Strawberry liqueur at home – outcompetition! All the subtleties and recipes for making liqueurs fromstrawberries at home

Вт, 14 июн 2016 BUTвтор: Марина Выходцева

Strawberry liqueur – strong drink with amazing aroma
of the summer

It can be used for its intended purpose or used in
desserts, baked goods, as a variety of ingredients

And not necessarily run for strawberry liqueur to the store, his
very easy to cook at home.


Strawberry liqueur at home – general principles

The strength of the liquor can be from 15 to 75 degrees. But,
despite the high rate, the drink is quite easy to drink. BUT
all thanks to the addition of large amounts of sugar and pronounced
the taste of berries. From sugar boiled syrups or put it in its pure form.
Over time, it dissolves in a mixture of juice and alcohol.

What fix liqueurs:

• vodka;

• brandy;

• alcohol;

• rum.

Клубнику для preparations ликеров можно использовать не только
fresh, but also frozen. Sometimes make a drink on the ready syrup
with sugar. Fresh berries should be thoroughly washed, remove the tails and
be sure to dry. Water droplets should not be.

Ликеры бывают быстрого preparations для немедленного
use and for long-term storage. The difference between them is not
only in technology, but also in the ingredients used. Often in
drink add dairy products, chocolate, condensed milk and he just
cannot be stored for a long time.

Recipe 1: Strawberry liqueur at home on vodka

This is perhaps one of the easiest and most affordable ways.
preparations ликера из клубники в домашних conditions. A bottle of vodka
can be purchased at any store, and the drink will be ready in


• 0.6 kg of strawberries;

• 500 ml of vodka;

• 0.35 kg of sugar.


1. Wash 1.5 liter jar and dry.

2. Berries also need to be washed and allowed to dry, tails and
damage immediately removed.

3. We shift the strawberries in a jar, pour vodka, close and
We put on the window. It is better to choose the sunny side.

4. After a week, we filter the liquor, but the years are not necessary.
While the vodka infusion is removed, we pour half into the strawberries
Sahara. Shake the jar and let stand for 2 more days
the sun.

5. We merge new syrup, now berries can be squeezed out.

6. Combine with vodka and the remaining sugar, shake and
remove ripen in a dark room for 22 days.

7. Then the drink must be removed from the sediment, which will sit on the bottom.
You can use a straw or just gently pour into another.

Recipe 2: German strawberry liqueur at home

Quite a famous recipe for liquor with lemon at home
conditions. In the shops you can find this tempting drink with
inscription XuXu, but it costs fabulous money. Home option
costs many times cheaper. The strength of the drink will be about
15%, it is advisable to use chilled ingredients.


• 0.1 liters of lemon juice;

• 0.6 kg of strawberries;

• 0.33 liters of vodka;

• 0,15 кг Sahara.


1. Prepared strawberries are placed in a blender container and

2. Add sugar and do it together.

3. Add lemon juice to them.

4. Взбиваем все вместе до полного растворения Sahara.

5. Add vodka and continue to beat. The drink will be thick,
similar to juice.

6. Spill by the glass and you can immediately use it!

7. If you are confused by the presence of crushed seeds in a drink, then
strawberries can be rubbed through a strainer before being placed in

Recipe 3: Strawberry liqueur at home with
condensed milk

Recipe incredibly delicious liqueur, for which you need
ordinary condensed milk. Choose a real product without
vegetable fats, otherwise the surface of the drink may form
oily film, which is not very nice.


• 0.3 kg of strawberries;

• 170 grams of vodka;

• 0.12 liters of condensed milk.


1. Wash the strawberries and put in a bowl.

2. Add condensed milk and whisk in mashed potatoes using a blender.

3. It remains to pour in vodka and beat again.

4. BUTроматный ликер готов! You can take a sample.

Recipe 4: Strawberry liqueur at home for long

Option liquor, which is remarkably preserved throughout
of the year. The drink will delight until the new harvest, if it is stored in
refrigerator, cellar, cold pantry room.


• 1.5 kg of strawberries;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 0.2 liters of water;

• 1 liter of vodka.


1. We put strawberries in a glass jar, a little

2. Add prescription vodka. You can take diluted alcohol,
brandy or other suitable drink.

3. Close the bank and put in the sun, you can just
window sill. Withstand 10 days.

4. Strain through gauze, squeeze the rest of the berries.

5. Boil sugar syrup with recipe water, cool.

6. Combine strawberry infusion with syrup, stir.

7. Bottled, corked and cleaned. Liquor can
use immediately, but it is better to ripen for two weeks.

Recipe 5: Strawberry liqueur at home with lemon and

For such a liqueur, besides strawberries, you need a little lemon
juice, vanilla, and a couple of sprigs of mint. The drink is very fragrant and
There are many variations with the addition of cinnamon, cloves and other
flavored ingredients.


• 1 kg of strawberries;

• juice of lemon 0.5 and zest;

• 0.5 vanilla pod;

• 2 sprigs of mint;

• 500 ml of water;

• 0.8 kg of sugar;

• liter of vodka.


1. Combine the washed berries with vodka in a glass jar,
close, shake. We remove in a dark place for 3 weeks.
It is advisable not to forget about the future drink and periodically
встряхивать capacity.

2. Cook the syrup out of the water with the sugar, let it boil for three minutes,
then turn off and dip mint, vanilla, zest. Cover and give
Brew for 4 hours.

3. Strain the berries from vodka. Infusion merge back into the jar.

4. Add the cooled syrup, which must also be drained.

5. Pour in lemon juice, stir. Liquor is ready! It can
try to immediately or pour into convenient containers and put it on

Recipe 6: Strawberry liqueur at home with a banana.

Рецептура изумительного ликера из клубники в домашних conditions.
It has a taste of the popular Love is chewing gum and
just can not fall in love.


• 2 large bananas;

• 0.35 kg of strawberries;

• 0.5 liters of vodka;

• 0.2 liters of water;

• 0,25 кг Sahara.


1. Peel bananas, break them into pieces or cut them. We throw in

2. Add strawberries to them and pour vodka on them.
Shake, cork and set to warm for two weeks.

3. After 14 days, boil the syrup from prescription sugar with water,

4. We get tincture of berries with bananas, filter. Can
slightly squeeze, but not very much.

5. It remains to combine the cooled syrup with aromatic tincture and
the liquor is ready! Can употреблять, но лучше отправить на
maturation and hold in a cool place for a week.

Recipe 7: Strawberry liqueur at home with rum.

In fact, this kind of homemade liquor is made from two kinds
Alcohol: vodka and rum. The drink has an unusual taste, pleasant
aroma and sufficient strength.


• 1 liter of vodka;

• 0.7 Lira Roma;

• 2 kg of strawberries;

• 1 кг Sahara.


1. Wash and dry the berries well. If they are large or
dense, then cut into several pieces.

2. We pour strawberries in a jar, we immediately fill berries with sugar,
mix and insist to highlight the juice for 3 hours.

3. Combine rum with vodka, stir and pour into

4. Cork a can and vigorously shake for five minutes.

5. We put in a dark place for 60 days. Desirable 2 times a week
вспоминать про ликер и встряхивать capacity.

6. After two months, the drink is filtered and it
completely ready to eat.

Strawberry liqueur at home – useful tips and

• Do not like the bones in the liquor or not the blender? Can
skip the strawberries through a juicer and use to
preparations напитка чистый сок.

• The slightest traces of rot or mildew spoil the taste of the drink and
will give him an unpleasant scent. Therefore, it is important to carefully sort through
berries and do not allow spoiled strawberries.

• Клубники мало и недостаточно для preparations понравившегося
recipe? You can always add some other berries: cherries, cherries,
raspberries, blackberries. Also fit juicy fruits: peaches, plums,
apricots Well, do not forget about exotic fruits: bananas,
oranges, pineapple, kiwi. They all harmonize perfectly with strawberries.
and resolve the issue of scarcity.

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