The most obedient children on zodiac sign

The most obedient children on zodiac sign

Obedient children are not fiction, they exist! Here is
only obedience is different – it can be innate or
appears out of fear of being punished. And sometimes a little man
just does not have time to process the information as quickly as they want


Children, whom nature has given a light character

Many traits are laid at birth, and influence
planets play a significant role in this.


Angelic appearance, vulnerability, shy smile can introduce
deceive anyone. Since childhood, these cute creatures
begin to manipulate parents and their surroundings.

If the mother says clean up the room, the child will not
to argue, but it will be so slow that the work will be done

Without creating conflict situations, with the help of a sweet smile,
the child will subjugate all those around him.


Modest, calm, benevolent Virgins never go
in spite of parents. They do not wait for tantrums and whims,
toys will always be folded, and lessons are done.

Parents are happy to watch as a child
diligently performs the assignment, in good faith applies to any

Such a child is very important to support close people – if the baby
in the family comfortable, he feels more confident.


Incredibly obedient and ineligible children. They are by nature endowed
weak character, it is easier to obey than to cause even a semblance

The softness of the character constantly forces them to yield,
retreat and put someone else’s opinion in the first place.

Because of their quiet nature, kids love quiet games and
friendly environment. They will never refuse to parents
help, they will do whatever they ask.

Parents, do not forget to praise your baby, and he
bloom before your eyes.

The task of parents is to teach such a child to appreciate itself, not
afraid to make their choice, to refuse “psevdodruzyam”, which
enjoy the gentleness of his character.


Capricorn inherent responsibility and accuracy. They up to
extremes are executive.

You can be sure – any order they will perform at least
and slowly, but neatly and in good faith.

Parents do not have conflicts with such a child;
they are interested in educational games, he prefers to walk in the street with
parents, and the house itself will find a quiet lesson.

Patience and a little effort

Are you sure that the child understands you correctly? Sometimes change
parenting tactics will surprise you.


Loving and affectionate children, very caring. Stubbornness which
sometimes manifest, easy to extinguish with a soft smile and
friendly talk. Very responsive to maternal care,
but are capricious. Sometimes the baby has emotional
explosions, and he wants to go against parents, but this state
passes quickly if attention is paid to the child.

Taurus easily manage conviction, affection and
reasoned request.

They are independent, rejoice in the world around, they see everything
positive traits.


Плаксивые, чувствительные Crayfishи откликаются на терпеливое участие
parents. They are easy to manage, given their emotional

They are addicted to the opinions of others, but with an incredible feeling.
dignity. Подчиняться Crayfishи будут только при уважительном к себе

Дети-Crayfishи отличаются искренней любовью к матери, но это не
prevents them from disobeying her and doing everything in their own way. Only friendly
engaging, patient talking and using harmless
�”Tricks” can be achieved to make the child obedient.


They would be glad to be obedient, but at the same time cling to
so many things to forget about their promises. With parents not
argue, share secrets with them, but they will surely embellish their
story fantasy.

They love increased attention and will try their best
attract him. Twin будет хорошо себя вести до тех пор, пока им
will be interested.

Aggression and obstinacy in a child increases as soon as it weakens
interest in him. Obedience is no longer a child.
tantrums will overwhelm everyone around him.

Parents should be aware of this trait and be prepared. AT
случае с Twinом действует поговорка: «клин клином вышибают».

ATернуть ребенку послушание может хороший шлепок – только
feeling strong, the baby will obey. But we must remember –
temperament can not be undone, only cripple the psyche.

a lion

ATластные, яркие и сильные личности. Do not allow encroachments
on your person. If you disrespect yourself will respond persistent

They are ambitious and proud, and on these traits you can
play – to achieve his obedience. If the child is stimulated
praise and admiration – he will turn mountains.

Who wins whom

The character of the baby is already laid, but much depends on his environment.
and education. Parents are obliged to take this into account and look for methods like
to cope with the unmanaged child.


Бунтарский характер ребенка-ATодолея может проявляться
differently. He can go all in defiance and may pursue his
goals “peaceful” pressure. Does not recognize pressure on himself.

Independent and free – will only do what
he is interested.

AT действиях проявляет нестандартный подход, но при принуждении
loses interest in everything. It becomes apathetic,
irritable, refuses to obey


Vigor and mobility determine the nature of scorpion children.
These are strong natures, inquisitive and very emotional.

Such children are extremely naughty. Cool temper they
manifested since early childhood.

They are secretive, independent, unpredictable, do not tolerate their own and others

ATсегда стремящиеся к лидерству, Scorpioы не подчиняются никому,
any tense situation causes them aggression. Put pressure on
such a child is useless only by finding weak points in its
character, you can achieve obedience.

Such a child not only will not obey, he also revenge,
if you notice an unfair attitude.


Children are so hard to control that you don’t even have to impose
my will. Such a child requires maximum patience, he never
will do what she doesn’t want.

AT свою очередь, он любым способом, истерикой добьется от
parents of what he needs.

Does not tolerate the command tone, responds to rudeness with rudeness, not
likes when they go against his will. Only calm tone and soft
the conversation may not irritate him.


Real fidgets, can not stand the silence, constantly busy with something.
To get such a kid to do hard work that requires
attention is useless.

Sagittarius cannot be crushed, he feels from an early age
�”Adults” and does not obey the decrees.

The parents will listen to the child if
treat as an adult without suppressing his character.

Parents should remember that oppressing the child’s feelings –
oppress his intellect.

ATсе дети настолько разные и индивидуальные, что один и тот же
zodiac sign in every child can manifest itself in different ways and
parents should not rely on common methods

ATНИМАНИЕ! The horoscope should not be a decisive factor in

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