The happiest period in the life of a womanstarts at 50

W, 19 Jul 2016 Scientists called the fiftieth the most
happy and best period for a woman. Just at this time
most women start to really enjoy well-being,
relationship and sex. Researchers surveyed 1500
respondents whose age ranged from 20-65 years.
It turned out that almost half of adult women (49%) felt like
much happier, breaking the fifty-year milestone. 25% of women are not
hid that began to enjoy more sexual life (each
the fifth had sex about once every seven days, and this is similar
indicators for 20-year-old girls). Women over 50 paid
more attention to physical education than women younger. For 2012 42%
women began to practice fitness, 23% planned to do it in
next year. For comparison: the corresponding figure for
20-year-old women accounted for only 15% .50% of survey participants were
married, reported that after fifty years have noticed obvious
Improvements in your relationship with your partner. Remarkable
the following fact: half of the women of this age category
continued to get attractive and sexy lingerie. Despite
On this, 93% of respondents said that they feel a little awkward,
because their behavior violates the principles conveyed to them by their mothers. 64%
women called their adult children friends, and with their daughters
special understanding was noted. 85% would prefer media
popularized a more active and successful image of fifty years

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