Switzerland – Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, map

Tue, 17 May 2016

Швейцария (Швейцарская Конфедерация) —
federal republic in Western Europe that has no access to
by the sea. It is surrounded on all sides by neighboring European countries:
in the south – Italy, in the north – Germany, in the east it borders
Liechtenstein and Austria, and in the west in contact with France. Her
the territory is divided into 3 regions: the Jura Mountains (north side), the plateau
(center), the Alpine Mountains, which occupy more than half of the entire
territory of the country. Includes 26 cantons
(administrative-territorial units).

Switzerland is ranked 94th in the world in terms of population
about 7, 8 million people live within it, 90% of which
the Swiss, the rest are foreigners of various nationalities. AT
Republic does not have a common language, but the most common
French, Italian, German and Romansh are considered.
The generally accepted currency is represented as a currency unit –
Swiss frank.

AT Швейцарии около 50 % верующих – сторонники католицизма, второе
the place is taken by Protestants (45%), 5% of people profess other
religion. The largest Roman Catholic Church is known throughout


Switzerland – the capital and major cities

The capital of Switzerland and one of the largest cantons is
Bern, which is located in the valley of the Aare River, in the central part
country. It is home to 335,000 people, including the suburbs.
The cultural value of the city is great, it has retained its
immunity for centuries – major wars bypassed
capital side. The city is considered the property of world culture in
all over europe. Its architectural appearance reflects the rich history
Medieval fortifications in the old town have kept their

Bern is one of the largest European centers with developed
tourist infrastructure. What so attracts tourists here? Of course
the splendid landscapes, the rising tops of the Alps,
diversity of cultural and historical values. Also close
from the city there are famous ski resorts.

Other major cities in Switzerland include: Basel, Zurich,
Женеву, Лозанну, Санкт-Гален и ATинтертур.

Switzerland – Recreation and Tours

The Swiss take care of their natural wealth and
resources – tourism brings them considerable income. From year to year
wanting to relax in the republic increases. The country offers
guests the most diverse range of entertainment and recreation. This and
excursions, and visits to ski resorts, and an overview of local
attractions, and of course
wellness tours to thermal spas.

The country is famous for the huge abundance of lakes, which certainly
I want to visit. Mysterious, extraordinarily magnificent nature,
mirror-clear waters, clean air will allow you to plunge into
heavenly peace, a break from a noisy and polluted civilization,
relax and improve your health.

Thermal health resorts receive guests
all year round. Bad Zurzach, Bad Ragaz, Leukerbad, Yverdon offer
various rejuvenating, strengthening and relieving stress

Grindelwald (“glacier village”) – the famous ski
resort will give a lot of pleasant and exciting emotions. Even in summer
here you can “ride with the wind” on the alpine skiing.

Switzerland – attractions

Small state with elegant cities, first-class
hotels, clean lakes and picturesque nature is unique. Here
all the beauty is concentrated, so skillfully created by nature itself and
by human hands.

AT Швейцарии богатое культурно-историческое наследие, история
оставила свой отпечаток во многих уголках country. For example, looking
on the ruins in Avenches and Nyon, involuntarily recall the Romans. BUT
Gothic, Romanesque architectural monuments – the pride of cities
Geneva, Basel and Lausanne. Preserved and the fortress of the Renaissance –
Castello di Montebello. The fortress has a high attendance, with
many European countries come to see this historic

Museums and musical theaters will not leave indifferent the real ones.
lovers of art. BUT в восточной части вы увидите Рейнский
waterfall. The western side, where the Jura mountains are lined, represents
is a grand natural park with picturesque mountain slopes,
deep canyons, flowering vineyards, lakes Biel,
Neuchâtel and Lake Geneva, which is considered separate

Castles, Towers, Chapels, Fortresses – an integral part of many
cities of Switzerland, which everyone needs to contemplate
to the traveler. Merging with history and knowing its depths is very
important for a modern person.

Switzerland – weather (climate)

The general climate in the country is temperate, but largely depends on
height above sea level. AT западной части преобладает влияние
BUTтлантического океана. AT восточной стороне и горных районах ярко
expressed features of the continental climate.

AT летние месяцы температура поднимается от +18 до +30, а в
winter – drops to +5, -2 degrees. Autumn and spring temperatures
usually ranges from +7 to +16 g. AT горах зима regarding
cool: temperatures can drop to -12 degrees or more. AT
первую половину зимы BUTтлантический океан приносит с собой в страну
strong winds with rain and fog.

Погода в Швейцарии сейчас:

Switzerland - Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, mapSwitzerland - Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, map

Switzerland – national cuisine

Swiss cuisine deserves the attention of gourmets from around the world.
Despite the fact that neighboring states have affected her
formation, there is an unlimited number of its own
delicacies that are popular in other countries.

The famous fondue – a traditional dish – is
slices of fresh, soft bread dipped in melted cheese.
This dish is usually served with a glass of white wine. Other
потрясающее блюдо — раклетт из ATаллиса: сыр трут на крупной терке и
heated together with potatoes. For the preparation of delicacies
use selected cheeses: Emmental, Appenzel and
grayertsky cheeses, they are the most popular among

The Swiss enrich their diet with various soups. For example,
barley soup busekka, Basel flour soup, and
famous corn soup with pieces of selected fruit and
adding cream. You should definitely try risotto – plov with
mushrooms and vegetables. Local chefs cook it in a special way.
a recipe whose secret is not revealed.

Fish and meat dishes – an indispensable attribute of the Swiss table.
Trout, rudd, egli and pike complement a variety of foods. Still
one delicacy that deserves your attention is bündinsky meat,
cooked according to a unique recipe.

Switzerland – interesting facts

1. The Lord cheated the country with minerals, but gave
extraordinary nature. AT государстве нет ни единого
millionaire cities.3. Switzerland is the only one in the world
confederation.4. Swiss children begin to learn school
system from 4 years. AT стране введен запрет на продажу алкогольной
products after nine in the evening. AT республике все могут получить
free education, including foreigners. In order to
to cut down any tree, you need to get approval from the authorities, even
if it is planted on your land.

Switzerland – visa application

To enter the territory of the European state is required
visa. It can be single and multiple, also available
opportunity to get a Schengen and a national visa. Its term
registration is 5-8 days, the initial cost – from 145 USD
For more information, it is advisable to contact

Embassy of Switzerland in Moscow

BUTдрес: 101000, пер. Garden Sloboda, 2 / 5Phone: (495)
258-3838, 258-3840, 258-3839

Map of Switzerland

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