Steak in a slow cooker – reddened, steamed,roast! Cooking different steaks in a meat cooker,turkey, fish

Ср, 17 авг 2016 Автор: Марина Выходцева

A steak is a solid piece of meat or fish that pleases one
only in size.

What to say about taste!

Steak looks advantageous at any celebration, decorate dinner and
satisfy hunger well. It is very easy to cook in a slow cooker, which
we’ll do it.


Multicooker Steak – General Cooking Principles

Most often cooked steaks from pork, veal, fish. Now
Turkey has become very popular. In this case, the steaks are cut from
massive bird sternum. Thickness usually ranges from one to
two centimeters, the size is not limited by anything, only an area
multicookers. Since steaks are cooked in one layer, then at one time
difficult to make more than three, maximum four servings.

In a slow cooker steaks can be baked, roasted, cooked on
a couple. Before this, the product is sprinkled with spices or marinated in the sauce.
The selection of spices depends on the recipe and the main ingredient.

Pork Multicooker Steak (in mustard sauce)

Recipe for roasted and juicy pork steaks in a slow cooker,
which it is desirable to marinate in advance. Mustard used


• 2 steaks per 0.5 kg;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• 2-3 tablespoons sour cream;

• salt, garlic clove, pepper mixture;

• olive oil.


1. We wash the pork steaks and wipe them well with napkins. Capel
water should not be on them. Beat off the meat should not be.

2. Rub the pieces with salt and a mixture of peppers.

3. Top lubricates a thin layer of mustard. Do it need
hands so that the sauce penetrates the meat better.

4. On top of the mustard put a layer of sour cream with a clove of garlic,

5. Put the steaks on top of each other, leave at least four
hours Periodically swap the pieces so that the meat is evenly

6. Turn on the slow cooker. Install the “Fry”, immediately pour
a thin layer of olive oil.

7. Squeeze the steaks from the cream sauce and lay out in
hot oil. Sprinkle the pork on top too.

8. Close the slow cooker for ten minutes, then the meat.
turn over and cook another 10 minutes. The exact time depends on
power device. Check the meat puncture. If the juice is not clear,
the malt appeared, then you can hold the steaks still.

9. Spread hot pork on flat plates, serve
greens, fresh vegetables.

Beef steak in a slow cooker (kefir marinade)

A variant of juicy and tender steak in a slow cooker, for which
need veal or young beef. Since the meat of this species
quite dry by itself, it is advisable to marinate it the day before
and let it soak in kefir sauce for at least four hours.


• two steaks;

• 120 ml of kefir;

• salt, pepper, laurel;

• 1 tsp. Italian herbs;

• butter.


1. Beef, it is desirable to repel a little, to make elastic
fibers are softer. We take a kitchen hammer and slightly we pass on
pieces on both sides. It is not necessary to be zealous that meat is not
lost their juices.

2. Mix kefir with Italian herbs, add to it
salt, pepper, stir well. It is advisable to use fat
kefir, you can ryazhenka or yogurt without flavor additives.

3. At the bottom of the bowl put a bay leaf.

4. We slice the meat and dress it on the laurel. Fill
the remains of kefir, cover and remove marinate in the fridge.
Periodically, the beef can be turned.

5. After a certain time, we get meat from kefir marinade and
well wring out. We spread on the grate and give the drain residual
drops of sauce.

6. Pour oil into the slow cooker, it fits well on frying mode

7. Put the steaks, cook under the lid until golden brown.

8. Open, turn and fry the second

Turkey Multicooker Steak

Turkey is now very popular, not only among supporters
healthy nutrition. Why not make steaks from it?
A massive bird sternum is cut, necessarily across the fibers,
thickness up to two centimeters.


• 3-4 steaks about 500 grams;

• onion head;

• one carrot;

• spices, oil.


1. Pieces of turkey seasoned with spices, leave to marinate
not necessary.

2. Pour oil and heat it up. Whole cooking process
will be carried out on baking mode.

3. Put the turkey on the bottom of the multicooker and fry for five minutes
с каждой parties.

4. While the bird is preparing, cut the onion, rub the carrot.

5. Add vegetables to a slightly roasted turkey.

6. Close the slow cooker, prepare twenty more on this mode.
minutes You can flip to the other side, but not worth it
do often.

Steak in a slow cooker of salmon with grapefruit

Option fish steak with an unmatched flavor. Instead of grapefruit
You can use an orange or other citrus. The taste will turn out
slightly different, but also worthy.


• 2 salmon steaks;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• 1 grapefruit;

• salt, pepper, fish seasoning.


1. Disassemble the grapefruit. Remove the skins, clear the slices from
films. Half put aside the side. Of the remaining segments, we press
the juice.

2. Rub the dried, dried chunks of salmon with spices for
fish, salt and pepper.

3. Mix squeezed juice with one spoon of oil, pour

4. Даем рыбе промариноваться полhours You can leave salmon and
longer, but in that case it is advisable to put the fish in

5. Pour the remaining oil in a slow cooker, more precisely, lubricates
bowl with one spoon.

6. Slightly squeeze the salmon and put it in the preheated mode
baking bowl.

7. Put previously peeled and peeled slices around.

8. Закрываем, готовим рыбу полhours On request, you can salmon
перевернуть, чтобы подрумянились обе parties. But it must be done
not at the very beginning of preparation, but towards the end.

Steamed salmon steak in a slow cooker

Recipe tender and juicy salmon steak, which is prepared in
корзинке на a couple. Stresses the amazing taste of red fish
flavored sauce. Instead of mayonnaise, you can take sour cream.


• 2 steaks;

• 1 lemon;

• 100 ml of mayonnaise;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• 2 pickled cucumbers;

• greens, spices.


1. Cut a lemon in half. From one part squeeze juice
mix it with salt, pepper or take ready seasonings for

2. Rub the steaks with lemon sauce. Reserve the fish for thirty

3. Cut the remains of citrus into thin circles.

4. We shift the salmon to the multicooker basket, on top
scatter thin circles of lemon.

5. Pour water into the bowl, immediately use boiling water to
to reduce the time. We throw peas pepper and lemon rind, from which
ранее выжали сок для маринования fish.

6. Включаем варку на пару, готовим 20 minutes This time
достаточно для приготовления fish.

7. Пока готовится семга, делаем flavored sauce. For this
we shake in a blender pieces of one pickled cucumber, mayonnaise and
mustard, add at the end of a little green so that it does not
turned into mashed potatoes.

8. We take out steaks from the steamer tray, put them on plates,
pour the sauce. We cut the second cucumber thin plates
decorate the dish.

Steak in Pork Multicooker with Garlic

The recipe for a fragrant steak, which is sure to get juicy.
Cooking no more than two pieces so that the meat comfortably sits on
дне multicookers.


• 2 steaks;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• salt, spices for meat;

• butter.


1. Wash the pieces of pork.

2. Garlic clean and cut the teeth into plates. Sprinkle with
spices for meat. But you can take any seasoning or mix
on their own.

3. With a sharp knife we ​​make transverse punctures on the sides.

4. Paste the garlic pieces, we put both steaks together
how much will it be possible.

5. On top of the meat does not need to rub anything, except salt.

6. Pour a spoonful of butter on the bottom of the saucepan, turn on
Multicooker for frying.

7. Put the lard, cook for 15 minutes each

8. Take out, serve the pork while it is hot. Garlic while
can be left in pieces of meat, or removed using the same
sharp knife.

Turkey Multicooker Steak с вином

A variant of the tenderest turkey steak that is cooked in ms
adding wine. Use as much meat as will fit in
один слой чаши от multicookers. Wine can be taken any, but better
dry white or red.


• 0.5-0.6 kg turkey;

• 50 ml of wine;

• 40 ml of soy sauce;

• pepper;

• spoon of butter.


1. Cut turkey steaks. Thickness should not exceed 1.5

2. Pepper soy sauce, pour poultry pieces, rub well
by hands. Leave the turkey for an hour.

3. Preheat a spoonful of butter in baking mode.

4. Выкладываем куски птицы и жарим по 15 minutes

5. Turning over to the other side, browning the turkey still
about ten minutes.

6. Water the pieces with wine, cook on the same program, but already
the lid does not close.

7. As soon as the wine is evaporated, and from the slow cooker will go.
unusual flavor, turkey is ready!

Multicooker Steak – Tips and Tricks

• Steaks do not fry in large amounts of fat. Enough to lubricate
только донышко multicookers.

• Marinade – a pledge of tender, baked steak. But not worth it
lay the product on frying in it. Before cooking steak
need to squeeze well, it is desirable to dry or wipe with napkins.
Otherwise, the pieces will not fry, they will let the juice, crust
cannot be formed.

• Lay steaks only in a heated multicooker.
In order not to overheat the coating on the bowl, lubricate the container immediately.
or pour some oil on the bottom.

• If you plan to cook steaks with herbs and an abundance of spices,
then you need to remember that the pieces can burn. Therefore sprinkle
better meat in the middle of the cycle as cooks do in

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