The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinationsnumbers

The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinations numbers

For a long time, people believed in the magic of numbers.
There is a special science of numerology, which studies the influence on fate.
person According to numerology, even birth can tell the fate
human, to identify favorable or, conversely, unsuccessful

Известный всем математик Пифагор считал, что numbersы
govern our world, are the foundation of all things, keep
secrets of the universe. It was believed that each person has a special
a number affecting his life, making him happy or, conversely,

Until now, people believe in the magic of numbers. Surely you ever
жизни складывали numbersы на билете, вдруг попадется счастливое число?
Brides often choose “beautiful” dates for marriage.  Not
зря же мы часто придаем numbersам особое значение. It happens that
looking at the clock, you can see repetitive, mirror or
парные numbersы. Most likely, we will think about what it could
to mean? In fact, there are a huge number of different
combinations of unique value.


Angelic numerology

If you have never heard of such a phenomenon, you will be useful.
find out what it is. Angelic numerology – это, своего рода,
a way for higher powers to contact us, warn, give a sign, help
in making an important decision. They are trying to inform us that
what might happen in the near future so that we can
to change.

The main feature of the phenomenon – higher powers use
numbersы для контакта с человеком. These may be signs in the form
combinations on numbers of cars and tickets, time on hours, dates
birth and so on.

Если вы часто замечаете одни и те же numbersы или комбинации в
different places – do not ignore the hint of your guardian angel.
Notобходимо расшифровать его, чтобы понять, как воспользоваться
using higher powers. For this you need to find out the value
отдельных numbers в нумерологии, какие бывают комбинации. we
consider examples of coincidence of numbers on the clock, find out how they
are decrypted.

The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinations numbers

Значение numbers в нумерологии

According to the teachings of Pythagoras, the base numbers from 1 to
9, of which all possible combinations are formed. In numerology
there are also numbers 11 and 22 – they are also integral, their
can not be folded if necessary to obtain an accurate interpretation.
Even numbers are considered to be feminine, calm
passivity. Notчетные – мужские, они, в свою очередь, активные,
more powerful and vibrant. Теперь давайте разберемся с каждой numbersой по
separately, starting with 0, we find out the features, value, impact on

0 – согласно нумерологии не несет в себе
strong semantic load. Zero represents emptiness, nothingness.
Indicates calm, silence, the beginning, excludes both bad and
good At the same time, zero is duplicity, secrecy. Among all
a number series zero is considered the most feminine number.

1 – считается сильным числом, олицтворяющим все
masculine, comprising the following qualities: strength, courage,
power, courage, confidence, activity.  Unit bestows and
positive and negative qualities. If a person is
under the power of a unit, he, as a rule, is strong in spirit, has the ability
solve any problems, rarely ask for help. At the same time
a person is often cynical, selfish, amenable to

2 – очень хорошее число в нумерологии. Two
personifies harmony, politeness, tact, clarity of mind,
confidence and positive. People under patronage
Deuces work hard, achieve everything with their work, not
do idle chatter. Two – это ораторское искусство,
sincerity, attracting the attention of the audience. From negative
qualities – sometimes excessive pedantry, weaving intrigue.

3 – магическое число, его очень любят
fans of magic. Three is love, amazing luck and
creation. The number “three” is often found in fairy tales, for example,
the thirtieth kingdom, 33 warriors, three desires. Three man
attracts the attention of a large number of people, a real speaker, to
he is listened to. In this case, the troika is often a weight
spender and lazy. Also 3 – intrigues, gossip and bad rumors.

4 – согласно нумерологии олицетворяет все
correct, real state of affairs, good luck in all your endeavors.
The man of four is tactful, calm, a real excellent student in everything.
However, often there is a lack of emotion and spontaneity, everything is too clear
planned, and fantasy is not enough.

5 – авантюризм, яркость, новизна. Such people
always have a creative trip, are creative, likes to contribute to everything
something new, fresh ideas. In this case, the fives are often sprayed immediately.
on many things, jump from one business to another, without finishing
the first. The five do not stand criticism, touchy, often acts

6 – полная гармония во всем, комфорт и уют.
Six surprisingly good, helps without a copper. Often effluent
sacrifice brings suffering, does not find understanding among others.
People under patronage этого числа, очень честные,
self-confident. Moreover, they often dream of power.

7 – олицетворяет мудрость, получение новых
knowledge, development and intelligence. At sevens reigns harmony in the soul,
however, before making important decisions,
self-digging. Such careful self-analysis helps perfectly.
coping. In the lives of sevens can prevent excessive
obsession with one’s own person.

8 – сильная воля, мощная энергетика. Eight
– the strongest number in numerology, gives leadership
qualities, makes the wards excellent leaders, to them
are listening. In this case, the eight do not always act delicately,
self-esteem, sometimes too overestimated.

9 – согласно нумерологии, это богаство,
luxury money. At the same time the nine is very gentle, endowed with a large
love This can be a creative person, loyal to his work and
to close people. In this case, the nine often acts thoughtlessly because
their naivety, which can take advantage of detractors.

Повторяющиеся numbersы на часах

The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinations numbers

Зеркальные numbersы

The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinations numbers

Одинаковые numbersы

The coincidence of numbers on the clock: the value of combinations numbers

Believe in the hints of numbers or not, it’s up to you. But,
it is worth thinking about the meaning of numbers – it’s not for nothing that the whole was created
science that studies similar phenomena.

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