The benefits of aspartame: indications for use,contraindications. The bitter truth about the dangers of aspartame

Пн, 07 май 2018 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener that
is not saccharide. Substance used in industry as
sugar substitute and dietary supplement. Before using it
substance must necessarily study the annotation and
consult a doctor.


The benefits of aspartame: indications for use

Aspartame is E951 food supplement that is
sugar substitute and is used to sweeten foods. how
the chemical element aspartame is a dipeptide methyl ester.
It contains amino acids such as aspartic acid and

By its flavoring qualities this substance overshadows the taste.
granulated sugar many times, and the taste is felt longer. But he
not as fast as sugar.

E951 is destroyed at a temperature of 30 degrees, so the application
substances are only possible for those foods that are not
subjected to heat treatment. Aspartame has no
odorless and easily diluted in water.

The main purpose of the E951 is the production of carbonated
sugary drinks. It is also a sugar substitute. Plus
substance is what it is used to make
diet drinks. It is caused by low calorie.
Also used to manufacture products for diabetics. This
dietary supplement is found in products such as
chewing gum, confectionery, lollipops.

Aspartame is indicated for patient use.

• endocrinological pathologies;

• diabetes;

• obese.

Since the additive is characterized by a sweetening effect,
can be used instead of regular granulated sugar. Real good
aspartame for diabetics who cannot eat sweets.

The bitter truth about the dangers of aspartame

E951 additive consists of two important amino acids indicated
earlier. But there are amino acids so important to the body, why is it harmful
their connection? Phenylalalin in the aspartame molecule resides in
methylated form. This is necessary in order for the additive
had a sweet taste. If you cross two amino acids together, then
This compound will not be sweet. The harm of aspartame is that
that the strongest poison appears in the body – methanol.

In fruit, methanol is interconnected with pectin. He goes through
the digestive tract without getting into the blood. Methanol aspartame
penetrates the blood. With regular consumption of products with
methanol, a person gets chronic methanol poisoning.

Peculiarity of consumption of a substance that allows to lead to
overdose, is that in drinks with E951,
there is a nasty aftertaste. This prompts the person to drink it.
sweetened liquid again and again. But water that is sweetened
substance does not quench thirst. For this reason it is human
causes more and more to consume liquids with an additive.

Harm of aspartame: contraindications and side reactions

Regarding the safety of the additives are still under discussion.
worldwide. Official sources talk about non-toxicity, then
Studies say the opposite. E951 has absolutely
contraindication – phenylketonuria disease. This is a disease that
associated with metabolic disorders of amino acids. When used by patients
aspartame can even be fatal. Health hazard
when used does not depend on the amount consumed.

Substance abuse may manifest itself.
third-party reactions:

• headaches and migraines;

• extraneous sounds in the ears;

• muteness of the lower extremities;

• depression;

• allergic reactions;

• seizures;

• sleeping problems;

• problems with joints;

• memory loss;

• cramps;

• causeless anxiety.

Also, healthy people can manifest such
problems like diarrhea and mild upset stomach. Is counted
about 90 symptoms that aspartame can cause. Most of
of them are neurological symptoms.

Long-term intake of drinks with the addition of E951 can be
cause of signs of multiple sclerosis. Such
reactions are completely reversible, but only with timely determination
reasons for this condition. It is important to stop in time to use
additive. There have been cases when, after stopping the use of a substance
patients with multiple sclerosis returned hearing, vision and
extraneous sounds in the ears disappeared.

You can’t take too many supplements for women carrying
baby, as this can cause malformations of the baby.
Despite the dangerous and serious side effects of aspartame allowed
for use in small quantities. If any
symptoms after drinking carbonated drinks or foods
sweetened with a substance then you need to consult with
a doctor.

Harm of aspartame to the brain and body

When the supplement enters the body, the brain stops
production of serotonin. The person does not feel satiety, but the struggle with
extra pounds meaningless. This substance changes the chemistry
brain, including his ability to lower key brain levels
chemical compounds.

Phenylalanine can change amino acid metabolism, function
nerves and hormonal balance in humans. Scientists talk about
that E951 can kill nerve cells and provoke disease
Alzheimer’s That is, the negative sides of aspartame are the following:

1. • The substance disrupts the metabolism of amino acids, the structure
proteins, nucleic acid unity. May provoke changes
catecholamine concentrations. These are substances in the brain that have
effects on the mood of a person.

2. • Aspartame and decay products strongly induce nerves.
overexcited, which causes excessive depolarization

3. • Energy systems for some enzyme reactions are
threatened by. This causes the inability of enzymes to act.

4. • Adenosine triphosphate reserves are spent in cells,
saying that the cells have a low concentration of glucose.

5. • Cell walls are destroyed. Cells become more
permeable. For this reason, the strongest oxidative
stress and death of nerve cells. Threatened
blood-brain barrier. It is a structure that becomes
a barrier to the penetration of certain substances from the bloodstream to

6. • Mitochondria are damaged. These are small engines that
synthesize energy in the cells of the body. This may lead to
male infertility. Also decreases oxidative metabolism.

7. • After taking the supplement, the cellular uptake changes.
calcium. For this reason, the functioning is suppressed.

Regular use of aspartame provokes or
makes the course of such chronic diseases as:

• epilepsy;

• crayfish;

• autism;

• chronic fatigue syndrome;

• irritable bowel syndrome.

With frequent supplements, vision problems appear.
There is an inaccuracy of vision and a reduction in the limits of vision. Also
damage to the retina, even blindness.

Aspartame only seems to be a harmless substance. But this additive
is the source of the strongest poison – methanol, which is capable
kill a living organism.

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