The story of one dating

Sat, Jan 23, 2016

He met I can say quite by accident. Walking
one summer evening in the park with a friend, we met him. is he
approached us and asked where in our city there is a cinema. AT
his appearance immediately struck by some kind of lightness and
ease. So not getting to our local guys.

is he выглядел немного скучающим и явно жаждал внимания от нас.
Lena, my friend, he seems to have liked. I, by nature more
cautious and prudent, not in a hurry to somehow evaluate
stranger We quickly talked and despite the fact that he talked
he is more with Lena, it was clear that he draws attention to
me. My head ached that evening from piled up
problems and I was not in the mood to flirt with a guy.
Albeit so cute.

Our evening stretched out until almost midnight and we managed to show him
Not only our cinema, but also many local attractions.
Having run away for the night shift, Lena left us alone and Artem, – so
They called this charming guy, escorted me to my house. WITH
it was easy and she was very much like some old character
American melodramas, with his Hollywood smile.

Saying goodbye to me, he somehow looked at me especially as if
wanting to read my mind. AT этот момент я почувствовала, что во мне
something woke up and, not wanting to lose touch with him, I left him
my phone number. WITHМWITHки стали поступать тут же, но я не была
configured for long communication and, after drinking coffee, lay down
sleep. In the morning I decided to get up early, because today my friend’s
work is a birthday, but I have not yet chosen what I will give her. I
I was going to go to the hairdresser, from there to the store and to Anka. But
suddenly remembered Artyom and realized that you can go to the evening with
by him. I dialed his number – he was as though surprised by my
I did not refuse to call me, but I did not refuse to spend the evening.

On the way to the salon I thought about him. I до сих пор не могла сама
understand what is so attractive about him. Charming smile or
his hoarse velvety voice? WITHкорее всего их сочетания. Maybe
be, I was just attracted by everything new. Having seen him the second time, I
was much more impressed. is he явно постарался произвести на
I was impressed and looked impeccable.

ATзяв меня под руку, мы не спеша пошли на остановку и, в ожидании
bus, I just could not take my eyes off him. is heи просто
glowed and it was doubly pleasant to realize that the reason for this
I am exactly. On the holiday there were many guests and on their background we
Artem as if lost. ATпрочем, на не так были интересны
people around us and we enjoyed talking to each other. is he
talked a lot about himself, but his main feature,
which bribed me was that he was excellent
the listener.

I твердо ощущала, что ни с одним человеком мне не было так
easy, free and easy. is he практически не выпивал, вел
very restrained myself, but I couldn’t help but notice that interest with
which the girls looked at him. Yes, he is incredibly handsome and only in
This moment I finally understood it.

When the guests began to disperse, Anka did not ambiguously looked
на me. is heа, кажется всё понимала, но я не стала ничего ей
explain, postponing a frank conversation on working days. we
said goodbye to her and went for a walk with Artem in the night city. Butчь
was incredibly romantic – the hot evening was replaced by a warm rain
and we enjoyed these moments as if we were living the last days.
we шли и просто смотрели друг на друга.

WITHлишком много было сказано и теперь уже, в эту ночь, слова были
superfluous. I не знала что нас ждет с ним впереди, хотя и чувствовала,
that for a long time this wonderful feeling cannot be held back. Artyom should
был уезжать на утреннем поезде обратно в WITHимферополь. we оба
understood it and this made our attraction stronger and stronger.
feelings – stronger. We spent the rest of the night in his room, having met
рассвет вместе.we не спали уже больше суток. It was the last day
my vacation and, unfortunately, the last day and our meeting with him.
Despite the sleepless night, Artem looked vigorous and energetic. AT
eyes were traced by some kind of regret, which, in general, he and
did not hide. I не хотела его отпускать, но и умолять его остаться
also could not.

I не знаю любила ли его или это было просто увлечение. But still
I could not see him off at the station without tears. is he обнимал меня и
whispered in his ear that this is not the end that he will call and come
still. I знала, что может быть и встретимся еще когда-нибудь, но
ощущение того, что я теряю что-то безвозвратно, не покидало me.
Not when he got on the train, not when I cried,
leaving the station.

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