The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Every person has their weaknesses and vulnerable
places that he sometimes diligently hides. After all, no one
I want to get hit in a vulnerable spot at the most unexpected moment.
But, knowing what a person may have weaknesses, you can correctly
build communication with him and bring the relationship in the direction that
It seems the most harmonious and fruitful.

It will help to know the person better, look into his soul and
to see what he perceives especially reverently and keenly, will help
astrology. So, what are the weaknesses of the beautiful half
of humanity?



The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Aries – женщины порой бывают слишком упрямыми, своенравными и
persistent, and this pathological persistence often becomes
the cause of the collapse of the relationship and many troubles that now and then
befall with rams. Stubbornness and excessive pride as if
they blind the ladies – the rams, cover them with veil and deprive many
pleasures and joys of life. For a woman – ram is also huge
value are close people who are nearby. To them she never
will say no, will not refuse the request. This fact is often used
surrounding, manipulating ram.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Taurus – дамы не способны устоять перед соблазнами и
sensual pleasures. Often they make fatal mistakes.
under the influence of hormones and minute rush: can change a loved one
eg. Another pronounced weakness is
uncontrollable passion for food. For women – calves food is
joy of life. They can’t eat right, they can’t
refuse harmful, high-calorie food, therefore often face
with weight and health problems.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Twins, являясь одними из самых спокойных, домашних и
loving zodiac signs are extremely vulnerable when it comes to
home and especially children. Family is a private space, it is special
a world where there is no entrance for strangers. Twins могут совершать
crazy deeds in the name of family and children, if needed – even
turn the world around. Of the women – twins often get concerned
mommies. If the enemy wants to hurt the twin, he should be hurt,
причинить боль  или зло кому-то из его детей, нарушить покой в
his house, however, in this case, one should expect the most cruel
retaliatory strike from an enraged twin woman.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Woman – cancer panicked fear of loneliness. She can survive
anything, to cope with any complexity that arises in her
of life. After all, cancer is extremely hardworking, diligent and
responsible creation, but to survive alone she can not. Under
the severity of loneliness cancer quickly breaks. Most women –
cancer is afraid to remain useless, unclaimed.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Lionesses are used to being the center of attention, getting enthusiastic
compliments, to see the admiration in the eyes of those with whom they communicate.
The weak point of the lionesses is their vanity, their innate need to shine,
to beat everyone on the spot and burn in the sky with a bright star. This
weakness brings many disappointments, offenses and pain to the lionesses,
makes them act against their own will. To cheat
seduce, conquer the lioness, make it fall into the net,
it is enough to convince her that she is the only queen
Inimitable and incomparable ruler.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Virgin – рациональные, практичные существа, которые привыкли во
all rely on their brilliant logic. They do not believe intuition,
for them the truth is only that which can be proved and substantiated. Weak
the place of women – virgins is absolutely undeveloped sensitivity,
lack of intuition and harmony with their sensual world. At that,
what seems to the virgins their greatest strength and dignity can
profitable to play. After all, maidens are blind, obstinately following the laws
logic and ignoring your own heart. Astrologers advise
Representatives of this sign to pay more attention to their
desires, calls of the soul and learn to listen to the heart.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Representatives of this sign are easy to deceive;
to persuade them, to make them follow, to believe in
false values. Libra слишком зависимы от чужого мнения. They
accustomed to trusting others more than themselves. For this reason
women – scales often face deception, hypocrisy, also
lose what is dear to them, starting with money, other material
values ​​and ending with your favorite people. Enemies know about
susceptibility of ladies – weights to someone else’s influence and use it in
selfish purposes.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Many astrologers claim that scorpio is a sign
having the most powerful energy, because of what he can
detect a minimum of weakness. But, nevertheless, he has them.
Women scorpions are unimaginably very afraid of what their feelings
rejected that they will play like a toy. Scorpio any
avoids emotional distress and seeks to maintain distance
even with your favorite people. Hurt the lady – the scorpion for the sick
The place is very easy. The thing is that if it binds to
man then becomes psychologically dependent on him. Her feelings
overly strong, be it hate or love.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

The weakness of a woman – archer is her naivety,
gullibility, the holy belief that honesty and decency rule
the world. She is as honest with people as possible and sincere with them, in return.
expects the same attitude. These are immaculate creations, not
capable of doing evil, throwing a stone at a person, some of them
have mazakhist inclinations.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Fear of failure – the weak spot of women – Capricorns.
Representatives of this sign acutely perceive any, even the most
minor failures. They уходят в себя, замыкаются в своих
мыслях и теряют связь с внешним the world. Capricorn should always
to win, everything else becomes for him the tragedy of the Ecumenical


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

Women – Aquarius, perhaps, are most afraid of seeing in life.
yourself older, worthless, unattractive. Wild fear of
flying fast, the fear of growing old, becoming decrepit and
helpless can bring a lady – a representative of this sign to
mental disorders. Through this fear by a woman –
Aquarius is easy to manipulate.


The weak point of women in the sign of the zodiac

The pronounced self-esteem of fish sometimes
goes beyond the boundaries of reason. They чрезвычайно подозрительны с
people, the slightest mistake and inattention can be considered for
insult and humiliation. Offended fish burns bridges, destroys
relationship, reserves destruction. Therefore with fish
quite difficult to communicate. Hitting the fish is enough
her dignity. Then she will be slain, crushed and crushed.

Weaknesses of each person if desired and
sufficient perseverance can be turned into tremendous advantages.
For this you need to work hard on yourself and every day.
to defeat the most important opponent – own

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