The cuff is a unique benefit. How to makestrong lapel from husband, wife, home rivalconditions.

Пт, 04 сен 2015 Автор: Ольга Шестакова
The lapel, like the spell, may be needed for various reasons.
Someone needs to get her husband back, someone needs to get rid of evil
rival, and someone – to discourage objectionable lover. We will not
delve into the essence of the reason why you need a spell.
We turn immediately to the matter. So, what is a cuff, and why is he
is used.


Anti-love magic – what is a lapel, and what kinds of lapels

The lapel is called a special magic ritual, directed
for the deliverance of affection for another person. Lapel
removes not only the love spell, but also reduces the natural
emotional attachment. If the love spell is aimed at
the emergence of love feelings, the cuff – to get rid of
love spell This is the so-called “anti-love magic.” Koldovskaya
the lapel can be directed at anyone – to her husband, whom
you must return to your family, your mistress, your own lover,
who bored you.

Description of the rites of the cuffs have many nations. AT любой
witch book you can read what a lapel is and what
необходимо для ritual Но для начала разберемся, какими happen

• black magic cuffs, which are best done using
a professional;

• cuffs that can be done at home;

• lapels at a distance, without the use of personal belongings of the object

• personal cuffs, to the extinction of their own feelings.

What is the top

The ritual of the lapel will help to overcome undivided feelings.
For example, if you are strongly attached to someone, and from this
there is no man even the slightest hint of reciprocal feelings. Bewitch
it does not make sense, but to get rid of painful affection
– the very thing.

Properly performed the rite of the lapel always acts quickly and
efficiently. In addition, it is a very safe way to solve amorous
failures and conflicts. The most important thing in the rite is skill
concentrate, stop the flow of your thoughts and
visualize the object of the cuff. If you have problems with
visualization, and you can not permanently hold the image of the desired
man in the head, do not be discouraged. AT этом случае тебе поможет
high-quality photo. To remove black love spells need an experienced
master, and with some species you can handle and
on their own.

The magic lapel can be a real magic wand,
when you need to get rid of a certain person’s affection
to you, or to someone from your loved ones. So you get rid of
mistress, which by all means trying to take your
blessed. AT такой ситуации отворот на соперницу — это идеальный
option. After all любые магические действия истощают человеческую ауру,
hardly your spouse needs it. The more rituals imposed
per person, the more vulnerable his aura becomes to the evil eye, or
any other adverse effects. With a man whose
love, do not do that.

ATсе отворотные обряды могут вызывать у объекта отворот временные
mood swings, insomnia, indifference and anger toward
former subject of passion.

ATозьми на заметку, что все виды отворотных обрядов делаются
только на the waning moon. The most optimal days for love spells –
tuesday or saturday In any magical rite should be ignited

Lapel от мужа — ритуал на гвоздь и воду

If you want to get rid of feelings for your spouse, you will help the lapel
от мужа с помощью древнего ritual You will need two candles
a glass of water and a nail. The rite is held late at night, nothing is
should distract you from the process. Cover the table with a tablecloth and light
две candles Between the candles, put a glass of water and think about the man,
on which is made ostuda. Imagine yourself and him separately
happy and serene, feel the warmth in your chest. After короткой
meditation take a nail, the hot side is heated on a candle. Then
опусти гвоздь в воду со словами: «ATода, охлади во мне страсть к
(name). As the iron quickly grows cold, so I will cool down to it. ” After
go to sleep and do not talk to anyone until morning. Magic does not tolerate
publicity – do not tell anyone about the rite. Lapel от мужа начнет
act gradually, every day the passion will fade away all
more and more.

Lapel от соперницы

When you hold the back of the opponent, mentally send to
her anger and anger. Concentrate, then your love
absorbs these emotions. After данного обряда супруг начнет
quarrel with your rival, and they finally disperse. They will be
pursue only scandals and squabbles, and feelings cool down. Conduct
lapel rival is very simple. We offer you the most
affordable option – the rite of food.

AT следующий раз, когда будешь готовить для мужа (лучше всего суп
or soup, something liquid), say: “How can this hot soup mouth
burn, and the feelings (the name of the husband) to (the name of the rival) burn out.
Let her face look disgusting to my husband. ATсе чувства ваши
I kill, I return the love to myself. Soul (name of the beloved) peace
filled, our family is filled with love. ” After that, throw in
soup a bit of salt. For the best effect, add a link to sex with
with the words: “There is misfortune with others in bed, and with me delight and
happiness”. Conspiracy words can be slightly modified, the main thing is
your energy and desire during the process. Imagine, visualize
your goal. But do not forget about the hairstyle and beautiful lingerie, because the lapel
from a rival not long to wait.

Lapel from wife

Lapel from wife поможет в том случае, если ты решила заполучить
married man Few would name the purpose of this rite.
beneficent, because to divert other people’s husbands is not noble. But rites
This kind of very popular. Before ritual think carefully, and
what if this man loves his wife and is happily married? Or he
have kids. If you do decide, we will tell you how
make a strong lapel of his wife with the help of white magic.

For the ritual you only need a photo of your wife and yours.
lover To perform the ceremony you need to choose an open place.
near the water – the beach is perfect. The rite is held on
sunset On the back of both photos write the words “love”
and “passion.” Put them close, set fire and say: “As the day runs
from the night, so the love of (the wife’s name) leaves him from the heart. Passion
cools down, and feelings turn to ashes. ” Ashes develop on
the wind. Over time, the top of his wife will work, the couple will start
quarrel and go their separate ways. A man will be free. Now your
the task is to make him fall in love with himself.

Lapel Conditions – Golden Rules for Successful Witchcraft

The lapel conditions are very similar to the conditions of the love spell.
Try to strictly follow all the recommendations indicated in the rite.
The location of the ritual, time and attributes are extremely important for
ritual If in the rite it is indicated to be seduced at midnight, then
neglect these conditions. The plot, hastily read during
working break, will not give any effect.

If you do not believe in magic and supernatural, then the divination is exactly
not for you. A conspiracy you don’t believe in, read “on
just in case, never will work. Do not insult magic: if not
believe in it, better not try to play with fire. Speaking of fire. is he
plays a huge role in most magical rituals. Practically
in every witchcraft action there are candles.

To the rite acted and did not cause the magical “side
effects “, conjure only in a balanced and absolutely calm
condition. You must completely control yourself. Everyone has their own
way to find peace of mind – some pray, others
is meditating. No matter how you enter a state of peace,
it is important to be calm. Observing all the necessary conditions of the lapel, you
easy to achieve the desired result.

Strong love lapel at home

We will tell you how to hold a strong lapel at home

Take the usual game deck of 36 cards (only new). Stand up
table with a tablecloth, light a black candle and read the spell: “36 soldiers
troops of the devil, from hell itself, I implore you to help me
to dissolve (name) and (name) for ever and ever. Never be together
never blaze the hearts of their love to a friend of a friend never never
to burn their bodies in desire for one another. Do my will. Amen”.
Read the plot three times. Take a deck, shuffle it, and get it
peak nine, pronouncing: “On the part of the hard you
I speak, let the love affair pass and the passion will carry them away.
I will delight (name) with (name) together no longer create, but about each other
hurry to forget. Strong my word. Amen”. Take a photo
the person you want to turn around and poke on it with wax
black candle. On a hot wax attach to the picture of a conspiracy
peak nine. Add a snapshot of the rest of the deck of cards. Sure to
let the candle burn out. In the morning, bury it all with a candle candle.
under any tree. When you bury the cards and the snapshot, say:
�”I am separating (name) and (name) forever.”

As you can see, in order to hold the cuff at home
nothing special is required. Only a deck of cards,
photograph and black candle.

Strong black magic lapel

In order to hold a strong lapel, we will need
chicken foot and spell. Buy a chicken on the waning moon
paw, but do not take change (this is very important). Fill enameled or
copper basin running water. Light a black candle. Take the foot in
right hand and pawing it counterclockwise in the water

�“I’m going to take a walk, not a footpath, not an expensive one,

Barefoot walk on the badger hole

I will walk from it to the high rock,

On the rock are the devil and devil,

They run, fight, chatter with anger,

A hawk on a rage, claws at him, digs into it,

Black krovushkoy they washed,

Next to disagree

So let (name) with (name) have fun,

Furious, fighting and always cursing. ”

Read the spell 13 times, with hatred representing the opponent.
Give the chicken paw to someone else’s dog, and pour the water at the door of the opponent.
A very important point: during the three days after the ceremony it is necessary
do something. Take 13 coins and a bottle vodka and bring it in the evening to
intersection. Vodka must be freshly bought, not from home.
Put something on the ground and leave without turning around. It’s very strong
lapel, we recommend to hold it only as a last resort.


Cuff — очень простой и востребованный обряд. After all
his goal is not to bind, but to untie a person from himself. AT
of our youth we love ardently but changeably. Today we are burning hot
fire, and then, also quickly, cool. If the guy is no longer you
like, but you don’t want to hurt his feelings, try to make

Cuff можно делать по-разному. We recommend to you
the easiest and safest method used by ours
great-grandmothers For the ceremony you will need a safety pin. After
Ritual imperceptibly pin pin to the visible part of his clothes.
The guy should notice the plotted object. Speak pin
with the words: “Let the pin call and hurt, your thoughts from me forever
will relieve. Let the heat cool down as soon as he removes the pin. ”

Afterдствия отворота

We have reviewed many effective rites. But what can
be the consequences of the flap?

The side effects of love magic can be reflected as an object.
lapel, and the person who conducted it. Negative
the consequences of the lapel:

• depression at the object of the flap;

• a decrease in potency in a man after the top of his mistress;

• aggressiveness – after a lapel a man can become aggressive
and short-tempered for several months;

• exacerbation of chronic diseases – can be observed in both
parties, as any magical interventions hit the aura

• serious health problems – usually occur in
performer of the ritual after the blood rites.

Lapel husband from his wife on linen

This is one of the simplest and safest rituals in practical
of magic. For the ceremony you will need the subject of underwear spouse.
Like all rites of this kind, the husband’s cuff is held on
the waning moon. Light a candle, take the linen of the spouse in your right hand and
say, “Bless, my Lord, my will.” Let husband not follow me
walks, doesn’t talk to me, doesn’t call to bed, neither grief nor
happiness with me no longer make money. Spouse and spouse us
no longer be in the same house never live again. My word
tightly Let it be so”. To lapel husband from wife acted
for sure, bury your laundry under a tree at night.

Lapel of his mistress

In order to make a back of his mistress, we need
just a purple candle. For a long time, purple was considered color
separation. AT полночь зажги свечу, сконцентрируйся на своем гневе к
mistress and say: “Burn my candle, burn, lovers forever
dissolve. ATся любовь и пламя пусть сгорят, пусть навсегда (имя) и
(name) will be separated. ” Wait until the candle burns out and go to sleep.
While the candle is burning, imagine how lovers swear and quarrel,
cooling down to each other.

Lapel of his mistress — это быстрый и действенный способ вернуть
husband back to the family. This rite requires only one attribute –
candle purple. And your imagination. The clearer are you
present a picture of their parting during the ritual, the faster
will act your rite.

How to remove the cuff

Наши прабабки хорошо знали, как снять lapel. Offer you
simple and effective way to remove the bezel curse. Bake
bread made from wheat flour. You can knead the dough in the afternoon, but bread
have to bake at night. ATыпекая хлеб, думай о любимом. ATсе мысли
should cause only pleasant emotions. When the loaf cools, go out
out on the street, crumble bread, throw it on the road (to eat
птички) и скажи: «ATыйду я на улицу, божьих птичек хлебушком
to feed. Let the birds come to help me so that my love with
(name) never knew grief and did not fade. Let not be separated on
quarrels and swearing, and all witchcraft evil. Let our family be
friendly and peaceful, filled with love. Birds, develop a fortune
a witch, as soon as they eat this bread, fulfill my will
fly. ” AT течение недели после обряда не употребляй алкоголь и
Give preference to modest food. Help the needy. But do
it is with faith and an open heart, otherwise it will not work. Now
you know how to get rid of magic spells and how to remove

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