The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Well, when you’re lucky in everything, but what to do,
if luck suddenly appears and suddenly disappears? Does it affect
Is this the zodiac sign under which the man was born? let’s
let’s figure it out.

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Top 3 most unlucky signs of the zodiac

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Раки – они и сами склонны считать себя
losers, perhaps this is the reason for all their bad luck.
Cancers often underestimate their self-esteem, constantly trying to rebel
against events, adversities, but often they themselves create before

They are often not lucky in love, as they come up with for themselves
image of a lover, fall in love not with a man, but with his
perception of it. Therefore, when the fog clears and Raki
begin to take a sober look at the advantages and disadvantages of a partner –
relationships fall apart before our eyes. Therefore, cancer considers itself

In Finance, Cancers take no risks, they try their best
difficult things to postpone until later, but so to them and not
are returning.

Cancers have too much responsibility for themselves and for others, they
not willing to invest in a risky business, even if you know for sure
that will get a good profit.

That is why in finance they are not lucky as much as
they wanted. They are often jealous of friends and acquaintances, it seems to them that
others are much more lucky. Just others more often about it.
think and do a lot for their well-being, whereas
cancer is increasingly in the shadow of events.

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Козероги – они очень переживают о правильности
their decisions, they have to be in control, you can’t give
misfire, you can not take the wrong decision, because all life
can go wrong. They do not believe in luck, they believe that
everything can be achieved by labor. Maybe that’s why they are wrong
lucky as the rest.

They rarely improvise, love clarity and clarity in everything,
even in domestic trifles, therefore, never allow themselves
more. They achieve everything by hard work and never
will risk playing the lottery, suddenly change jobs, change
relations. What if they made a mistake and only make themselves worse? For what
All these unwarranted risks?

Capricorns are well aware if they plan large
shopping, then nothing can happen and that’s because they just
no luck

They will have to prepare for important matters in advance, otherwise they will end up
vprosak and very much because of this upset.

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Девы – не то, чтобы им совсем уж не везёт,
they just miss the most important opportunities. They are very long
weigh the pros and cons and almost never rely on
intuition. Cold mind and cold calculation – that’s what drives them.
They can not just go somewhere to relax, they need everything
weigh and coordinate. They can’t just be with someone.
meet on the street and just start a conversation, they need
Be sure to explain all this.

Why exactly this person they met and why
Today? And why they just got such a wonderful case, no
Is this a trick, maybe it’s all a bad joke? They are with great
mistrust refers to everything new and it prevents to build them
happy life

It so happens that the Virgo knocks out the leaders, get a chance to change
work, receive gifts and other benefits of life, but for a long time
may believe that they are so lucky that they will not have to for everything
these benefits pay nothing.

Virgos just have to believe in their luck and not
give up the opportunities that life provides, although
they are not as many as we would like.

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac, поговорим об остальных

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Тельцы – им часто не везёт из-за и
absent-mindedness, they very often forget to bring the matter to the end,
forget about the agreements, forget about gratitude to other people,
who helped them to equip life. This forgetfulness is played with
Taurus a cruel joke, in the end, they themselves miss the wonderful
opportunities for development and life gives them enjoyable

Tauruses in life have to achieve
on their own, they have no one to count on, because they
unfairly reacted to their work and now they have to
wait for the situation to be resolved.

They are also not lucky in communicating with the opposite sex, they can
be too persistent, or boring, therefore, women, not seeing
in their prospects, they simply bypass.

In order to become more successful, Tauruses should become more
responsible and not trying to teach someone all the time, then to them
will be treated more loyally. But, at Taurus fate – just
pursue by yourself. Of course, if they become more
flexible and flexible, they can achieve much faster
the desired result, but as long as they try to stand on their own – they don’t
get what they want so much.

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac

Весы – им может не везти только потому, что они
too doubt of themselves and their abilities. They need more
trust yourself and your intuition, do not try to deceive yourself and destiny,
be sure that they will achieve what they want.

They also should not share their plans with great by quantity
people, it is better to remain silent, to keep ambitious plans in secret, so
how they will be greatly envied and this may prevent them from reaching

Libra is not lucky because of his own kindness. They
too quickly open to people and not afraid that people
just do not take them seriously.

Their kindness is used, even their best friends can take away from
they are a happy chance to change jobs, they can take away the beloved.
The thing is, if Libra is lucky, they don’t believe in it for a long time and
for a long time do not use the new features that gives them life.
Therefore, they miss opportunities to develop further.

Many Libra are trying to immediately share the money won
they try to make everyone around them well when they themselves are overtaken
joy. But this only leads to the fact that they continue to be very
much to envy. Ambient may think that you are too
lucky that everything is very easy for them to even try to interfere in
Libra life and prevent them from developing. But do not be discouraged, good luck
rarely, but smiles at Libra.

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