Spaghetti in a slow cooker – tasty and fast.Spaghetti options in a slow cooker with minced meat, cheese, mushrooms, eggs,tomatoes

Пт, 19 авг 2016 Автор: Елена Саблина

Spaghetti is an Italian dish, which means it is very piquant and
always in some sauce.

Spaghetti is also called pasta. In the multicooker spaghetti
cook even faster and tastier than in a saucepan.

The main plus is the confidence that the dish will not burn.
It is very important to monitor the readiness of the dish, it is believed that spaghetti
should be a bit undercooked.

Then it is the real Italian macaroni!


General principles of cooking spaghetti in a slow cooker with
minced meat

Almost always when cooking this dish is used.
spaghetti program.

It is very important to remember that spaghetti requires a lot of cheese!

Если вы готовите спагетти в мультиварке с minced meat, не забудьте
add garlic to the dish. This will give it an extra flavor.

Stuffing is preferable to use pork or mixed, because
that the dish should get juicy.

Stuffing is added after spaghetti reaches level

To decorate spaghetti in a slow cooker is best green parsley,
sprigs will be a great option to decorate dishes
the basilica.

The best thing with a spaghetti in a slow cooker is a combination of vegetable
salad or asparagus salad.

Ketchup is one of the main ingredients for spaghetti
in the slow cooker. Very tasty dish when using
sweet ketchup or acute adzhika. Spaghetti do not tolerate
the middle.

Use only hard varieties of spaghetti, then they will turn out
just like in hot and passionate Italy.

Из напитков к спагетти в мультиварке с minced meat прекрасно подойдет
White wine.

Ensure that the cooking time of spaghetti does not exceed
half an hour.

Spaghetti in a multi-cooker

This dish is cooked quickly and easily. It can be cooked when
Suddenly guests will descend or when the whole family is dying of hunger.
The spaghetti in this recipe is very tasty and


• hard cheese

• half kg of minced meat

• salt

• a pair of bulbs

• pepper

• a quarter cup of water

• spaghetti packaging

• a quarter cup of vegetable oil


Pour water into the bowl of the slow cooker and put spaghetti. Install
Spaghetti mode, cook them for 20 minutes.

Peel and finely chop the onion in small rings, fry
it in vegetable oil in a skillet.

Add minced meat to onions. Fry for five minutes after
add a quarter cup of water. Stew for 10 minutes. Add salt, slightly
Spice up.

Готовые макароны смешать с обжаренным minced meat и залить кетчупом,
sprinkle with grated cheese. Hold under the lid for about five minutes.

The dish is ready.

Спагетти в мультиварке с minced meat с добавлением белого соуса

If time is short and everyone wants to eat, cook spaghetti
according to this recipe. The dish is medium-calorie, but saturates to
breakfast For minced meat, this recipe is preferable.
use chicken meat.


• a stack of water

• half kg of minced meat

• a pair of garlic cloves

• onion head

• spaghetti packaging

• dill

• paprika

• salt

• a pair of spoons of sour cream

• spoon flour


Spaghetti boil in a bowl multicooker mode Spaghetti minutes

We spread in a deep bowl and set in heat.

At this time, clean and cut the onion, fry it until golden.
colors, add paprika and garlic. Stir.

In the onion lay out the stuffing, fry for about 7 minutes, add salt, pour
a mixture of flour and water and simmer for 15 minutes.

After pouring sour cream and leave under the lid closed
slow cookers for about 5 minutes. Put the pasta in mince. Decorate

Spaghetti in a slow cooker: Italian pasta

This pasta will be a real sensation for Italian lovers.
the kitchen. Any housewife for half an hour will be able to cook spaghetti by
this recipe, and with a minimum set of products. Cheese and
Tomato sauce will only perfect the dish.


• salt

• vegetable oil

• onion head

• a pair of garlic cloves

• steam of liters of water

• quarter kg of minced meat

• spaghetti packaging

• tomato sauce

• hard cheese


В первую очередь займемся minced meat. Preferred to use
Mixed minced meat: pork and beef.

In the bowl multicooker add vegetable oil.

We clean and cut the onion half rings, fry in oil,
add garlic, salt and pepper. You can add basil or
Provencal herbs.

Spread minced meat with onion, fry for about 15 minutes.

Now let’s do spaghetti. Boil them until half ready,
drain water through a colander. Spaghetti lay out to mince and
mix it up.

Sprinkle with grated cheese. We leave under the closed lid
multicooker for about five minutes.

Arrange the dish on plates, add tomato sauce and
decorate with greens.

Спагетти в мультиварке: гнезда с minced meat

Many Italians consider this dish special, it is cooked in one
from the province of Italy. There are a lot of tomatoes and other vegetables in this dish,
It is traditionally prepared for five servings. Medium-calorie dish,
Suitable for a light dinner.


• a couple of packs of spaghetti

• greenery

• one sweet pepper

• vegetable oil

• salt

• a pair of garlic cloves

• glass of water

• A glass of tomato juice

• onion head

• quarter kg of minced meat


First, prepare the stuffing. If necessary – twist, defrost
or get fresh.

At this time, boil spaghetti. When they are half-prepared, we reach
them while the hot ones roll them up in the shape of a nest.

Clean and cut onions. Fry it in vegetable oil on

Wash and clean the red pepper seeds, cut it

We make small balls out of mince, which we put in the nests.
from spaghetti. From above we put the fried onions, the following layer –
Red pepper.

We put nests in the crock-pot, we fill in with water. Install
Multipair mode for 20 minutes.

At this time, you can cook the sauce. Tomato paste is mixed with
finely chopped greens and minced garlic. All grind
blender, add salt and spices.

When the timer notifies the end of the program, fill the nests
sauce and simmer another 20 minutes in Baking mode.

Decorate петрушкой и базиликом.

Спагетти в мультиварке с minced meat с добавлением грибочков

This recipe is characterized by an abundance of vegetables. Not used here
only mushrooms, but also pepper and cabbage. Despite this
the amount of ingredients being prepared spaghetti with mushrooms quickly and
simply. The main thing – to withstand time.


• spaghetti packaging

• a stack of soy sauce

• a pair of garlic cloves

• jar of uncut champignons

• onion head

• a quarter of small cabbage

• sweet pepper

• water

• vegetable oil

• salt

• spices


Boil spaghetti in Spaghetti mode for 20 minutes. With
Durschlaga drain water.

Cooking sauce in a slow cooker in Frying mode.

We clean and cut onions, we press garlic with a knife. Fry all
on vegetable oil.

Pepper is also washed and cleaned of seeds, cut into half rings,
spread onion and garlic.

Mushrooms cut with plastics, add to the slow cooker and Tomim
about five minutes.

To this mass we send the cabbage shredded along with
greens. We salt and slightly pepper. Stew all minutes 20.

Mix with spaghetti. Decorate душицой и паприкой. Little
sprinkle with soy sauce.

Spaghetti in a multivariate: add tomatoes

The recipe differs from others in that instead of vegetable oil
only olive is used. If among your utensils not
there is a blender required by prescription, you can use
sieve – a method proven by more than one hostess.


• spoon of olive oil

• spaghetti packaging

• 4 tomatoes

• half a liter of water

• a pair of garlic cloves

• a small piece of cheese

• pepper

• fresh basil

• salt


Wash tomatoes and scalded with boiling water, so the skin can be
very easy and quick to remove. Peeled tomatoes chop blender
or rub through a sieve.

Pour a spoonful of olive oil into the bowl of the multicooker, warm it

Чеснок почистить и выдавить в горячее butter, обжаривать пару
minutes after it add tomato puree. Cook for 15 minutes.

In this garlic-tomato mixture pour spaghetti and pour them
boiling water, add salt. In Pilaf mode, prepare the dish for minutes

Add pepper.

When the spaghetti is ready, sprinkle them with shabby cheese and leave under
closed cover multicooker minutes for three.

Украсить веточками the basilica.

Спагетти в мультиварке с minced meat: яйцо и лук

It is believed that durum spaghetti is slightly undercooked –
best friends of those who watch their weight. That is why our
The recipe is almost safe for the figure. But do not forget to follow
the amount of absorbed portions!


• spaghetti packaging

• a pair of eggs

• half kg of minced meat

• onion

• vegetable oil

• pepper

• water

• salt

• a pair of spoons of sour cream

• greenery


In the bowl of the multicooker in Spaghetti mode for 20 minutes
Boil spaghetti.

At this time in a skillet in vegetable oil fry
peeled and chopped onion, add minced meat to it. Fry 5
minutes Pour eggs into minced meat with sour cream. Add this mass
к готовым спагетти и mix it up. Install режим Выпечка и
we cook with our lid closed spaghetti for another 30 minutes.

Когда блюдо готово, decorate with greens. You can use basil
and parsley.

Tips and tricks of cooking spaghetti in a slow cooker with
minced meat

  • By the time the spaghetti is made on the package,
    always add 3 minutes.

  • To spaghetti is great not only basil, but also ginger,

  • It is best to cook spaghetti in cold water.

  • The sauce should be ready sooner than spaghetti. Otherwise pasta
    just stick together and spoil not only the look, but also the taste of everything
    the dishes.

  • Make sure that spaghetti does not become a homogeneous mass, not
    digest them.

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