Syroeda response to attacks of others

Чт, 29 дек 2016 Автор: Наталья Notизвестная

When a raw foodist is said to be worried about his health and
the “truths” seated in the head are repeated from school (about the irreplaceable
amino acids, etc.), in fact, people are worried about their own
feeling right

If they were really worried about their health,
you would not only be interested in traditional views on
food, health, medicine, but also unconventional.

Nobody offers them to eat like this, but they actively attack
syroeda, in order to justify their usual food, even then when their
do not condemn, and the questions they ask syroedam not to something
to find out, but only to refute everything.

The traditional theory of balanced nutrition – for them
It becomes a bible from which citations come down to syroeda.
The theory of adequate nutrition scares them.

Vegetarians and syroedov are considered aggressive and still some
image scientists have found that it is from a lack of vitamin B12. Not
I know how scientists have established this relationship, but those who
eats meat, love to cling to this “fact” and at the same time do not notice
all its aggressiveness with the wealth of this vitamin.

Raw foodists and vegetarians are not angels and they can be very
aggressive. At the beginning syroeda everything conflicts inside: old
nutrition theory, with a new nutrition theory (which is not new at all).
New in it only that it is confirmed by scientists.

But animals do not need any theory for life, for
building muscle they don’t need any knowledge about
�”Essential” amino acids. They have wonderful muscles and coat. how
but everything becomes simple and clear, looking at the animal world, and
no science is needed anymore. Giraffes, cows and elephants forgot to ask
Do doctors have what they need to build muscles.

Man, you’re a man! Call yourself highly organized
being but do not believe in the capabilities of your body, your
a biochemical laboratory that scientists cannot know until
the end. The body of the animal does not need to study well
function. Why do we need to set mandatory for
all nutritional habits?

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