The third eyelid in a cat: what it is and whyarises. The treatment of the third century in the cat

Ср, 14 мар 2018 Автор: Татьяна Качук

The eyes of cats look magical, not only because of the incredible
color combinations, but also because of the bizarre change of the pupil in
depending on the amount of color. The cat’s eye contains a membrane
known as the third eyelid. You may never have seen him
because it is a sign of health problems. If you notice the third
cat eyelid, you just need to know about the possible causes and
treatment of diseases.


What is the third eyelid in a cat?

The scientific name of this membrane, located in the eyes of several
mammals, including cats, blinks, which
also known as the third eyelid or fitting membrane. This is a fabric
located around the cornea, conjunctiva and mucous membrane.
The third eyelid is usually hidden out of sight in the central (also
known as the medial – near the nose) part of the eye socket. AT
unlike the other two eyelids, which open and close,
moving up and down, the third eyelid slides back and forth along
eye from center to out. This is a wet membrane that can be
pigmented (dark), or may not have pigment and,
consequently be pale or pink (due to blood vessels,
which pass through it). The role of the third century is to
protect the eyeball from penetrating any outsider
subject and from various injuries. It is also responsible for the release
fluids, antiseptic properties which are able to deal with
bacteria and microorganisms that may cause irritation and
inflammatory process. If you notice the third веко у кошки либо в
one eye, or both, it may indicate a failure in
body and disease.

The third eyelid in a cat: the reasons for lunge

Some sources claim that the appearance of this membrane
associated with intestinal parasites and digestive problems, whereas
others claim that the problem is with the eye itself. ATот
some of the most common factors that can cause
appearance of the third century:

– Conjunctivitis. This eye infection not only causes
appearance of the third century, but also causes swelling, redness and

– Dehydration. When a cat suffers from severe water shortages,
the appearance of this eye tissue is a sign of serious
health condition that should be treated by a specialist.

– Medications, especially tranquilizers, called
acepromazine, can cause the protrusion of the century. After discontinuation of the drug
everything returns to normal.

– Bruised. Any head injury (even at first glance
slight) may affect the eyes.

– Foreign body. ATсе, что попадает в глаза кошки, будь то
debris, dust or something else will cause this membrane to appear,
since this is the mechanism that prevents further
penetration of a foreign body into the eyeball.

– Crayfish. The emergence of the third century may affect the formation
cancer cells.

– Hove syndrome. The appearance of the blink membrane in this case
associated with an intestinal problem (such as diarrhea) or the presence of

– Horner’s syndrome. Neurological condition called
Horner’s syndrome, can cause the emergence of the third century. it
condition often occurs after cleaning the ears, because one of
the nerves going to the eye pass through the ear. If drumming
the membrane is damaged during cleaning, the nerve may be irritated,
leading to the occurrence of the syndrome that passes
self after some time.

– Genetics. Some breeds of cats, such as the Burmese, are more
prone to the emergence of the third century.

Third eyelid in a cat: symptoms

Look at your cat in bright light, look at your eyes. Have
healthy pet they should be clear and bright, and the area
around the pupil should be white. Wrap a cat with a towel to
she couldn’t break free gently with her thumb
move the lower eyelid – inside it should be pink. Not red
and not white. If during the inspection you notice several symptoms
from the list, this may indicate problems. Third eyelid
may not occur immediately.

– tearing;

– red or white inner eyelids;

– dried pus in the corners of the eyes;

– parted eyes;

– dull eyes;

– the third eyelid.

Third eyelid у кошки: лечение

Due to various reasons that may lead to
flashing membrane takes up more space in the eye than it should
there are several types of treatment, since everything depends on
source of anomaly.

— AT случае обезвоживания вы должны дать кошке много влажной пищи
and water to stop the process. It is also recommended to take a cat.
to the vet so that he prescribes supportive drugs and,
possibly droppers.

— AT случае конъюнктивита, ран, инородных тел в глазах, только
The vet’s diagnosis will be able to determine the next step. Can be
eye drops and other medications are prescribed.

– In cancer, surgical and radiation therapy is recommended.

– Howes syndrome should disappear on its own as soon as
intestinal and digestive problems causing the appearance of the membrane,
will disappear. A fight with diseases of the digestive tract and parasites follow under
clear guidance of the doctor.

– If the cause of the third century is genetic,
the vet will use medical research to
determine whether the third eyelid affects the eyesight of the cat and causes
the discomfort.

Third eyelid у кошки: когда не стоит волноваться

ATы, скорее всего, увидите третье веки своей кошки, когда она
asleep it не редкость для кошек спать с приоткрытыми глазами и
visible third eyelid covering the eyeball. Have некоторых
Cats by nature are bulging third eyelids.
For example, many Siamese can observe this. Both of these situations
are permanent and normal. ATладельцы таких кошек обычно не
pay attention and do not follow the century of pets, because it was
seen throughout life. AT этих ситуациях, как правило, не
worth worrying about.

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