Sore elbow: symptoms, diagnosis, basicstreatment. First aid for elbow pain after injury andno injury

Вт, 10 май 2016 Автор: врач-терапевт Евгений

The pain in the elbow is one of the most unpleasant, because
The elbow joint is very sensitive to injuries and bruises.

This article will discuss in detail what to do when you have pains.
in the elbow, how to treat them properly, and how to prevent
appearance of possible complications.


Primary symptoms of elbow contusion

Depending on the severity of the injury, after the elbow bruise
a person may suffer from such symptoms:

1. Severe pain in the elbow area, which can give
in the shoulder joint and palm (especially often this happens if there were
nerves are affected).

2. Puffiness at the site of injury.

3. Pain when bending the arm, as well as at rest.

4. Hematoma or blue in the injured part of the elbow.

5. Partial violation of the mobility of the hand.

In case of injury of the elbow joint, it is important to understand that this is an injury,
not a fracture. As a rule, when a bone is broken or its arm is cracked
in the elbow joint much more pain. Also, her mobility
almost completely lost. In severe cases (with
open or displaced fracture) in an injured person under the skin may
feel broken bone.

First aid for elbow injury

First of all, when bruising the elbow joint, you should try
keep calm because panic and unnecessary experiences here
nothing will help.

First aid for elbow injury включает в себя такую схему

1. Inspect the elbow.

2. If there is blood on it, then wash the wound with peroxide
hydrogen and impose a sterile dressing.

3. Attach a cold compress to relieve pain.

4. Fix the elbow in a stationary position with a bandage
or a usual scarf (to wind the victim’s hand in the chest, and
bandage over the neck).

If after two hours the pain does not decrease, but on the damaged
elbow severe edema or hematoma is formed, it is urgently needed
contact trauma station.

Sore elbow for no apparent reason: diagnosis

Sometimes the elbow hurts for no apparent reason. In this case
should not be postponed for a long time this problem and turn to
the following specialists:

• rheumatologist;

• traumatologist;

• a neurologist.

After examination, the doctor decides which area exactly belongs.
disease and prescribe diagnostic procedures.

The list of mandatory examinations for elbow pain includes:

• arthroscopy;

• X-ray of the elbow joint;

• Magnetic resonance imaging;

• Ultrasound of the elbow joint.

Also, to collect history and obtain a complete picture of the state
examined, the doctor may prescribe him the following tests:

• general blood analysis;

• general urine analysis;

• blood biochemistry;

• blood test for sugar level.

Most often, pain in the elbow is caused by such

1. Internal epicondylitis. In this condition, a person has a strong
muscles and tendons are inflamed. Pain sensations can
occur with any physical exertion.

2. Bursitis is a disease that inflames
articulate bag of the elbow (it connects the three bones throughout the joint).
As a rule, the occurrence of bursitis contributes to the previously transferred
injuries, fractures and bruises that were not good enough

3. Tumor development is one of the most dangerous.
conditions, so it is very important to diagnose on time.

4. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis and gout often
become a problem of pain in the elbow, especially in the elderly. Such
states are dangerous in that they can completely limit movement in

5. Synovial chondromatosis and dissecting osteochondritis. With
such diseases in the elbow joint are found cartilage
education. They can move freely inside the joint.

6. Diffuse fiscitis, besides pain, can cause skin numbness

7. Infringement of the nerve is considered the most painful diagnosis, with
which even the slightest hand movement can deliver to a person
tremendous pain. Usually, osteochondrosis or
intervertebral hernia.

In addition, the elbow can be sick and sick
cardiovascular and central nervous systems:

• coronary heart disease;

• hemophilia;

• neuritis.

Sore elbow: treatment

Treatment of diseases of the elbow joint is carried out comprehensively. It
includes such therapies:

• drug treatment;

• physiotherapy treatment;

• physical procedures;

• local treatment.

Медикаментозная терапия (в зависимости от
specific disease) involves the reception of such

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Meloxicam,

2. Painkillers and analgesics (Nise).

3. Antirheumatic drugs.

4. Injections with hyaluronic acid.

5. Corticosteriods.

6. Decongestant drugs.

7. Sleeping pills (with severe pain).

These medicines can be given to the patient in the form of tablets.
gels, ointments, droppers and injections. Decide which form
the release of the drug will be used by the patient, should the doctor himself, in
state dependencies the patient, his age, accompanying
diseases, etc.

Важно знать, что назначить тот или иной
the drug can only the attending physician after the diagnosis
the patient. Self-medication for pain
in the joint is impossible, as an incorrectly calculated dose may
cause unwanted side effects.

Физиотерапевтическое лечение включает в себя
carrying out such procedures:

• magnetic therapy;

• barotherapy;

• mud wrapping;

• electrophoresis;

• acupuncture;

• massage;

• ultrasound therapy;

• light therapy;

• ozokerite;

• phonophoresis;

• cryotherapy;

• wave therapy.

Usually, no more than 10 physiotherapy sessions are performed.
procedures. Each such procedure is selected individually.
order for each patient, depending on the severity of his
disease and observed symptoms.

If the patient’s condition does not improve, then reapply.
диагностика и врач меняет тактику treatment.

Местное лечение предусматривает прикладывание к
patient elbow cooling or warming compresses from Dimexide,
Ketorol and Lidocaine (depending on the type of disease). Also
It is acceptable to apply ointments and gels (Diclak gel, Dolobene gel and

Proper use of compresses will have such a healing

• relaxes the muscles;

• relieve swelling;

• reduce the inflammatory process;

• relieve pain

• improves blood circulation.

If the patient is constantly concerned about pain, then he
bed rest and full rejection of physical

Физические процедуры предусматривают выполнение
therapeutic charging. It aims to return mobility to the joint.
и должна использоваться после медикаментозного treatment.

Regular exercise can provide this healing.

• relieve pain;

• strengthen muscles;

• reduce fatigue;

• improve blood circulation.

Sore elbow: how to prevent complications

It is important to know that long-lasting pain in the elbow after injury
cause serious complications. The most dangerous of them are:

• hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the articular cavity);

• neuritis;

• tissue necrosis;

• purulent arthritis;

• complete elimination of elbow mobility.

These states will require immediate prompt
interventions that only prolong the rehabilitation process.

In order to prevent complications and elbow bruises,
follow these recommendations:

1. Before weight lifting, you should always do warm up.

2. Time to pay attention to pain in the elbow and turn to
to the doctor.

3. Carefully (without sudden movements) lift weights and
engage in any physical activity.

4. With сидячей работе, в которой руки все время пребывают в
one position, you need to periodically warm up and self-massage,
to prevent stagnation in the joints.

5. In time to treat infectious diseases (tonsillitis, antritis,
influenza), as they affect the condition of the tendons and cartilage.

6. Do not self-medicate injuries and bruises, but in time
seek medical attention.

7. Withнимать кальций в таблетках, а также витаминные комплексы в
off-season, when the body does not receive all necessary

8. Balanced nutrition. The diet should be rich in calcium,
magnesium and potassium. These substances will help to strengthen
bones and cartilage.

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