Top 10 biggest dogs in the world. Features andthe qualities possessed by the biggest dogs in the world.

WITHр, 18 апр 2018 Автор: Оксана Шеповалюк

Large dogs can become a reliable friend to each family member.
Below is a ranking that lists the largest dogs in
the world.


1. English Mastiff

Английский мастиф является самой большой собакой в the world. Breed
appeared in England and is considered the biggest dog in Europe. Weight
dogs is not less than 70 kilograms, but there are cases when
the weight of the mastiff reached 150 kilograms. For example, English Mastiff
nicknamed Zorba was included in the Gines Book of Records for tremendous weight
in 155 kilograms. These powerful and powerful animals inspire awe, but in
the same time they are distinguished by their love of peace, balance and good-natured
temper Therefore, they will become not only a reliable guard dog and
guard, but also a devoted companion friend.

2. Spanish Mastiff

This type of mastiff was derived in Spain. Primordial
the purpose of the dog is to guard the farms and hunt. Growth
кобеля составляет минимум 77 сантиметров, а суки — 72. Weight же
varies in the range of 70-120 kilograms. This giant dog
rather unusual look. It is distinguished by strength, power and
performance In the family, Spanish mastiffs are obedient,
do not show aggression. They are gentle and tender. Dogs required
space and constant training, it is not necessary to contain them in the apartment.
They need love and attention to themselves.


St. Bernard is another biggest dog in the world, for her
characterized by large size and loyalty to man. Growth взрослых собак
an average of 90 centimeters, and a weight of at least 70 kilograms. Often
St. Bernards are found weighing more than 100 kilograms. Earlier this
Breed used to rescue people caught in an avalanche. AND
today they can be found on the snowy slopes. St. Bernards very
obedient, adore people and very carefully treat children. But there is
they have the only drawback. They do not like small breeds of dogs.
When puppies grow up together, there is a chance that they will get along. If dog
somewhere lost, he will definitely find the way to the house.

4. Pyrenean Mastiff

Эти огромнейшие собаки были выведены в ANDспании. At first
Pyrenean Mastiff used as a shepherd’s dog. Height
Male 77-81 centimeters, females – 72-75. Average weight is 70-80
kilogram, but there are individuals more than 100 kg. These large and muscular
Mastiffs harmoniously folded. They are reliable and insightful. WITH
alert to others, very supportive of children.
Representatives of this breed due to their remarkable qualities
very often used as personal security guards. WITHобаки любят бегать и
long walk, so the apartment for their place of residence is not

5. German dog

Great Dane – the highest dog. WITHамый маленький рост кобеля
— 80 сантиметров, сучки — 72. Weight великана может достигать 90
kilogram. By the qualities of the character of the dog are quite cheerful and
sociable. They are very good-natured, so they will get along nicely in
family. Most of all, Great Dane likes to be surrounded
family members, so it’s better not to leave him alone for long. For
The breeds are characterized by a wonderful memory and natural slowness that
need to consider when training. These noble and elegant animals
feel well the mood of the host, so they will become faithful to him
a friend.

6.Tibetan Mastiff

This breed is considered one of the oldest. Formerly mastiffs served in
monasteries of Tibet as watchmen also assisted the nomads in
Himalayas. Growth: кобель — от 99 сантиметров, сука — от 61
centimeter. Weight варьирует от 60 до 85 kilogram. Have tibetan
Mastiffs are thick wool, so they can be kept on the street round
year. For этой породы характерны: сдержанность, спокойствие,
independence, cleanliness. WITHобаки отлично живут в семье и
well guard the house. ANDм нужна дрессировка, строгая дисциплина и
socialization. In the absence of experience in handling dogs, this
breed is not recommended to start.


Newfoundland is not only one of the biggest dogs in the world, but
and one of the most popular. Breed выводилась в Канаде. At first
dogs used as workers. ANDх ещё называют водолазами, так как
their fingers are connected by membranes. AND у них прекрасные способности к
swimming, which makes them good lifeguards. Weight кобелей в среднем
60-70 kilograms, bitches 44-54. WITHреди рекордсменов был пёс весом 120
kilogram. Newfoundland’s unique feature is its ability
decide for yourself. These useful dogs are not only gigantic
size and tremendous strength, but also affectionate character.


Boerboel – service dog originally from South Africa. Like many
Mastiffs in this dog are well developed security qualities. Growth в
withers: male 64-70 centimeters, female 59-65 centimeters. Weight может
достигать 90 kilogram. For этой крупной и мощной собаки характерны
following qualities: endurance, good reaction, strength, agility.
Burbuli require constant physical activity, they need a long and
walking exhaustingly. If not, the dog may
spontaneously pounce on a stranger, the consequences will be


This large pedigree dog was bred in Germany. Leonberger
distinguished by their power and temperament equilibrium. ANDх
can be used as a strong guard, faithful companion,
favorite family dog. Growth сук 65-75 сантиметров, а кобелей 72-80
centimeters. Weight питомца может достигать 80 kilogram. Leonberger
love people, friendly to children, not aggressive and different
obedience. They are well trained and self-confident. Individuals of this
breeds will be a good companion in all situations of life.

10.ANDрландский волкодав

Эта порода была выведена в ANDрландии для охоты. AND входит в список
the biggest dogs of the world. An average of 80 centimeters height weight
собаки достигает 55 kilogram. ANDрландский волкодав относится к
group of hounds tall dogs. WITHамый маленький рост кобеля -79
centimeters, and bitches 71. Despite such dimensions, dogs are kind and
спокойный temper They love children, are loyal to their master and are great.
are amenable to training.

If you want to have the biggest dog in the world,
you need to try to provide your pet with good conditions for
of existence.

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