Before proceeding to
weight loss, you need to create for themselves the appropriate
mental attitude, because it is your motivation for
Weight loss plays a huge role in this difficult matter.
After all, the process of losing weight is not just dropping extra pounds,
it is a long hard work of changing your eating habits,
the amount of food consumed and your physical activity.
That’s why, if you quickly lose weight with any
ultra effective diets (such as buckwheat), then no change
lifestyle you will be very difficult to keep your weight on one
So, how do you find this motivation for losing weight?
Before you start working on weight loss, you clearly
must determine their motivation and ultimate goals, otherwise
the process itself will turn into an exhausting and hard work for you, which
you will hate and stop as soon as possible.
The reasons for losing weight can be very much, but most of
they are not so significant and, as a result, you will very soon
go the distance. And all your efforts will go down the drain, your weight
will remain at the same level and you decide to postpone your
problem next monday, next first day of month
the beginning of the new year, etc.
It is also helpful to read: “How to make yourself lose weight? Strength
motivation. “
In order to choose the right incentives for motivation and
get such an important psychological mood for losing weight,
arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pen. On it write down everything that you do not
like in themselves because of excess weight, as well as all unpleasant
cases that happened to you in life because of this. It may be
failures in your personal life when you were thrown for the sake of a more slender
partner. And the inconvenience at work, and embarrassment in cafes and restaurants by
about the amount of food ordered. And the problem of choosing clothes
the right size, and the inability to “climb” into your favorite
the dress.
Read your list and think – are you still not
tired of such a life? This will create the corresponding
mood and for themselves determine the motivation for losing weight, which
for you will be the strongest, most decisive.
Examples of such motivations for weight loss can be:
- motivation to improve health: to get rid of the inconvenience and
diseases caused by excess weight, it is and reduce the burden on your
legs and feet, make walking easy, forget about shortness of breath forever,
put pressure in order;
- motivation to improve personal life: to finally find
beloved one, start to like men either, if you are married,
then the husband would be proud of you;
- motivation to increase your self-esteem: to become
the owner of a smart figure in which every man will be
look at you with admiration in the street you are either on the beach, choose
beautiful sexy lingerie, buy clothes and shoes that you
like, not the one that fits in size.
In order not to lose your motivation for
lose weight, get yourself a diary of your achievements, in which you will
enter all your weight and volume changes. In addition, write down
there and their small victory over weight, it may be
and the refusal of the extra cake for the night, and the extra 20 minutes spent
Workout at the fitness club, and the compliment from a colleague.
This diary is extremely motivating and does not allow you to relax in
difficult moment, just look through it a little. As an option,
get yourself an online diary on specialized sites for
losing weight
Here you can always meet like-minded people, shared with
them with their achievements, and receive an incredible charge of motivation,
looking at someone’s success in the fight against obesity.
We recommend once a month to see the result.
photographed in full growth. And hang the photos side by side
with each other – so clearly you can see the progress in losing weight.
Perhaps at first, you will be reluctant to look at your
photos, but it will take time, and you will be happy
compare them with more recent shots. And if you want to secure
the result of your labors for years to come, then learn how to get
pleasure not only from food. Find yourself an interesting activity
finally, be engaged in what hands did not reach for so long.
Go to the cinema, to concerts more often, lead a more active lifestyle.
Learn to love yourself and indulge in pleasant shopping.
And remember, you always have the right to make mistakes!
And if you have broken, you should not engage in self-blame and
quit starting halfway. Imagine that nothing
happened, remember your chosen motivation for
losing weight and keep doing what you planned and
success will surely come to you!