The kitten does not go to the tray: why and what to do.Simple rules for teaching kitten to the tray, the choice of filler

Чт, 14 дек 2017 Автор: Людмила Торяник

Is there a new pet in your house? Little,
a furry meowing animal, which also never sits on

Cats are considered the most popular pets. After all this
the same inexhaustible spring of good mood, positive emotions and
peace in the family. But how good is your relationship
with a pet, directly depends on the kitten’s schooling

Your kitten does not go to the tray? Possible
the reasons:

– it is still too small and does not know how to do it;

– he was taken away from his mother and old masters, and he was confused;

– he does not like the tray itself, the filling material or the place where
there is a cat toilet;

– the tray is not clean enough;

– your pet is nervous;

– he is offended by you and thus shows his

– he is ill.


The choice of tray, filler and the place where the kitten will go to

Even before the appearance of a kitten in the house, it is necessary to determine the place
for its feeding and toilet. Миска и tray не могут находиться
beside. Cats do not defecate where they eat.


Choose trays for kittens with a low side (about 5 – 8 cm),
otherwise, a small pet will be hard to get there. Of
Very low trays will spill out the filler. Use
tray с сеткой или нет, вы определитесь позже по предпочтениям
your pet.

After selecting the tray should decide on the filler.

Fillers are:

– silica gel – made of silica gel balls with large
absorbent properties;

– wood – consist of pressed sawdust (100%
natural material);

– mineral – made from minerals and various types
bentonite clay;

Detailed information about the choice of filler can be found
watching the video

Do not use silica gel for small kittens.
they may be swallowed and poisoned.

In addition, some owners prefer to teach a kitten to
пустому tray без наполнителя или использовать мелкие бумажки или
sand from a children’s sandbox.

Место, где находится tray, должно быть свободным для животного
all day long. In the first months, make sure that in a room with
the cat toilet always had a door open. Later when kitty
he gets stuck, he will be able to open the covered door himself or meow
давать вам сигнал: «Мне пора в tray!».

Разместите tray в укромном place The toilet is too intimate
moment for cats. They do not like to defend the need in front of everyone.

Как приучить маленького котенка ходить в tray

1. Покажите котенку, где находится tray;

2. Before going out of need, kittens often start to fuss,
get attached in different places, try to row the floor. At such moments
быстро берите котенка и отправляйте в tray. If the animal runs away,
do it again;

3. Suddenly you found the cat on the “hot” in the wrong place,
отнесите его к tray, пусть продолжит там;

4. Do not scold or poke a cat in its excrement, this
will cause a negative reaction. The animal will be offended and will not understand what comes from
they want him And next time will make you spite;

5. Be sure to praise the little kitten if he did everything.
right. You can even give him a treat. So he will quickly understand
that you like his behavior;

6. Намочите бумажку или тряпочку в лужицу и положите ее в tray.
Wash the place of the unauthorized toilet with vinegar solution. Sprinkle
special aerosol. You can try to decompose dried
citrus peels, cats do not like their smell;

7. Make inaccessible “favorite” cat places.
Move the cabinet, close the gap under the sofa with sheets of plywood,
plastic bottles or something else;

8. For the first time, limit the living space of the cat.
single room or bathroom. If you have a big cell, you can
while you are away, leave the kitten there. So he is faster
привыкнет ходить в tray;

9. Относите котенка в tray после обильного ужина или завтрака.
Scratch there. You might be lucky. In no case
play with the animal in the tray or around it, otherwise your pet
подумает, что tray это игровая комната.

Be patient, try and you will succeed. Not
стоит откладывать приучение к tray в долгий ящик. Retraining
will be much harder.

Про один из способов приучения котенка к tray можно узнать из

Если котенок не ходит в tray из-за своего психологического
states. What to do?

There are cases when the kitten is already accustomed to the toilet, but for some reason
stopped going there. Sometimes the cat goes to the toilet and somewhere else in
�”Dark” corner. And he visits this place when you are not at home.
And you do not know about the “spare” pot for a while, from there
will not start to smell much. You feed the cat, caress, and he …

He may not like the filler in the tray or he scares
an animal with its bang. Or the tray is not so often removed. Cats
very cleanly. Notкоторые из них любят справлять разные нужды в
different “pots”. Someone has little space in the tray �”By and large”.
Try different options, watch the animals.


Not мойте tray сильно едкими или пахнущими моющими веществами,
chlorine solutions. Cats are very sensitive to smells and will hear everything
what you do not hear.

Notкоторые животные таким поведением привлекают к себе внимание.
Caress your pet more often, massage your tummy. And everything is possible
will change for the better. You can punish an animal only
if it was “caught in the act”. Otherwise
case, the pet will not understand what is wrong, but the revenge will be

Ofменения в организме животного могут быть в периоды полового
ripening or “cat spring”. Then you have to castrate the cat,
and the cat is sterilized.

If simple measures did not help, it is worth contacting a veterinarian. it
may be a sign of some disease.

В любом случае, если котенок не ходит в tray, присмотритесь к
his behavior. It will tell you the correct answer in each
individual case.

Love your pets! And let them bring
you only positive emotions.

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