The swallow flew into the house or made a nest. Which onewhat will happen?

The swallow flew into the house or made a nest. Which one what will happen?

Swallows are mentioned by different nations of the world, with them
connected a lot will take and superstitions. What is the most interesting – they are all
bring positive changes in a person’s life, help him with his
presence Swallows often make their nests in homes;
that even fly inside. This rare occurrence has generated many
will take

What happens to households, if under the roof of the house
swallow live? And if the birds left their nest, is it bad?
Is it true that a swallow who has flown into a house can bring
cardinal changes for its inhabitants?

We will understand in detail in all matters.


A bit of history

The ancient Egyptians swallow was a symbol of loyalty, promised a speedy
the appearance of a child in the family, patronized the sailors. The ancients
Swallows brought love to the Greeks. The Chinese believed that this little
the bird brings change, and the Japanese personified it with
maternal care. Ukrainian legends talk about how
The swallow protected people from a dangerous snake. Poles tell
the legend of how a young girl who was stolen turned around
Swallow and returned to the fold. In Belarus, there is a legend that
that the swallow tried to remove the crown of thorns and the head of Jesus

Swallow is mentioned in religion. In Buddhism, she personifies
enlightenment, in Christianity – a new stage of life, including after
of death. The ancients often associated with the swallow the cult of the Great

As you can see, the swallow personifies something good, good,
preserving There are no negative references to swallows.

Swallow flew into the house

If we consider the signs of the ancient Slavs, then everything is not so
positively. Our ancestors believed that such a phenomenon promises troubles or
even the death of a family member. Some experts believe
that this is due to the fact that witches and sorcerers of that time often
used birds for ceremonies. True in our day
such superstitions are no longer relevant. Signs related to
Swallows, carry only positive meaning. Need with respect
treat an unexpected guest, then everything will be fine.

What are the signs associated with swallows, randomly flown in

  • The bird flew into the house and flew back without any help.
    – wait for a holiday in the house.
  • If an unmarried girl lives in the house, let her get ready for an ambulance
  • A flying bird rushes, shouts, beats against walls, it means
    troubles may soon begin in the family. Special attention
    It is necessary to draw on the health of households.
  • Swallow quietly flies, sits down on the furniture and just
    chirps, then in the family there will be good news.
  • If the bird flew through the window, it promises cardinal
    change. There is a superstition that in this way the departed relatives try
    Warn about events that are unpredictable.
  • Swallow flew into the house весной, жизнь будет благополучной во
    all senses.
  • Special attention следует уделить такой примете: ласточка
    flew through the window, left the house through the door – death will overtake
    someone living in the house.
  • If you flew through the door, and left the house through the window, it is kind
    omen Either you yourself will soon visit, or your
    friends. It may also happen replenishment in the family or there will be new
    the tenants.
  • Swallow flew to the balcony – wait for a letter or good news.
    If after the bird flew into the house – you expect a nice
    a meeting.

It is very important not to catch the swallow, not to hinder it from moving
home, otherwise all the good signs will turn into negative.

The swallow flew into the house or made a nest. Which one what will happen?

What to do with a bad omen

If it happened that the sign turned out to be negative, you should not
immediately get scared and worry. With our thoughts and words we are very
we program a lot ourselves. If you think about the bad, it is necessary
will happen. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to neutralize the bad omen.

The method is very simple – a logical explanation of what happened.
For example, if a swallow flew into a house in such a way that superstition
promises a negative, learn about it. Perhaps the bird attracted
search for food. Give her crumbs, cereal or sugar when she flies away, not
nothing bad will happen. Some signs say that after
when the swallow flies away, you can sprinkle sugar on the threshold of the house.

Also, when the bird will fly away from your house, ask it
take all the troubles and tribulations with you.

The swallow flew into the house or made a nest. Which one what will happen?

The main thing is that in no case should you chase her away, do you harm or harm
catch. Saturate the herald by delicacy, it will definitely help.
neutralize the negative. Also recommended after visiting the house
Swallow to throw away all the unnecessary, trash, old things that nobody
not wearing, chipped dishes and the like. So you free the house
for good.

Swallow Nest

You can immediately say if the swallow has built a nest on the house – the whole
the family will have a great happiness.

In addition to good events, birds protect the house from
detractors and various encroachments.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the behavior of the swallows, when
you come acquaintances, friends and relatives. For example you
noticed that the birds began to behave noisy and restless, fly into and
fly out of the nest – your guest has hidden bad intentions,
may even be dangerous for you.

Also important is the place that the swallow has chosen
for your nest. If the bird house is on the roof,
spheres of life will succeed. Nests under the roof promises
the end of difficult times, the onset of calm and peace.
It happens that swallows build their nest right in the house, for example, in
extension or veranda, gazebo, which is part of the house.

In this case, you can be confident in the strength of your family.
The swallow will never settle where there is a bad atmosphere, where
often swear, do not like each other. If there is a nest in the window,
mean unmarried family members, young people and girls, soon
will enter into a strong relationship that will lead to marriage.

Found a nest of swallows in a shed or barn – yours
the farm will be successful, increase, life will be adjusted,
will improve.

Remember, in no case do not drive the swallows out of the nest, not
ruin, do not touch them. Otherwise you may bring upon your house and
of all households grief, illness, adversity, loss of luck.

No wonder different nations of the world are united in their opinion –
the appearance of a swallow or a nest promises good, for the most part.
Try to appease the new guests, feed them, provide
safe stay within your home. Then swallow
reward you with luck and happiness.

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