The main advantages and disadvantages of menzodiac sign

The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Deep down, every woman dreams of a fabulous
the prince – the perfect man, able to fulfill all her dreams and
make happy. But the laws of nature are such that nothing perfect
in the world does not happen. People also can not be

Each of us has its own advantages and disadvantages. If a
some women put up with the shortcomings of their beloved man and all their lives
live by adjusting to them, others try to change their
chosen one.

To avoid many troubles in relationships with
partner, you should know in advance what his dignity and
disadvantages and build communication with your loved ones with their account.  WITH
This task will help cope the stars.



The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Мужчины – Aries обладают достоинством, которое импонирует
almost all the ladies without exception: they are very caring and
attentive. Man – Aries is not worth any work
some household chores (wash, clean up, take out
garbage). For him, the help of a beloved woman is not humiliation, but a way
show her that she is dear to him.

Мужчины – Aries – мягкие, легкие на подъем создания, с
easy to make contact with.

But they have several significant drawbacks. First of all,
Aries – мужчины импульсивны. All emotions go out from inside the storm,
ocean covering relatives and relatives. They can commit
thoughtless acts in a fit of anger, happiness or resentment, and then
long to regret their deeds. Secondly, representatives of this sign
too soft to take responsibility
to lead, manage, be the master of the house. They are easier to obey
than issue orders.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Taurus – однолюбы. As a rule, they fall in love once and for all.
If a мужчина – телец выбрал себе женщину, он будет верен ей до
the very end. Also, the calves are very hardworking. They don’t know the word

WITHамый лучший стимул для них – это благо тех, кого они
love Thanks to the great diligence and hard work, the calves are often
achieve great success in their work.

WITHтабильность и надежность – яркие качества их характера. On
male – calf you can always rely on. In this case, the calves are extremely
demanding. Their striking flaw is the tendency to idealize
people with whom they are closely connected, be it mom,
sister or wife. Next to them should be perfect women
which are the best in everything. Misunderstanding of what is ideal
There are no people, just as there are no perfect relationships, often
becomes a stumbling block.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Twins – мужчины обладают большим интеллектом. They are comprehensive
developed, erudite, cultural, interesting-thinking creatures. WITH
a twin man will never be bored. WITH ним всегда будет,
what to be surprised and what to learn. This is the soul of the company, the ideological

But a very unpleasant minus of men – Gemini – this is their
inconstancy in everything. They quickly get tired of the monotony, they
change is vital.

Representatives of this sign is considered a normal betrayal.
They can change the beloved woman, their principles, priorities.
They will not be difficult to suddenly drop everything and start from the very
the beginning.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Crayfish хороши тем, что они мастера на все руки. They are with ease
can do repair, repair of old equipment, construction
useful home appliances. WITH мужчиной-раком быт никогда не
It will be a burden. He is responsive, kind and merciful. Of disadvantages
astrologers distinguish thrift, which often crosses borders
reasonable and turns into stinginess and obsession.

Cancer will not tolerate waste of money. To throw out
at home some old thing, a woman must prove to cancer that
it is completely unsuitable for use.

Otherwise, it is worth waiting for a grand scandal. If a
send a man – cancer to the grocery store, he will bring the most
cheap and substandard ones.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Plus the representatives of this sign is their ability
enjoy life, enjoy simple trifles, every day
turn into a holiday.

Leo is a funny creature with a sense of humor. From him comes
big positive, which is so pleasant to others.

The bright minus of men – lions – is selfishness, inability to listen
to other people’s words and advice. Leo always does what he does
I want to. It doesn’t matter to him what he thinks or
feel close person. The lion easily touches, is rude,
even insulted and did not understand what he did wrong.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Astrologers point out one amazing feature of men – virgins,
which is at the same time their strength and disadvantage.

Virgin – мужчины весьма практичны, рациональны. AT
everyday life in the household this quality brings them a lot

It helps the virgins to increase their finances, correctly calculate
costs and from any business go out winners. But on the other
On the other hand, rationality harms relationships with the opposite sex.
Virgin не опираются на чувства и привыкли все заранее рассчитывать.
So the relationship for them is a kind of contract, where is each side
have their obligations. A man – a virgin must see the benefits


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Libra – мужчины являются очень романтичными существами. They
sensitive, easily vulnerable, dreamy.

ATлюбленный представитель данного знака готов превратить
The life of the love object in a fairy tale. WITH весами не стоит бояться

WITH ними отношения всегда будут нежными, теплыми и трогательными.
The disadvantages of men – weights – irresponsibility and infantilism.
They боятся решать проблемы и часто убегают от них, прячутся.
Men – the scales are always in the soul remain children.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Scorpions – мужчины настоящие победители во all They 
surrender to feelings with all the passion they are capable of. They
faithful, loyal, persistent.

At the same time, representatives of this sign are too jealous.
They могут найти причину для масштабного скандала там, где ее вовсе

A man – a scorpion should control everything and everyone in front of him
it is necessary to report, and to consider its opinion.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Sagittarius – талантливые и миролюбивые существа. They никогда не
will provoke a conflict. From any situation archers – men
find a way out.

Талантливые психологи, мужчины – Sagittarius прекрасно
feel others and know the secrets of the right

Но Sagittarius – мужчины не имеют собственного мнения. Their easy
drag on your side, it is easy to convince in something, to deceive.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

Capricorns – мужчины всегда открыты для всего нового. They с
joy to know what was previously inaccessible, with pleasure
develop, ready to listen to someone else’s opinion.

Capricorn – a man will never be in bad company
and he himself will not spoil a person, will not seduce, will not become a tempter,

Those with whom he communicates, always get a lot of positive
of emotions. Minus men – Capricorn that they are very
sharp, vindictive and stubborn. They могут обидеть, задеть за
living, cruel revenge.


The main advantages and disadvantages of men zodiac sign

ATодолей – мужчина крайне щедр. He is willing to spend the last
a penny to a dear person. He is attentive.

Never forgets important dates, always suits
chic surprises. But at the same time, representatives of this sign are too
independent and independent.

They сами все решают, никого не слушают, не советуются. Sometimes
are detached and cold with loved ones. They need often
be alone with myself.


Fish – мужчины весьма чувственны и страстны. AT постели с ними
a woman will never get bored.

Unpredictability is not the best trait of men – Pisces.
WITH ними никогда нельзя быть в спокойствии, так как они в любой
a moment can hit something.

AT семейной жизни и в отношениях с противоположным полом
unpredictability always becomes a big problem and cause

AT каждом из нас есть своя изюминка. ATажно не считать
advantages and disadvantages, but to accept a loved one with all his
features and highlights, appreciate them and take care. AT этом случае
relationships will be harmonious and happy.

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