Student omens and superstitions: during the sessionall means are good!

Student omens and superstitions: during the session all means are good!

Students all over the world are very kind to
superstitions and beliefs, because in some cases only a miracle and
otherworldly forces help to successfully pass exams and tests.
Some signs are quite simple, but others resemble real ones.
rituals. Even the most skeptical students, well
prepared for the session, do not forget to spit over the left shoulder and
knock on wood, because all the signs are checked
by life.


Exam preparation – responsible process

 In 90% of cases, prepare for delivery of the subject
students start a couple of days before the decisive date. In addition to permanent
reading and cramming can be safe in a proven way
attracting good luck.

So, studying notes and textbooks, you can not leave
notebooks and books open, even excommunicating for a few minutes.
�“Read – close the outline!” – this holy rule will help knowledge
do not erode out of my head.

While reading, it is not recommended to chew something, leave it in the background.
working television or music center. These signs have
quite a scientific explanation: the brain is distracted by extraneous
information and worse remembers learning material.

Those who are waiting for the exam or test in the coming days are by no means
You can’t take out the garbage and throw things away. Cleaning can
wait, the main thing – do not scare away fortune.

Appearance is the key to success

What to go to the exam to pass it on the desired grade?
According to student signs, this day does not need to be too bright and
defiantly dress up and put on new clothes. Donating better in that
clothes that have already been repeatedly verified received
good marks. And beautiful outfits can be reserved for another.
occasion, for example, for a holiday at the end of the session.

By the way, one of the worst superstitions is to mark the session.
ahead of time, without passing all tests to the end and not closing

It is better to be patient and wait for the records to be
filled all the lines. Interestingly, in some universities, parties
about passing exams turn into real shows. For example,
so that luck will come next semester, everyone must
move down the stairs sitting in the pelvis! The main thing is that during this
process was next to the “safety group”, which will be
to maintain an unusual “transport” during its rapid
movement on the steps.

Another of the most popular signs that relate to clothing and
Shoe – Piglet in the shoe. The coin must be placed under the left heel and
Do not pull out until the end of the exam.

Good luck!

On the way to college, you can perform a few simple steps.
able to attract good luck. So, leaving the house, you need to close the door.
as quietly as possible; the same applies to the door to the audience: you cannot enter
clap it loudly.

Walking along the street, it is important to bypass all sewer manholes
and do not step on them.

Bad luck – if a student stumbled on the way,
This day can not wait for a good mark.

True, this belief has an “antidote” – you need to go back and
touch the object with your hand, even if it is a stone or a hummock.

It is believed that the left side for the student is happy. Get up with
beds should be left-handed, doors should be opened – with the left hand, to take
Examination ticket – also only with his left hand. By the way, good
omen – hold on to the edge of the teaching desk while
choose a ticket. It is desirable that the table was wooden, then exactly
good luck smiles, and questions will fall easy and simple.

In the name of a great result!

The main subject for each student is his gradebook. WITH
it also has many superstitions. You can not get on it
water is a bad omen. It is also not recommended to show
register before the end of the session to anyone other than the teacher.

Interesting ritual – draw a simple pencil in
a little house with a window and a pipe, from which it is necessary
there must be smoke.

Smoke symbolizes well-being, so the student can safely
count on success.

To pass the exam, you can hold a student
who has already left the audience with a good rating. The main thing is not
to frighten a comrade with surprise, but to warn and ask, not against
does he.

During the exam, the teacher’s actions can also play
important role. So, if the teacher went to the window and opened the window –
it is good, if, on the contrary, closed, it is a bad omen, and you need
prepare for the answer more carefully.

With the world – according to, the five in the record book

All students are alike, regardless of
what country they live in.

For example, главное суеверие для китайских студентов — не
wear on the exam clothes of green tones. But the red shades
can attract good luck, so during a session at universities often
there is a red color.

English sign with flowers is widely known. Going on
test, students insert a pink (white, pink
or red). If in the record book there is a good mark means
omens worked, and, in order not to scare away fortune, friends should
throw lucky garbage (most often, it’s just crumpled
paper). WITHтранно, но метод работает — проверено десятилетиями.

WITHамый безумный ритуал для удачной учебы — в Америке.
WITHтаршекурсники отдают студентам младших курсов свои лекции и
abstracts. For this, the lucky ones should draw themselves circles around
eye – it symbolizes the headlights of the car. After this freshman
he puts his older comrade on his back and “carries” him along the corridor.
It is enough to make one “flight” so that the ritual is considered
fulfilled. It is said that after this ceremony students will definitely be
wait only good marks in the record book.

No matter how strange and incomprehensible
student omens and superstitions, the main thing is that they are really
work. Especially as an aid, whereas
The main, win-win secret of success is to learn the material. If a
go through the tickets, even a black cat or a woman with a blank
a bucket will not be scary!

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