The right person syndrome: why notrely on the education system? Is it good to be an excellent studentdo everything right

Вт, 03 апр 2018 BUTвтор: Наталья Белоусова

When you look at how smart and talented children
they dig at school, sit for textbooks for days, something forever
read and write while their peers are resting and having fun,
it becomes a little sad and sad.

Eh, these guys would know what the future holds for most of
of them.



And most of them will be workhorses. Everywhere need
executive officers ready to work for pennies over the years
just because it is necessary. How can you do your job
badly? The authorities will not like it. Career growth will not.

But how does it hurt that a student who learns that his ex
A classmate-troechnik has long bought himself an apartment, a car and
I went with my wife on another vacation on the Cote d’Azur.

What kind of injustice? Why do some plow and plow, while others
get the desired benefits of life faster and easier than others? BUT
very simple. Successful people do not follow the rules 100%. The
rules that are taught in every school and in every university.

What people need the state and society in abundance? The teachers
doctors, engineers, builders and other workers who perform
important social functions. It is advisable that they serve for
small money, because the budget is not rubber. And it is important that
they had no alternative. If everyone suddenly becomes free and starts
do what they really like then in society
there is a shortage of people willing to perform the dirtiest,
ungrateful or just cheap work. BUT работ таких немало.

However, smart and talented people should think that they are valued, and not
just use. How to do it? Create an illusion of them
exclusivity, indispensability. And it begins with school

Rating Scale

Exactly do all the homework that the teacher gave
– get a high rating. Refusing to do something or
you make mistakes – you get a low score. It turns out good and
a successful child is one that does what he is told and
as he is told. The first step in educating the obedient,
The executive and hardworking little man is made.

Further, all sorts of competitions, contests, victories in which
allow you to get all sorts of benefits for admission to the university. AND
the children try, they cram material at nights, slaughter to rest and
communication with parents, friends. Does it occur to them that
budget department of a prestigious university can be entered without
win in the Olympiad? Spending less effort? But how
same We must be the best! AND не важно, какой ценой.

The university continues the same story as the school. Is it
that subjects become more serious, and teachers wear costumes
more decently. But the essence does not change. You listen to a lecture, you write it in
abstract, reproduced at the seminar and the exam. Stuffing
head with tons of information that supposedly makes you

You get a coveted diploma and get to work. No matter,
did the university knowledge remain in the head most
employees quickly pour into a working rhythm. Many even
wonder why so many years it was necessary to study. After all
answer the phone, fill out sample papers and
almost everyone can organize small events.


Yesterday’s honors begin to feel trapped. Knowledge
there is, the ability to eat, ambitions hoo, that’s just to realize them
is impossible. You still need to grow to the head, but in low positions
I have to deal with any nonsense, and even for a penny. AND стоило
Is it so straining to study?

Not worth it. School and university will never give that knowledge and
skills that are really useful in life and are necessary for
making money. Why do they need it? Just think.

Why losers can become successful?

Often, formal education hurts a person more than
helps. After all мозг тоже имеет границы. It can not absorb
useless information in tons and at the same time continue normally
function. In addition, the brain constantly needs to receive
confirmation of the facts, to realize knowledge in practice. For example,
read a man in a recipe for an omelet. AND это блюдо нужно
cook as soon as possible. ANDначе новый рецепт — хлам для
the brain.

However, there is no practice at the university. ANDли она чисто
nominal. The brain is stuffed and stuffed with theories, definitions,
instructions. BUT толку?

It is better to use one working scheme at once, than to know
theories that there are dozens of cool solutions.

Unfortunately, after graduation, an excellent student does not receive
necessary experience and at work. Yes, in his work book remain
records that he worked there somewhere. So she knows something. But this
too narrow experience. It refers to a specific post. AND
every time you have to start everything in a new way.

How a person can become free, learn to earn
money and live for fun?

By trial and error, using constant practice. Than before
he will start working for himself, for money (and not for an idea or for supposedly
bright future), the better. If you do not have enough knowledge, you need
make acquaintances with specialists, communicate with them, read
professional literature, attend courses, seminars. receive
education, but not for the crust, but for a specific job.
You need to concentrate not on everything in order to get high
grades and diploma, but only on the necessary information.

AND, конечно, не стоит быть слишком правильным. Right people
bring enormous benefits to society, their teachers and employers.
However, they are rarely satisfied with their own lives.

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