The child from the first marriage. What does mother have toknow entering into new relationships

Tue, Mar 04, 2014

New relationships for women are an important and responsible step, especially
If you already have experience of married life and a child.
Virtual forums like stories and questions therefore about.
Women’s fears and doubts are fully justified. After all, harmonious
the development of new relationships will depend in many ways on mutual understanding
new chosen one and the baby. Introducing the man in your life, woman
should not forget the previous relationships and possible meetings with the first

Facing some difficulties, some divorced
women often succumb to and give up a great life without a trace
devoting himself to raising a child. This behavior is predictable,
but not entirely reasonable. Such self-sacrifice is only a way to escape.
from the problem. If the woman was determined to part with the shipment
past, she should clearly formulate a strategy for her


  • Young single mothers are trying in vain to build relationships
    mates-peers or a little older than them. However, nevsejunoshi
    20-25 years old ready to bind their lives with a girlfriend who already has
    child. Narole husband in this situation will suit a more mature man
    to our views.
  • When dating a woman, a woman often tries to hide the fact
    past marriage and the existence of a child, postponing this news
    at the “right time”. Some, on the contrary, exhibit
    all like a high pride. In both cases, it is an error. Fact takes place
    and should be voiced. It is important podkakim “sauce”
    fucking teacher.


  • When entering into relationships, hold on dignifiedly, don’t be afraid
    rejected or misunderstood. Single mother in the framework of modernity
    sounds much louder than a lonely woman.

It is important to understand the woman nastya onastorone. Often new relationships
So grab the ladies that the baby and the attitude towards the origin (often
difficult for him) situation departs to the second plan. Mother loving
your child will always stand on the interests of his
child, not allowing selfish attempts of the new lover
to pull the blanket over you.

It is important to prioritize immediately. Find harmony in relationships
between a woman, a child and a new man is often very difficult.
On the side of men, it is possible to izhevrennost
a child who is in a relationship with a woman may seem some
hindrance. It seems that the talk here will help a little. All dependent
from the man himself. If they are prepared for female relationships with
child, toasting a new family can go smoothly, if not,
It’s important to ask yourself the question:

  • As it follows, analyze your desires and fantasies.
    regarding the new chosen one. What vyhodite otnovoy relationship:
    love adventures or creating a new family? This moment will be
    determining your further actions. If you are not so sure
    the decision, perhaps, should be postponed by the consciousness of the child and the “new
    dads. “
  • If the meeting with the child even so happened, it will take a lot
    maternal love, patience and prudence. May occur
    a storm of childish jealousy and iobids, therefore it is necessary to explain to your
    chadu, your elect is a simple new member of the family who wants to become
    Around, anezamenit native father. Meeting a new person need
    to prepare. For this, the child should be told a little
    man, interested in and positively set up the assignment.
  • At the same time, you must give moral support to your
    chosen one. For the arrival of a new family is also exciting
    and responsible moment.
  • Even harder for women to build bridges between their past
    and the future. Likely to meet a new partner with a fulfilled husband. To that
    also need to be ready. Pushing men with their foreheads is important to give
    understand that you respect your past, but resolutely
    aimed at changes in the future.

A woman who has already been in the marriage and educating a child should
more scrupulous and responsible approach to the question of new relationships.
Patience and consistency will be helpful in making important
making. Only well having learned the new partner, having felt
self-preparedness of family life and going through the “sensual phase” of relationships,
You can bring him home with a child.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova

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