The benefits of mint for women are beauty, health andemotional balance. Is mint allowed during pregnancy?

Пн, 25 июн 2018 Автор: Анна Кедрова

Unique mint – amazing plant with
magical fresh aroma and a mass of useful properties. Definitely,
health can be significantly improved if you always have it at hand
– fresh, dried, and even in the form of sweets. And especially mint is important for
women – both their common and completely unique ones are available to them


What can be said about the origin and uses of mint for
of women

Almost all plants of the genus Mint (and this is 42 species) are different
characteristic odor and ubiquitous across the earth

A person is interested in cultivating and collecting in particular
such types of mint as Japanese, water, curly, marsh, and
Peppermint (a hybrid of spearmint and water).

Sometimes mint lemon is called a completely different plant from
of the family Clear-footed – Melissa, which, of course, in its own way
good, but still not mint.

Peppermint real and diverse unpretentious, so that it can
grow even on the balcony or windowsill.

Fresh greens stored for up to a week in the fridge, almost never lose
qualities in the freezer and after drying.

In cooking, mint is used for salads and sauces, soups, as
seasoning for meat, vegetable and fish dishes, for baking, desserts and
drinks – from herbal teas (and mint to regular tea) to coffee
with mint syrup or liquor. Mint leaves are good for decoration
served dishes. And still from mint jam jam – emerald green in
in pure form and with the addition of other ingredients (from zucchini to
strawberries). And make sweets (for example, marmalade) and candy

Interestingly, there is even a chocolate mint, dark leaves
which really smell like chocolate.

In addition, mint is a good melliferous plant, and although usually besides
her bees fly around a lot of other colors, the most useful properties
mint will still be present in this honey (in particular, he
rich in vitamin C and very well treats sore throats).

It is also important to note that for eating is intended
not mint essential oil, but its special food extract.

Outside the kitchen, mint is in demand in the pharmaceutical industry and
traditional medicine (including aromatherapy), cosmetology.

The very taste and aroma of mint, which feels “chill”
creates substance menthol, which gained fame largely due to
what it makes mint capable of:

– lower body temperature (with flu and

– reduce the occurrence of reactions (itching, swelling) to bites

– anesthetize;

– improve blood circulation;

– act as an antispasmodic;

– reduce blood pressure;

– destroy many harmful microorganisms.

But besides this well-known element of chemical composition
mint, it contains in large quantities and other substances:

– betaine – normalizes the acidity of the gastric juice, helps
assimilate the gland, prevents heart disease and cleans the blood vessels
from cholesterol plaques;

– rosemary acid and eugenol – impede
thrombosis and how antioxidants protect cells from
destructive influence of free radicals (molecules without one
electron, which they willingly borrow from ordinary molecules);

– phytosterols – support the production of collagen and increase

In addition, tannins are the basis for the use of mint,
minerals (copper, chromium, potassium, zinc, iron), vitamins (ascorbic
acid, tocopherol), volatile (and a lot of essential oils).

Mint is very interesting effect on the nervous system. Cup of tea with
after a hard day she relieves headaches, helps to relax
both physically and psycho-emotionally – eliminates
body aches, feelings of weakness and depressed mood.

In the evening, the plant adjusts to a healthy and sound sleep, and in
morning helps to fully wake up and improves

For respiratory and catarrhal diseases, hot and warm.
mint drinks (especially with honey) make breathing easier and
nasal congestion, reduce coughing, speed up the release of sputum and
prevent her further education.

Peppermint is effective for relieving PMS symptoms, reducing pain, and
bleeding during menstruation, reducing their duration and
normalization of cycle times.

Mint well complement the treatment of inflammatory diseases
genitourinary system and in addition, it contributes to the conclusion of
the body of excess fluid that can be regarded as prevention
the occurrence of edema of the extremities.

Thanks to mint, digestion can be improved (including accelerated
splitting food and preventing harmful fermentation processes in
intestine) and stir up a sluggish appetite.

Also, to the valuable qualities of mint is possible.

– improvement of the oral cavity, including the healing of damaged and
inflamed mucous membranes and disinfection of the oral cavity from pathogens
caries (naturally, mint is also wonderfully refreshing

– regeneration of damaged tissues (including healing
cuts and burns with almost no traces);

– removal of muscle cramps;

– getting rid of any nausea origin (knowingly lollipops for
those who do not tolerate transport often have exactly mint

Beauty, slim figure and youth – special details of use
мяты для of women

The complex of biologically active substances in the composition of mint
exceptionally positive effect on what can be combined
the concept of “external beauty” and, in particular, thanks to this
amazing greenery, you can count on the following:

улучшение состояния волос — шелковистый
shine, active growth, ease of installation;

улучшение цвета лица (исчезают покраснения,
pigment spots fade, pores narrow, work normalizes
sebaceous glands) and skin rejuvenation (shallow skin is smoothed
wrinkles, it becomes more elastic and, as they say,

укрепление ногтевых пластин и некоторую их
protection against fungal diseases.

Moreover, all this can be achieved by applying mint topically,
for example, in store and home care products, and
including it in your diet.

And for the greatest efficiency, of course, all this is recommended.

As for the benefits of mint greens for weight loss, it is not capable
smartly burn those extra pounds, she can’t even quickly save her
from cellulite.

But do not overlook the fact that with systematic
mint improves and speeds up metabolism, normalizes
removal of old slags and toxins from the body – all this is important for
weight loss and the creation of new forms of training.

Есть ли польза от мяты для of women в периоды беременности и
breast feeding

Testing during pregnancy increased loads
организм of womenы особенно нуждается в укрепляющих его, мягко
tonic substances that can also alleviate symptoms
manifestations of toxicosis.

With all this, especially at the beginning of the pregnancy, it will help a lot.
handle mint tea.

А в течение 2-го триместра беременности of womenы особо отмечают,
that mint relieves back pain and helps with discomfort
feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

При низкой лактации врачи советуют of womenам употреблять
A certain kind of mint is curly. Firstly, due to the high
content of a substance called carvone, it actively stimulates
milk production. Secondly, it contains almost no
menthol, capable of giving the milk a cooling taste, due to
which food could refuse baby. In addition, many
другие разновидности мяты способны, если of womenа употребляет эту
greens in large volumes, adversely affect health
a child, lowering his blood pressure, disturbing his heart rate,
provoking allergies.

Вред мяты для of women

With all its positive aspects, the use of mint, with
provided that it happens constantly and in large quantities,
may have negative consequences, which include:

сильное понижение артериального давления;

– dizziness, even with minor physical

– sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night

– pain in the heart.

Peppermint should be treated with varicose veins.
varicose veins because it is characterized by lowering properties
tone the blood vessels and expand them.

With heartburn, mint can worsen the condition due to its quality.
increase the production of gastric juice.

With regular use, the effect becomes vividly visible.
mint as a sedative and it is worth considering for those who have everyday
life or work duties require quick response and good
concentration of attention. Во избежание вреда мяты для of women, чтобы
it did not slow down the brain, depending on the individual
body sensitivity, you may need to lower it
use or completely abandon the plant.

Еще of womenам важно учитывать то, что согласно последним научным
According to data, mint can negatively affect their ability to conceive.
child, especially against the already diagnosed problems in this
This is due in part to its properties to influence
hormonal background.

It is also recommended during pregnancy to refrain from
use of mint essential oil (including aromatherapy, baths with
him) and drinking large quantities of drinks and jams,
sweets from this herb.

The fact is that in individual cases, the substances from the composition
мяты, поступая в организм of womenы в большом количестве, особенно
if the last trimester of pregnancy is in progress, they may complicate
pregnancy or even provoke premature labor.

But in moderate doses and in the correct form, and also, possibly,
after consultation with a specialist (doctor) during pregnancy
в мяте для of women нет вреда и, как уже было сказано, она может быть
even very helpful.

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