Sugar Free Banana Cookies

Let’s make tasty and healthy banana cookies. Recipe,
which I propose cannot be called dietary, because in it
white flour is used.

But we will not put sugar at all. And our sweetness
Natural fruit such as banana, dates and raisins will give the treat.

If desired, you can additionally add dried apricots, candied fruits or



pechenie7 – banana – 1 pc .; – dates – 5-6 pcs .; – raisins
(mixture) – 30 g; – refined vegetable oil – 35 ml; – flour –
150-180 g; – baking powder – 0.5 tsp; – egg (large) – 1 pc.


To make banana cookies without sugar, we take ripe
banana and knead the pulp with a fork. Finely chop dates and connect
with mashed potatoes. pechenie9 Soak the raisins for 2 minutes in hot water and then
добавить к банановой заготовке pechenie5 Сюда же вбить яйцо и влить масло. Good
stir pechenie8 Gently mix baking powder into the flour. To knead
dough. pechenie10 Spoon moistened with water to put portions of dough on
parchment. pechenie1 Bake cookies for about 15 minutes at 180 C until
light “blush.”

After 15 minutes it is ready, it can be served at the table. pechenie6 Enjoy your meal!

This recipe from the category

Baking, dietary cookies

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