The cat is scratching its ears: possible reasonsassociated symptoms, treatment basics. What if the catconstantly scratching your ears?

Вт, 13 мар 2018 Автор: Екатерина Лазарева

Sometimes it can be completely ignored because
all living things sometimes, somewhere, something, itches. Everyone has
feline personal hygiene is in great honor – they constantly wash and
lick themselves. If the domestic cat’s ears are clean, then everything is
okay But there are diseases affecting the organs of hearing of the animal,
to be treated. The following chapters will be explained in detail.
each problem separately.

1. Symptoms and diagnosis, why the cat is scratching its ears

2. Ear and Sarkopid mites

3. Otitis and its variants

4. How to help your pet at home

5. Prevention


Symptoms and diagnosis, why the cat is scratching its ears

Two main ways in the house kittens get. The first is when
deliberately purchased by a pet at a pet store or from a breeder,
then vaccinations and the initial inspection have already been done, and the person
gets a healthy animal. But often the animal is brought with
the streets, and then you need to inspect, wash. And here is a miracle cat
runs under your feet, you have to look at him. Symptoms

– The animal behaves nervously and often scratches its ears

– actively shakes his head

– Bends the head low to the side

– Meowing loudly, combing the ears

– rubs his ears on objects

– Irritated when touching your head or ears

– There are combs on the ears and inside

– Brown peels in the ears

– Hard tumors and dark grains in the sinuses of the ears

– Swelling of the ear

– An unpleasant fluid is leaking (pus, blood)

To make the right conclusions you need to carefully examine
pet Paws can be tightly swaddled so as not to interfere with inspection.

With a cotton disc or swab, gently wipe the auricle
inside, on the cotton wool there is a stirring mass, it means it is an ear

When fungal infections stand out yellow or pinkish

Inflammation of the outer ear is accompanied by copious excretion.

If a cat has a rash on the inner surface of the ear, and
constantly rubs about everything that got, it can be a sign
dermatitis (allergic reaction).

Otitis manifests as swelling around the cat’s ear, painful
sensations and the animal is not given in the hands. When heavy and running
pathologies can help only a veterinarian.

On the ears can also be manifested by complication of the common cold and
prolonged hypothermia animal. Then it pours heavily from the ears.

If a kitten has fleas, they can crawl into the ear canal.
and biting there, while the cat is scratching its ears, nervous,
is angry.

Sulfuric plugs can also be formed with which you can
handle yourself: for seven days, 1-2 are buried in your ear
drops of saline or hydrogen peroxide, the plug softens and
further the cat usually copes itself. But if the kitten is very
small, the cork did not come out, and you could not remove it with a cotton
wand, you must go to the doctor.

Foreign objects also cause a strong desire to scratch their ears.
They can be removed with tweezers. You can also remove accumulated
wool (this happens in very fluffy pets).

While bathing, water may have gotten into the cat’s ears, and she
worried. Bathing a cat should try not to dunk ears from the inside.

Ear and Sarkopid mites

Ticks – one of the most common diseases in small
kittens This disease is called feline scabies, and it can
cause deafness or even meningitis and in some cases
the animal perishes. Grown-up, strong individuals suffer less often due to
stronger immunity. Auricle forms sticky
the brownish liquid in which the mites live, they move and this
makes the cat scratch its ears, sometimes to the blood.

The second type of tick can affect the entire body of a cat, starting with
head spreads throughout the body. Skin becomes dry and
hard, and eventually cracks. Without a specialist with this
the disease is difficult to handle.

Otitis and its variants

Otitis is an inflammatory disease affecting all departments.
cat hearing aids may be caused by several

– Allergies

– Infection

– foreign bodies

– Excessive sulfur emissions

– Fungus

– Disease of internal organs

The doctor can recognize the disease and prescribe treatment.
laboratory tests. If the cat is abundant purulent
the nature of the ears it should definitely be taken to the hospital.

How to help your pet at home

In veterinary pharmacies, the seller will always advise the right one.
remedy to describe the symptoms and you can help your pet

When dermatitis in the ears, instilled drops containing novocaine,
a soft swab with hydrogen peroxide removes crusts, and moist
ulcers are treated with astringent ointments.

Fungal lesions require appropriate treatment.
Antifungal drugs swabbed and instilled
therapeutic drops against fungi.

Against ticks use – mechanical swab cleaning with
peroxide, and then medical ointments and drops. In hard and hard
neglected cases have to do injections, use

Otitis can be won at home, for this need to apply complex

– first, you need to clean the cat’s ear from excess sulfur and
pus with a soft swab with peroxide;

– in the base of the ear make injections with novocaine;

– to dig in drops against otitis;

– give inside antihistamines.

Allergies in a cat can be assumed if the animal shakes
head and ears clean. Allergic reaction may appear on
New food or household chemicals and it is treated, as well as in humans –
antihistamines inside and locally. Only medicine
It is necessary to select in a veterinary clinic or pharmacy.

Against fleas, the most effective means are most often
special drops on withers and regular swimming. Any skin
lesions from dirt are afraid of water and good soap or
shampoo. If the cat has the opportunity to walk on the street every day
additionally, you can wear an anti-flea collar, and strictly follow
for the duration of the active drug.


Cats have very strong immunity and with most diseases
can do it themselves, but when we take them home we take on
Responsibility for their lives and health. In the wild, feeling
cat’s malaise, gnawing the grass they need or starving for
cleaning and thereby treat themselves. Creating perfect conditions in
the closed space of the apartment is important to ensure that the cat, full
food in which will be presented all kinds of food consumed
im in nature. In addition to the basic diet, vitamins and feline
grass must be given necessarily.

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