The best weight loss equipment

luchshie-trenazheri-dlya-pohudeniyaFirst visit
gymnasium, with a wide range of different
power and aerobic simulators, many people can cause, by
least sense of confusion.

But, even if you have already got used to it and get down to active
training still takes a certain amount of time
to determine which of the available simulators have for you
greater efficiency and impact, based on the goals
weight loss.

On the other hand, regular visits to the gym at all
is not a requirement for successful weight loss. You
You can get a volumetric and high-quality workout, even in conditions
own home.

And all you need is to invest part of your
income in creating a home gym based on the most
effective simulators for weight loss. How it is right
do, we will tell you now!

In addition, at the end of the article we will provide our
readers to decide for themselves which simulator is best suited for
Weight loss based on their personal experience. But, about everything
in order!


The best weight loss equipment: кто они?

As a rule, under the equipment to quickly reduce unnecessary
weights implies a wide variety of cardiovascular equipment, work
which allows you to simultaneously: send useful physical
load on all major muscle groups of the body, significantly increase
speed cardiovascular contractions and strengthen the burning process

Moreover, according to experts, this kind of active
activity stimulates various areas of the cerebral cortex,
causing feelings of relaxation and happiness.

The list of the best simulators: editorial opinion

1. Elliptical trainer or orbitrek. According to our
editorial staff, this type of equipment, imitating fast skiing,
is the most effective simulator for high-grade
cardio, despite whether you want to lose weight
or tone your muscles all over your body.

It also has a low impact on the joints, which
quite important for most people to use it,
despite any injury or difficulty that may
to arise.

A 30-minute high-speed workout allows a woman (weighing
70 kg) use up about 350 calories. But the most important thing is not
forget about the timely adjustment of the orbitrek settings, increasing
the force of resistance to the movement of the pedals, which is the only
the right way not to stop the process of getting rid of unnecessary
kilograms. Otherwise, you’ll just have a good one, but
easy training without getting the effect you are

The cost varies in the range from $ 600 to $ 2000 and above.
Expensive models have high-quality and multifunctional monitor,
computer control of the simulator actions and a large number
built-in basic training programs. For installation in the apartment
2 square meters required meter of free space.

More detail in the article: “How to deal with
an elliptical trainer?


2. Treadmill. Is one of the most popular aerobic
simulators in every gym. The main reason is so big
popular “love” in that people feel on the treadmill
as comfortable as possible because her work imitates exactly
such familiar and everyday activities as
walking or running.

The intensity of the workout depends entirely on speed and angle.
the inclination of the moving web whose values ​​you choose
on their own. Therefore, as in the cases with the previous simulator,
Your job is to continuously monitor and adjust.
of these indicators as you increase your level of physical
preparation. Many people safely overlook the moment.
and eventually lose their weight much more slowly.

Beginners start their first classes with walking on the track,
especially when there is significant overweight. As
weight loss and improved mobility are gradually added
speed and time of training until the student is
able to run without a break for 30 minutes or more.

Places in the apartment treadmill requires about the same
like an elliptical trainer.

The maximum detail in the article: “Treadmill for
weight loss – how to choose? “.


3. Stationary bike or exercise bike. People who love
ride a bike can also actively use
exercise bike as an excellent tool for weight loss.

It is produced in two main versions: with vertical and
horizontal landing engaging.

The first of them in its appearance resembles the usual traditional
a bicycle, but without wheels, and the second is ideal for
people with back problems due to their special position
body when training.

When choosing a simulator, pay attention to the models with automatically
adjustable resistance levels and a monitor that
shows the degree of load, distance covered, speed,
time spent and calories burned. Also good
the option is a heart rate sensor and bottle holder to
make your workouts more enjoyable.

Full details: “How to choose an exercise bike for

4. Stepper. Work with this sports simulator for weight loss
imitates climbing stairs in your home or office. But worth
note that a stepper is not the best choice for people
which have a history of problems with the feet or knees, due to
tangible pressure on the leg joints exerted during

If you did decide to purchase a stepper, then
the key factor in choosing it should be safety during
workouts. To do this, look towards models with a wider and
heavy reason that means the greatest support equilibrium
engaged in active load.

Of course, such models also tend to take more
free space in the apartment.

Before you buy, read: “Training on stepper: all for and

5. Rowing machine. A lot of people in the gym
avoid this simulator, because they think that the lessons on it
given incredibly difficult. Perhaps so, but it is also a sign
that this equipment provides quite productive

If you’ve ever rowed a boat, then you probably understand
how hard work can be, which means – you
will be able to lose weight quickly if you do exercises on the rowing simulator
part of your workout routine.

The simulator forces large muscle groups to work simultaneously in
upper and lower body. This means that a person can
engage in a shorter period of time on the rowing simulator than
on any other, and at the same time burn the same amount of calories.
In addition, the risk of injury is quite low because there is no
strong pressure on the knees and ankles. The simulator is equipped
a fan that will bring you the coolness you need at the time
while you train.


6. Hand simulators. If your apartment’s space or budget
limited, consider investing in the following
simple simulators:

  • Jump rope. Because of its small size jump rope can hardly be
    qualify as a simulator, but on the other hand, these qualities
    make it the perfect training tool during
    travel. If you use the rope correctly, you will
    burn calories as fast as with any other kind
    sports equipment.
  • Expander. Ideal for home use
    conditions, because it is lightweight and takes up very little space. Springs
    There are different colors that differ in hardness and
  • Ball for fitness or fitball. Available in almost every
    the gym and is a great addition to any type
    workouts. Produced in several fixed sizes and
    is durable enough to wear. If free space in
    the room is minimal, just lower the inflatable fitness ball after
    workout and fold it until next time. Better yet – replace
    a chair to improve your posture and strengthen the bark muscles in
    working hours.
  • Dumbbells. Strength training is an important component
    successful weight loss, since a large amount of muscle mass requires
    from the body expenditure of an increased number of calories at rest.
    If your budget allows, buy a pair of dumbbell sets from 8 to 15
    kg for more variety in power loads.


But, whatever you choose, the most important thing is that you found that simulator,
which you really like and which you are ready to use
on a regular basis.

But what do our readers think?

As we said at the beginning of the article, you have a rating,
compiled by our regular readers who, in their opinion,
expresses the true effectiveness of each of the proposed simulators
for fast and successful weight loss.

Do not stay aside, take advantage of our advice,
Soon to return and leave after the article and your review!

Which aerobic simulator do you prefer?

  • Беговой дорожке Беговой дорожке 2272голосов
  • Elliptical trainer Elliptical trainer
    7547 votes
  • Велотренажеру Велотренажеру 2737голосов
  • Степперу Степперу 1574голосов

Home cardiovascular equipment – which is better to choose?

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