Top 10 – the kindest dogs in the world. What kindDog breeds are considered the most friendly: choosecompanion dog

Пн, 16 апр 2018 Автор: Лина Шубина

The dog is a friend of man. Everyone wants to have affectionate, kind and
reliable friend.

The article draws attention to the 10 kindest dogs in the world,
who will always be loyal allies, loving members


Labrador retriever

Occurs this breed from the UK. Sizes up to 58
cm, weight – from 25 to 40 kg. The nature of the dog is sociable, often its
used as a companion. He is considered a working breed, often
can be found in the role of guides. Using certain methods
training, you can teach a variety of skills.

Enters the top of the kindest dog breeds because of its
activity, playfulness, to strangers. Last quality
many refer to negative. But their kindness helps well.
get along with other pets.

Golden retriever

Also come from the UK and has the same dimensions. They
active, quick-witted. Used as a companion or
nannies. For this reason, the breed is considered ideal for those families in
who have small children. To its positive qualities can
take patience and mind.

They легко поддаются дрессировке, активны, любят играть на улице.
Dogs become attached to their owners, do not like to be alone.
Easy to get along with other animals, do not seek to dominate.


The origin of this breed is Canada. They reach a height of 72
cm, weight – 66-68 kg. Character has a calm, docile.
Used as a lifeguard, guard or watchman.

Although the appearance of this breed is impressive, and develops
the impression that dogs will protect their territory until
the latter, they are extremely good-natured. Never attack without
grounds even rarely bark. They have extremely calm temper and good
developed intuition. Last quality помогает предугадать
approaching danger. And it is for this reason that they are
good lifeguards.

St. Bernard

This representative of the kindest dog breeds comes from
Switzerland. Its size is significant: height – 70 cm, weight – 70 kg.
The character is kind, calm. Used as a guard or

He will become a reliable friend of the child. A developed intuition helps
быть good lifeguards. Surely everyone heard about how
St. Bernards rescue people from under the thick snow.


The size of this breed is small. In height to 35 cm, weight
– 9 kg. Its origin comes from southern Germany. Character
cheerful, active. Used as a companion dog and hunter.

In the character of this breed there are many positive qualities
This is a great activity, courage, excitement. Dachshunds are devotees
friends, friendly towards others, but
remain independent. This dog will get along well with everyone.
family members, even the smallest. It is worth noting that she
can fit the mood of the owner, has a good feeling

Good for living in apartments, as it is
clean animals.


This aristocratic breed got its start in France.
The size of the poodle is different, from 28 cm to 60. All from 3 kg and above.
Character весёлый, игривый. Often used as
companion dog.

This representative of the breed of the kindest dogs is well behaved.
feels in the circle of adults and in the company of children.
Poodle позволяет малышам делать с собой все, что они захотят.
It gets along well with older people.

They эмоциональны, привязаны к своим хозяевам и тяжело переносят
parting. Are the safest breed for allergies.

Basset hound

Происходит из Великобритании, имеет рост до 38 см. Character
calm, balanced. Used in hunting and as

Although this breed has a long body, short legs, it
considered a beagle. Such a dog is an individual person who has
their principles, views on life. Is a true friend to his
owners, although sometimes trying to manipulate them, looking for themselves
benefit. These manipulations are not insidious, but on the contrary, they look funny.
In the upbringing and training of the owner must be patient and

This breed is loyal to treat both outsiders and others.
animals. Basset hound абсолютно не агрессивен. Loves very much
company, so even when watching TV there will be


Country of origin of this breed is Scotland. Her height reaches
up to 65 cm, weight up to 25 kg. Has a modest, shy nature.
Used as a companion, shepherd and caretaker.

Collie обладают дружелюбным характером и высокой
ingenuity. They can fully trust their herd, as
with a shepherd’s job, they can do even better than people. because of
physiology, this dog is not able to bite hard.

A special feature of the collie is its shyness. therefore
the location of this very kind dog will need to be earned.
After she sees a human friend, become extremely
tied and loyal.

Since the collie is a shepherd by nature, she can be trusted
to babysit a child. She is worried when the owner moves away far
so it will be good to watch the baby, and return it to its place,
when he leaves.


Pugs got their fame from China. Sizes have
small 28-32 cm, and weight up to 8 kg. They крайне спокойные,
friendly, a little lazy. They are a good companion.

Under their soft shell plush toys hidden real
loyal friend They ласковы, бескорыстны. Although love to be subject to
soft pillow, do not give up active games.

They жизнерадостны, дружелюбны, любят играть с детьми. Little kids
also reciprocate them. Since pugs have funny facial expressions and
they are clumsy, which may not cause a smile. Such a dog is not
will run around the house with a loud bark, so do not frighten the child.
They никогда не проявляют агрессию. Sensitive to different
noises, warning about their host.

The disadvantages include snoring in a dream, but otherwise
well suited for living in apartments.


Country of origin of this breed is Germany. They grow to 63
cm, weight up to 35 kg. This dog is active, balanced.
Is a good guard and companion.

They крайне преданны своему хозяину, будут защищать его до
last one. Bark rarely. They love children and never harm them.
consciously. If pushed during the game, then by chance. Active and
remain fun to the very old age.

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