The magic of female hair: strength, signs,superstition

The magic of female hair: strength, signs, superstition

Hair is one of the greatest virtues.
women. What beautiful woman does not want to have
luxurious, thick, shiny in the sun hair? In pursuit of
the beauty of the hair of the woman try on themselves a variety of
means, but not every one of them knows about how huge
strength lies in the female hair. People were aware of this power.
back in ancient times.

Women’s hair has always been treated with special trepidation, since
nature has invested in them the potential, which is still not completely
studied and not disclosed.

So what is the magic and power of female hair? Can a woman
to improve your life, thanks to the luxurious head of hair?

Answers to these questions were known to our ancestors.


What in ancient times people knew about hair

First of all, hair for women are the accumulators and
keepers of enormous energy that is directly related to
The universe. This energy can both harm and benefit.
to the woman. It depends on how long a woman has her curls
количество энергии, получаемой ею от природы и The universe.

In the old days, people believed that longer hair
the greater representative of humanity, the more hidden
magical, witchcraft abilities she has.

Long hair, as they believed in the old days, were closely interrelated
with the sixth sense of man.

Why do we always imagine witches with long
The thing is that witches are among the first
understood and felt the power contained in the female hair and
began to use this knowledge. If a woman is cut off her long
curls, she lost part of herself with them, lost her roots and strength,
becoming vulnerable and defenseless. Married women in Russia went
with two braids. This hairstyle made a lot of sense. One
Spit, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, was considered the hand of God, and the other –
hand husband.

Hair and pregnancy

There are many signs that connect the two
unique and mysterious phenomena of nature: hair and pregnancy. Before
there is still a belief that pregnant women can not be cut
their hair because their hair is life and health

If a woman shortens her hair during pregnancy, she
thereby harming an unborn child.

Hair during pregnancy also cannot be dyed, done with
them that can break their structure, otherwise the baby
will be born sickly, unhealthy. Women in
an interesting position, you should not comb your curls
Fridays. Also, the expectant mother, after the start of the birth, should stitch
hair to protect yourself from the unpleasant effects of childbirth.

Women’s hair – the weakness of men

It is no secret that beautiful, well-groomed, long hair are
a huge weakness of the male representatives. Men on
subconscious level are drawn to the ladies with lush hair, because
instinctively believe that the longer and thicker a woman’s hair,
the healthier she is, which means she can endure and give birth to a good

In ancient times, with the help of the hair of men tempted, seduced.
With their help, the representatives of the stronger sex were bewitched, even
they sent terrible diseases and curses upon them.

For many nations, hair that was loose under a man was considered
call women to action by men. Such
an act could entail terrible punishment.

What else you need to know about hair

Hair can sometimes warn against harm, and sometimes, on the contrary,
cause human misery. Therefore, it is important to be able to
treat them correctly and recognize the signs of fate associated
with them.

Волосы женщины могут стать настоящим оружием против нее
, если они окажутся в руках врага. How to avoid
troubles? Stop throwing out curls in accessible places. Their
better bury or burn. Before you go to the cemetery,
Care should be taken to collect the hair and hide them under a hat or
a handkerchief.

If a woman’s hair remains on the ground of the dead, death
may begin to pursue her.

Также важно не давать никому свою расческу, так
like a man who combed his hair with the help of an alien comb,
can leave her fallen curls. It may break.
communication with the universe and disruption of energy flow to the hostess

  • If a woman combing hair during combing
    часто падает к ногам
    , то судьба тем самым предупреждает
    her, that plans, conceived by her, will not bring success, that she needs
    stop and think again, weigh everything up. If comb
    falls before leaving the house, it is worth canceling the trip or
    conceived case, stayed at home.
  • Categorically you can not cut your own hair. If a
    the woman cuts her own hair, she approaches her death.
    Also should not be allowed to do with your hair
    any manipulations with whom the woman is in the blood
    kinship. This will lead to conflicts and quarrels with relatives.
  • It is advisable to always wear in your hair or on wrist
    something red, for example, a hairpin, a red woolen
    If a окружающие часто хвалят женскую шевелюру, у ее
    owners may soon appear diseases or some
    problems associated with the object of admiration and envy.

Не стоит бросать свои волосы в воду, так как
she will carry with her happiness and happiness with a piece of human energy
owned by him. Generally, hair should be handled with care and
Do not leave them in accessible places.

In ancient times it was believed that if a woman’s hair would blow
any bird, then it will constantly be thereafter

Женщине не рекомендуется стричь мужчину, которого она
Otherwise, they are waiting for parting. Follows with
responsibility to choose a hairdresser. He must inspire
доверие и симпатию to the woman.

Because a woman’s hair is a reflection of her
essence, beauty and health, then in relation to them a woman
you must always show care, attention and love as well
remember the rules and instructions of the ancestors listed above.
This is the only way to protect yourself from misfortunes, evil and to attract to your
life luck, prosperity.

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