The rules of living together with a workaholic

Wed, 26 Feb 2014

For most people, “workaholism” is not on the list.
negative qualities. It is rather a positive trait in character.
especially in men. After all, a man who works hard must
definition is good at making money. This fact is appreciated by any woman.
at the initial stage of living together. But when the lady lives
some time with a workaholic, she begins to realize that not all
as cloudless as it seemed before.

Professional success is one of the main priorities in life
men To achieve success and recognition, you have to
work. Initially, the desire of men to work may cause
respect from the ladies of his heart. But over time, craving for work
increases and begins to absorb other interests and vital
Problems. There is a dependence on work.

A workaholic and hardworking person are completely different concepts.
A hardworking person to seek to benefit from the work for themselves,
that is, its activity is aimed at the final result –
profit, salary increase, promotion.

For a workaholic, work is the meaning of all life. Monetary encouragement and
higher positions are secondary concepts.

Psychologists believe that workaholism is due to
dissatisfaction with certain aspects of their lives. So
the way a person seeks to escape from other problems of life.

Real workaholics have distinctive features.

  • Such people start working before everyone else and leave after all
  • Work for workaholics is the meaning of all life.
  • Such people are very afraid of surprises in life.
  • Workaholics do not know how to properly and fully rest.

Workaholism in personal life and family relationships generates a lot
problems. Close people do not receive proper attention from a workaholic.
He can always keep a loved one in suspense and
get annoyed if he is distracted from the workflow. Such
a person becomes irresponsible to housework and personal

How to live with a male workaholic?

Правило 1. Женщина не должна устраивать конфликты с
beloved person and blame him for workaholism. May be formed
vicious circle, and the man will seek salvation from family
troubles at work.

Правило 2. Нужно разузнать у любимого человека, что ему
like and try to create a comfortable home environment so that he
I wanted to go back there.

Правило 3. Нужно отвлекать трудоголика от работы, но
at the same time support his working aspiration. Can say
�“I am so pleased to see that you are committed to your work and you have
target! But to achieve it, you need to look after your health.
and do not forget about the rest. ” With these words, you can offer a man
leisure option.

Правило 4. Трудоголик чувствует себя наиболее комфортно в
working environment. You can create such an environment at home. The man
must understand that family responsibilities are also work. Let him
He feels that he is needed not only in the workplace, but also in the family

Правило 5. В семейные обязанности можно внести элементы
creativity and thereby involve their loved one.

A woman may not pay attention to the increased interest.
beloved to work, and engage in their own hobbies. But in
In this case, workaholism can progress. And this will lead to
the emergence of discomfort in the family. A man may have depression
stress, health problems.

Real workaholics at heart are unhappy people. Therefore not
you should blame the man for workaholism, but try to understand
the reasons for his “privacy” and to help him cope with the “working

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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