Tarot cards in the interpretation of Aleister Crowley. howwondering on the tarot cards?

Tarot cards in the interpretation of Aleister Crowley. how wondering on the tarot cards?

Many guesses exist about the origin
Tarot Historians also recorded that the first decks appeared in
medieval Italy, and the craftsmen who created them were inspired
Arab maps and esoteric teachings

But that was the creation of the people who lived in the eon of Osiris,
god of the underworld. The twentieth century was the first century of the eon of Horus,
the sun god. Based on this, Aleister Crowley declared that the new
time is the new conditions, so the tarot cards needed

Tarot cards in the interpretation of Aleister Crowley. how wondering on the tarot cards?

Aleister Crowley

Initially, he only wanted to redraw one of the old decks,
created by the Order of the Golden Dawn, and for this he made an alliance with
artist and Egyptologist Fridoy Harris. But she, having become acquainted with
a magician closer, insisted on creating a deck from scratch. Long
resisting, Crowley agreed.

The name for the deck is not accidental. He is a wise god, moon
god, patron of scholars and aristocrats of Egypt. After all, Tarot is not
tool bazaar fortune tellers. In them – a fusion of ancient religions, science,
philosophical systems. This is esoteric knowledge, by some
considered secret. There is another reason for this name:
Crowley believed that the first Tarot were made by the Egyptians, priests

In addition, he believed that in the deck signs, symbols, and
Plots express the knowledge of the Holy Kabbalah (esoteric
branch of Judaism). There is no contradiction. Truth is one, and
the ancient Egyptians and medieval Jews came to her independent

Creating a deck, Crowley relied on knowledge,
underlined from ancient texts, from mythologies, philosophical doctrines,
Sciences, history and astrology.

Предсказание будущего – лишь малая функция Таро Thoth. This is the key
to the universe.


Hidden structures

Основой для карт Таро Тота стала Каббала.
Ten Numbers – Sephir, which are represented by forty cards
Junior Arkan, and twenty-two Hebrew letters corresponding to
cards senior lasso. A similar system was in the medieval

Десять чисел – это Древо Жизни, этапы
formation of being. The beginning of everything is zero. Shapeless Emptiness –
basis for the existence of something. Unit – point but her
position can not be described if there is no other point. So in the void
a line appears, as it is understood in Euclidean geometry.
The resulting space is affine, there is no measure of length in it. It is impossible
measure the line if there is no measure. A third point is born, Euclidean
triangle, plane and two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. But
to determine the position of the plane need a fourth point – so
born matter and three-dimensional coordinate system.

Bulk, space-filling substance – matter, and she –
just a constant thing. Then comes the new postulate –
motion and, therefore, time, for time is a measure of change.

The number six is ​​a self-aware subject capable of
experience. Seven – being, the very idea of ​​being. Eight is the ability
think. And nine is the idea of ​​bliss.

The tree itself is divided into four elemental levels.

Огонь – нуль, начало начал, мир архетипов. Him
противоположность – вода, это единица и двойка,
the world of Creation, in which the will of the fiery father is carried out.
Позитивная и подвижная стихия – воздух, занявшая
numbers from three to nine, the world of formation. And a dozen is
земля, основание древа, материальный мир. But все
the four elements are closed in a circle, moving into each other. Them
There are four suits of junior lasso:

  • Fire rods,
  • Water bowls
  • Air swords
  • Earth disks (denarii, pentacles – in other tarot decks).

In addition, each of the courtyard cards also represents its own
the elements:

  • Fire is father, knight, king,
  • Water is mother, queen,
  • The air is a prince, a page, a son,
  • Earth is a princess, a daughter.

Speaking about the prince of wands, for example, means the air part
of fire. This card characterizes a certain character, a person with
all its complexity and inconsistency. Together sixteen cards
courtyards form a socionic card of personality types.

The remaining cards of the junior arcane are aces (ones) and numbers from two
up to a dozen are stages of the metamorphosis of the elements, their path along
astrological firmament from manifestation to purification and death.

With the cards of the senior arcane, everything is more complicated and simpler at the same time. Their
it is difficult to unite into a system, the common thing of the day is one thing – they
Hebrew alphabet. But в иврите каждой букве соответствует

For example, the word Jehovah is the sum of tens, fives, sixes, and
again fives, that is twenty six or product of two on

Thirteen is the sum of the letters from which the word is composed.

Therefore, Jehovah is the Unity manifested in Duality.

The science of these correspondences is called

Decoding cards

The tandem of the great magician and artist generated a unique deck,
complex, filled with symbols from various layers of human
culture. Therefore, to treat any of the cards of the deck is difficult and
fine art.

For example, the first card of the senior lasso is the Fool (“Crazy” in
first decks).

Tarot cards in the interpretation of Aleister Crowley. how wondering on the tarot cards?

Null (unknown void that above the Tree of Life) and the letter Aleph,
maternal letter, one of the three, in which the synthesis of the elements, the synthesis
father, mother and child. Obsessed and holy. It shows
Green Man, the personification of the regenerative forces, the forces that
honored in the Greek Bacchanalia. This is primal, animal
impulse that revives life. Fool’s footwear of gold is
the energy of the sun (Christian maiden clothed with gold, that is,
the sun is an ancient tradition that goes back centuries In the hands of
he has a rod and a pine cone, on his shoulder are bunches of grapes (ecstasy
wines, ecstasy, in which the bacchants were immersed). At the feet of the Fool – a tiger,
river, crocodile and lotus. These and other symbols depicted on the map
– they are all about one thing. Dodger – changeable, unpredictable,
immersing in the ecstasy of madness.

Or one of the cards of the court (figure cards) – Knight of Wands.

Tarot cards in the interpretation of Aleister Crowley. how wondering on the tarot cards?

It shows воин, на нем латы и огненный плащ, в его руке –
torch. He rides a black horse through the flames of fires. And his helmet
украшает плюмаж из конского волоса.Это огненная часть of fire.
Nobility, pride, generosity, swiftness. But в окружении
Incorrect elements The knight degenerates, becomes cruel and rude,
unprepared for life.

Crowley himself wrote that each card is a living being,
individuality and between them there are

To understand them, you need to watch them. Only by experience
full decoding of maps is possible. Otherwise, it’s just them.
description. The situation is the same as with science. Man learned
describe the nature of the equations, but only

Divination by the tarot cards

To master the art of prediction, it is necessary
to know man and nature itself. Without it – all this is only

The first step in the session with the Tarot is the selection of the Significator,
one of the sixteen maps of the yard, the most appropriate personality
the person for whom the prediction is made – Querent.

After that a complex ritual is performed, during which the predictor
makes assumptions and makes up a story. He must understand
Kverenta problem and make recommendations.

So this is more a psychoanalysis session, in
during which the soothsayer reveals the identity of Kverenta and
tells him the way of life.

Подробное описание ритуала Aleister Crowley приводит в работе –
�”Book of Thoth.” But это не более, чем рекомендации и один из возможных
ways to predict. Everyone who decided to master this art
goes its own way, in its own way understands the cards and in its own way
communicates with them.

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