Top 10 most powerful dogs. What breeds are includedin the list of the most powerful dogs in the world?

Пт, 13 апр 2018 Автор: Вероника Шевченко

The strongest dogs are usually representatives of large
breeds that use their strength to perform difficult tasks with
since its inception: protection, hunting, cattle grazing, etc. Weight and
Dog size is a major factor in measuring strength: than
the heavier and larger the dog, the stronger it is. The heaviest dog in
the world is an English mastiff whose weight can reach or
exceed 100 kg. In addition to body weight, when determining the strength of a dog
traction and bite force are taken into account. There are two
Dog breeds with strong bites – Mastiff and Rottweiler.

In accordance with the strength of the breeds of dogs presented
A complete list of the top 10 most powerful dog breeds:



If you combine the two main characteristics in the definition of strength
dogs – weight and bite – first place in the list of the most powerful dogs
occupies kangal, or kangal karabash. This is a molossian breed.
dogs, obtained from crossing with the English Mastiff. Kangal
also called the “Anatolian Sheepdog”.

Kangal — это пастушья сторожевая собака, родом из Восточной
Turkey This dog weighs up to 100 kg, it has a powerful head and jaw,
which creates a powerful bite. Anatolian Sheepdog
used to guard a flock of sheep from wolves, hunt wild
boars, lions, onager. The dog has a strong build, she
very fast, agile, agile, energetic. Home Kangals –
smart, friendly, obedient, well trained. Now kangal
is a breed of working dogs.

Height – 71-81 cm, weight – 40-65 kg.

English Mastiff

Second place among the strongest dogs gets English
Mastiff – an ancient English breed of dog, whose ancestors
Celtic watch dogs and Roman fighting dogs are considered.
Originally, the mastiff was used for hunting, protection from predators, in
battles, then – like a guard dog. Is among the most
largest breeds in the world. As a companion dog, peace-loving, kind,
loyal; like a guard dog, brave and reliable.

Height – 66-82 cm, weight – 60-100 kg.

St. Bernard

Bronze in the list of the strongest dogs belongs to St. Bernard
thanks to their strength and noble ability to save people.

St. Bernard — швейцарская порода dogs, её название происходит от
Monastery of St. Bernard in the Alps. This is a mountain rescue dog,
which has long tracked and rescued people affected in the mountains
from avalanches. St. Bernard по кличке Барри, который родился в 1800
year, 10 years saved 40 people. Until the XIX century, St. Bernards called
like “Holy Dogs”, “Alpine Mastiffs”, “Barry Dogs”.
St. Bernardы сохранили свои природные способности для работы с
smell and can participate in search and rescue. Have
Saint Bernards calm, patient, docile nature, they are very
hardy and hardworking. Home St. Bernards are kind, obedient,
loyal, affectionate.

Height – 65-90 cm, weight – 65-120 kg.

Romanian Carpathian Sheepdog

Romanian Carpathian Sheepdog — это горная собака с высоким
body, muscular legs, powerful jaw. Her power allowed
fight wolves, bears, trot and other wild animals.
Romanian Carpathian Sheepdog используется как пастушья и сторожевая
dog, often found and bred in Romania, Slovakia, Serbia
and along the entire length of the Carpathian mountain range. The Carpathian Sheepdog has
calm, balanced character; she is very reliable and faithful

Height – 59-73 cm, weight – 35-70 kg.


Rottweiler — это порода dogs, которая имеет один из самых
strong bites. The ancestors of this breed were used in Roman
empires were used to guard pastures and drive large
cattle. Breed bred in the German city of Rottweil in the XVIII
at. In Germany, this breed was called the “butcher dog” because they
the main purpose was livestock driving, pasture protection and protection
from brigands and wild animals moving carts with meat to
market. This lasted until the middle of the XIX century, when the railways
became the main way of transportation of freight. Modern workers
Rottweilers are used as search and rescue, guard,
police dogs, because they are known as fearless, reliable
dogs with high intelligence and developed protective instincts.
Rottweiler также ценится как домашняя собака, обладающая
balanced and good-natured character.

Height – from 55 to 70 cm, weight – 50 kg.

Dogo argentino

Dogo argentino, аргентинский дог — сильнейшая порода охотничьих
and service dogs, bred in Argentina. Purpose
dogo argentino – hunting in the pack for big game: wild boar, puma,
jaguar This is an athletic dog with a massive skull,
powerful jaws and a strong neck. Dogo Argentino Iroko famous
like a dog for protective guard duty. Dogo Argentino very
active, enduring, energetic, agile and courageous. Like home
pet calm, obedient, friendly.

Height – 60-68 cm, weight – 40-50 kg.

American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier, питбуль — американская порода dogs,
which was originally divorced for combat purposes, participation in sports
contests. However, thanks to socialization and with proper training
Since puppyhood, this breed of dog may not be
dangerous and affectionate. The breed has developed on the basis of a bulldog and a terrier,
therefore it combines the strength, perseverance of a bulldog with dexterity,
speed reaction terrier. Pit bulls in the early twentieth century were used
in America for the protection of cattle and pigs, for hunting, and
также в качестве семейных компаньоноat. These are strong-willed, active dogs.
with strong morale. Pit bulls are used in as cops and
search and rescue dogs. This breed needs socialization,
She has a very developed ability to learn.

Height – 43-53 cm, weight – 14-27 kg.

English bulldog

English bulldog, бульдог — это мускулистая тяжёлая собака с
wide body and relatively low growth. Initially
used as a fighting dog that participated in
competitions with bulls (English bulldog – “bull dog”), which
were subsequently banned. Working bulldogs are massive,
quick, insensitive to pain dogs with deep bites and
grip. After the fighting past, the bulldog gained qualities
decorative dog, watchman and companion. In the home environment bulldog
very obedient, sociable, always ready to defend the owner, bad
endures loneliness. Representatives of this breed are somewhat stubborn,
therefore, learning is sometimes difficult. With the right education
these are calm, good-natured dogs with a phlegmatic character from
of nature.

Height – 50-55 cm, weight – 23-25 ​​kg.

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky — это американская порода dogs, выведенная в ХХ
at. Предками сибирских хаски считают чукотских ездовых dogs,
individual members of which were brought to Alaska at the beginning
ХХ at. On the basis of these dogs a new breed was created. The term “Husky”
comes from a distorted “Eski” – a short naming, which
называли эскимосоat. Then this name meant Eskimo
Husky To separate them from the Eskimos, they began to be called “Siberian
Husky. Siberian Husky издавна использовалась кочевыми племенами
�”Chukchi” to work in the harness. Dogs harnessed to sleds pulled
over snow or ice light weight with medium speed for large

Proportionality of body structure reflects strength and endurance
dogs. Have этой породы собак сильные мускулистое тело, крепкие ноги
and broad shoulders, which provides them with great endurance to
overcome huge distances even on the most difficult sections in
severe weather conditions. Siberian Huskies are incredibly smart.
dogs, attentive, friendly, playful. Thanks to its
temperament, adaptability to great physical exertion and
different climatic conditions of the husky is not only
sled dog, but also a good companion, ready everywhere
accompany the host. This is a friendly, gentle breed with a soft,
good temper.

Height – 51-60 cm, weight – 15-28 kg.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd—порода, выведенная в Германии в конце XIX века
like a shepherd’s dog. Intellect, beauty, body structure
обеспечивают трудоспособность и преданность host This is slender
a dog with a powerful body. German Shepherd имеет хорошее обоняние и
manly character, she is hardy and unpretentious, begins
work from a young age.

German Shepherd Dogs are some of the best police and military dogs:
during the First World War, they carried out investigative
functions, after which the armies and police of different countries took on
German shepherd service.

German Shepherd считается одной из самых умных собак. By
it is universal for its intended purpose: it is not only good working
dog, but also the best companion.

Height – 55-65 cm, weight – 22-40 kg.

Даже самые сильные и мощные породы dogs, которые помогают в
working purposes can be for a man loving, loyal
companion and friend.

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