The dog’s eyes fester – why? Maincauses and methods of treating puppy eyes purulent

Сб, 02 июн 2018 Автор: ABOUTксана Шеповалюк

Quite often, your favorite pet appear unpleasant.
purulent discharge from the eyes. This is facilitated by various characteristic
the reasons. The dog must be shown to the vet, as
pus in the eyes can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.


The dog’s eyes fester: the main causes of the disease

If the dog’s eyes fester, the reasons may be different. it
there may be a common allergy that causes such unpleasant
pathogens like fleas and other parasites, or microscopic
particles of household chemicals. How does the disease manifest? At first
there is constant lacrimation, and with weakened immune
system and excretion of pus. Often accompanied by an allergic reaction
such signs: swollen nose, lips and paws, itching and sneezing.
Allergy is an insidious disease and can contribute to choking,
if the animal does not get rid of contact with the allergen. In such
situations it is important to visit a veterinary clinic in time.

Another reason is a virus. In this case, you can not hesitate to
avoid death. While the owner is wondering what is happening with
beloved pet, the virus is able to make the body of an adult
animal weak and lethargic. Puppies often die during this period. Have
A viral infection can have different symptoms and its own characteristics.
However, in each case, the condition of the dog is constantly deteriorating. Dog
may refuse to eat, the temperature increases dramatically,
may appear coughing, sneezing. When intoxicated, vomiting and
loose stools. Some viruses give a hidden form of ailments. ABOUT
disease may indicate weakness, suppuration in the eyes,
nasal discharge and cough. Veterinarians are advised to give up
self-treatment of a pet at home, as with viruses

The dog’s eyes are festering from the body’s fungi and
bacteria. Such pathogens can take a long nap and suddenly
appear in the form of severe symptoms. If the dog has lost interest
to food, there was a temperature, suppuration in the eyes, was gone
activity, it may be a bacterial infection. The heaviest
a sign of illness – sepsis, which can lead to a lethal end.
This condition requires emergency care by a veterinarian who
determine the type of fungus by research in the laboratory, appoint
antibiotic or antifungal agent. Cure if desired
pet yourself with the help of different medicines, you can
undermine the immunity and health of four-footed friend.

Injuries can also contribute to the appearance of pus in the eyes.
Dogs are active creatures and can often be injured.
cornea or eyelid with something like a branch. Owner is not always this
notices. With minor damage, you can use
special drugs that heal them. After injuries
discharge can be only from one eye. The second is the opposite
stays clean. If a pet hits its head, it can be observed.
discharge and tearing of both eyes.

Other causes that may provoke pus are:
eye sensitivity, conjunctivitis, parasitic insects,
chronic illnesses. Often, to identify the causes, you will need
conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. ABOUTсобенно если животное находится
in old age when immunity is weakened and exacerbated
chronic diseases.

Main symptoms

Depending on the cause, the symptoms of the disease may be
different. Basically at the initial stage, the nature of the discharge –
slimy. And the hair in the eye area is constantly wet. It happens that
discharge drying in the form of a crust. And it seems that the dog

ABOUTдной из причин может быть инородное тело. It can also
to indicate the beginning of an unpleasant affliction
treat immediately. If there is no therapy, the disease progresses, and
mucous secretions turn into purulent. At this stage, need
more effective drugs.

If the dog’s eyes fester, you need to try to identify the cause.
And depending on whether it is an injury or inflammation, start
treatment. When the disease progresses, the process can
spread to the eyelids, the eye of the animal is covered. Dogs
try to lie down more, avoid bright light, refuse to eat,
weakness, temperature, lethargy may occur.

How to help your four-legged friend

When a dog’s eyes fester, it can be serious.
disease. It is recommended to visit the vet who will deliver
correct diagnosis. If this is not possible, either the selection
appeared for a reason that is known, for example, they were called
chemical irritants, you can do the washing. Need to
prepare herbal decoction of chamomile, hypericum or calendula, or
use the solution furatsillina. Tampon or cotton pad
must be abundantly moistened in a liquid and carried them from the inside
angle of the eye. It is important to use a separate tampon for each eye.
Herbs have an antiseptic effect, and therefore help to improve
the situation. After treatment, remove excess moisture from
using dry wipes.

Tetracycline ointment has a good effect, which
superimposed on the inside of the eyelids. To help these funds
it is necessary to prevent friction with the paws of the eyes. For this pet you can
distract, pat or caress something. No other drug
Before consultation with the veterinarian can not be taken.

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent. If you follow a series of rules
can reduce the risk of inflammation of the mucous membrane in dogs.

Preventive measures:

– regular hygiene;

– care for the pet’s habitat;

– daily eye examination, removal of formations;

– timely vaccination;

– complete diet;

– treatment of diseases on time and regular visits
a veterinarian;

– elimination of the dog’s contact with sick dogs on the street.

Prevention should be carried out depending on the breed and
age of the dog. If the pet has many folds, they need
process and in the eye area. In the presence of long hair on the face,
it should be clipped so that it does not fall into the eyes. If purulent
Discharge appeared in one puppy, will have to do eye treatment
all because the disease can be transmitted.

When complying with the basic rules of hygiene, the risks of the appearance of purulent
secretions in the eyes will be significantly reduced. But with the initial
signs of disease it is advisable to visit a qualified
a veterinarian who will help keep the dog healthy.

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