The secret to a healthy relationship. Treatment andanger prevention

Tue, 08 Nov 2016

How often, during disputes, do emotions get the better of your mind?
Have you ever been ashamed for speaking a man?
The ancient Greeks argued that by succumbing to anger, you teach yourself to
anger That is, anger is just a bad habit. More often
you give free rein to negative emotions, the harder it will be to hold you back
them in the future.

But the ancient Chinese came to the conclusion that anger affects the liver.
Angry people most often suffer from liver disease. By the way
statistics confirms this discovery of the Chinese.

In addition, thoughtless actions are so bad for
family relationships! How to learn to manage your

Many psychotherapists say that to train their own
feelings should be right from infancy! They argue that the mother should
stay with your baby for as long as possible and approach him
his every requirement. She is obliged to protect the child from unrest,
so that he does not get used to the feeling of fear. Children are less prone to anger
and irritability. They get used to all these feelings, and
becoming adults, forget about unreasonable happiness and unbridled

What to do if you have already grown out of infancy and so
accustomed to anger, which is different and can not?

Is treatment necessary?

Many psychologists believe that every conflict must
to happen. A man should not save his malice. However we all
We know that there are different ways to solve problems. Scream is
the worst of them. There is no doubt that you should discuss negative
moments of life with colleagues, family and friends, but you need to do it
calmly Your task is to get rid of the problem and not throw it out.

Conflict Prevention

If we take for granted that a person is used to conflicting and
emotionally responds to any kind of irritants just by
habit, then the logical question is: how to quit? Yes, it turns out smoking and
alcohol is not the most powerful drugs …

To prevent anger, you need to maintain health in your
nervous system. Avoid overvoltages at work, stress and

  • Love your job

For many, this will seem strange and impossible. We are used to
hate work This is a stereotype of some kind. Humble already
finally or leave. Why complain about life and continue it
live the same way? A battered expression, but the second will not,
try to at least find something new.

If you can not change the place, it is necessary to reconcile.
Anyway, you’re not going anywhere. For example, in Japan in some
companies in the middle of the day for a few minutes include sounds
Homeric laughter to cheer up staff and
improve their quality of work. You can try, although most
even half of the working day does not help our compatriots,
held in Youtube!

  • Sport

As conflict situations teach us the emotions of anger, so sport
helps to get used to the joy! Take up the sport that
you especially like: figure skating, tennis, or volleyball
bowling. Over time, you will feel a surge of strength before training,
and also get used to experience the joy that will be you
overflow with every little victory.

  • Get rid of irritants to the maximum

Every person is important that surrounds him. If you don’t
like the atmosphere in your office – try to make it
more pleasant. Bring your favorite figurines, remove the picture, ask
bosses rearranged the table to another location.

If you don’t нравится ваша квартира, но нет денег на ремонт —
find especially annoying items. Perekleit old wallpaper for
little money is not a problem. Set a goal and find the means
to change the front door is always possible.

Take a closer look at yourself. Redefine your wardrobe. Why do you need
uncomfortable shoes, a sweater, which is pricked and a bag of socks without a pair?
Get rid of unpleasant things. Let little clothes, but only
one that pleases the eye.

  • Do your favorite things

Do your favorite things at least an hour a week – see
old comedies, read books, cross-stitch, cook
sweets. Enjoy life. Learn to rejoice.
Again. As in childhood.

Anger Medications

If anger and irritability are a habit, then we must give up and
no other way. Prevention is good, but our goal is to overcome
negative emotions, completely eliminate them from your life.

Now, any conflicts you can perceive with joy! After all
this is a challenge. How to refuse cigarettes, alcohol or
drug use? They say no to their desires. And how can you say
“no” if there is no conflict, and as a result of anger and
irritability? And the harder (emotionally) the situation,
тем сильнее вы сможете гордиться собой, если победите emotions.

So, there are certain stop methods that will help you.
step back and calm down in any situation.

  • If you’re at home, take a shower. Urgently Yes, now is the time.
    Ice shower will help to quickly relieve stress and forget about the conflict.
  • You can prepare for a quarrel with relatives in advance – collect
    the bottle. No, not to make a “rose” and poke it
    wretched son. In a difficult hour, just grab the bottle and run on
    the street (or to another safe place) – the dishes are beating with happiness.
  • During the quarrel, “disconnect” from the interlocutor. When you sleep, you
    do you hear the movement of cars outside the window? You may not notice the sound
    tv when busy with other things. Count to 10. Completely
    abstract and dive into the bill.

If a regular bill does not help, multiply, add and
subtract numbers in mind. Any. What just come to mind.

  • If you can not listen to the interlocutor, then try
    analyze the situation. Every person considers himself right.
    Think what makes your interlocutor swear? May be,
    are you really wrong? If not, try to understand
    is the opponent really so stupid or can he still
    find an excuse? What is he yelling something?
  • Learn psalm 22, 90, or any prayer. Repeat it in
    stressful situation to yourself.

All this will help to distract from the topic of the dispute and a few will extinguish your
emotions. Learn to be happy. This is real.

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