “a pebble in his garden.” If anything is not
like, then everything is solved with screams, tears and threats to the side
the menы, что они покончат жизнь самоубийством, если и дальше будет
�”So” to continue. The girl who plays the poor victim quickly
bothers and scares a little. And if she really has something with her
will do? How then to live, blaming yourself for everything that happened? It is better
just get around the “inadequate hysterical” side, because you can not be
next to a person only from the feeling of pity that arises when
just by looking at her tear-stained, suffering face.
Representatives of the stronger sex are running at full speed from this type
women also because they know how to cheat themselves. how
says: “She herself thought up, she had a fight with herself, she herself
offended. Men do not like to dig in the feelings, a hundred times
talk about love and soothe your ever-crying companion.