The dog gets wool – why and what to do?The main causes and methods of treatment of unnatural molting

Пт, 01 июн 2018 Автор: Оксана Шеповалюк

Many dog ​​breeders face the problem of hair loss in
beloved pet. Almost all dog breeds go through a period.
molt twice a year. But often cause other causes of illness
hormonal and non-hormonal nature, which requires special
attention and treatment.


Natural seasonal moult

If the dog has a coat, you need to identify the cause. To start
natural shedding should be excluded. This is a normal process.
which takes place in the fall and spring. A molt is needed by an animal to
change wool. With the onset of spring, winter and warm wool
is replaced by a shorter summer, and by the autumn the process of warming is again
repeats. The first hair loss is observed in puppies aged
three to ten months. The intensity is influenced by the breed of the dog.
It seems that long-haired dogs shed more than their
smooth-haired brethren.

Some owners for faster molting,
include in the diet of pets vitamin A. It is important to regularly comb
dogs that will help get rid of the abundance of hair in the apartment. To
avoid the presence of matted tangles in long-haired breeds,
animals must be combed and cut in time. When wool y
dogs do not fall out during the molting period – this is a disturbing symptom.
Especially if the pet begins to itch badly, you need to find the cause
and conduct appropriate therapy.

Hormonal disorders

Often hormonal disruptions result in an unplanned moult.
pet’s body In that case, the wool will fall out strongly, but

Among such violations are:

– disruption in the production of growth hormone. This is more characteristic of
males and observed during puberty;

—A large amount of the hormone cortisol. In addition to balding the dog
infectious diseases can often appear, painful
thirst and excess weight;

—Estrogen in excess. This hormone causes swelling.
foreskin in males, and hair loss in the perineum and around in

—Lack of estrogen can be observed in sterilized pets.
female. In this case, the coat becomes thin, and the growth
hair slows down;

—Hypothyroidism. In this condition, there are not enough thyroid hormones,
dogs show sluggish behavior, hair becomes thinner
bald spots.

To достоверно выявить гормональные нарушения, нужно посетить
a veterinarian who will help determine the disease and write out
effective medicines.

Non-hormonal causes of hair loss

When a dog has no problems with hormones, you need
identify other causes that lead to heavy loss

The most common reasons include:

– lack of vitamins. This leads to the wrong diet.
power supply. The owner must ensure that his beloved pet gets everything
important trace elements and minerals. If necessary, you can add
useful vitamins in food;

– an allergic reaction. One of the most common
The reasons why a dog falls out is allergy. She is
may occur on food and various delicacies, on shampoo,
medicines, household chemicals and other synthetic
materials. The animal’s hair begins to fall out in shreds,
the dog itches, scratches himself and licks these places. Unlike
dry food, natural food leads to less allergies;

– The presence of parasites, lashing and fleas. To их выявить, нужно
inspect the thighs and tail of the animal at the base. You can pick them up
while walking or after talking with other dogs. If
dogs appeared dandruff, began to fall out hair, pet
became restless and painfully scratched, the cause may be fleas.
To вывести этих паразитов, потребуются специальные средств от
these, which can be purchased at a veterinary clinic or
pet store. Also a bald mite leads to baldness. Wherein
painful and contagious disease, wool falls in the century and
corners of the mouth. To избавиться от этого паразита, придётся сдать
special analysis for the appointment of effective therapy;

– severe stress. This factor can also lead to loss
hairline. Mostly subject to severe stress small
Dog breeds, for example Chihuahua. Noisy games and sharp movements
can scare them badly. Therefore, we must try to give them
quiet sleep and life, and relieve anxiety;

– weak immunity. This can be observed after suffering
diseases and operations. Therefore, it is important to include in this period
pet diet minerals and vitamins;

– ringworm. This nasty disease is also
cause of baldness. Symptoms include the appearance of round, covered
peel of patches with peeling hair, with a reddish ring in a circle.
The animal itches, there is peeling of the skin. In such situation
urgently need to consult a veterinarian to quickly
stop the disease and prevent infection of the family.

Treatment and Prevention

For dog’s coat should be properly care. It is impossible use
for washing shampoos and conditioners used by people.
Incorrectly chosen remedy may contribute to
аллергии, истончению и выпадению hairline. Not
It is recommended to wash your beloved pet in hot water. Regular
cleaning and combing are required. Wool must be processed
special drops that will help protect the dog from parasites.
Notобходимо следить за рационом питания, чтобы не было недостатка
beneficial vitamins. Meals should be complete. And as
prevention of various ailments should be done on time

If there are any disturbing symptoms, you need to visit
the vet. He will assess the state of health of the animal, examine the wool
and eyes, will do the required tests and identify why the dog has
wool falls out. A veterinarian will determine the presence of fleas, worms and
other diseases, prescribe therapy in a timely manner. If you comply
these simple rules and do not delay with a visit to the veterinary
clinic, you can save your pet from many unpleasant diseases and
their consequences.

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