Sophora – medicinal properties and use inmedicine

W, 12 Jul 2016


Sophora Japanese – General Description

WITHофора — это род деревянистых растений
Bean family. Sophora Japanese is a powerful tree
with a height of 20 meters or more with a thick elegant spherical crown
forms. The bark has a typical dark gray color, young branches –
greenish and smooth. The leaves of the Japanese Sophora are rather large, in
average – 20 cm, cirrus, like all legumes.

Yellow-white irregular flowers Sophora Japanese collected in
large loose-paniculate inflorescences, the flowering period falls on
the second half of summer. Fruit – beans green, but in the future
acquire a dark red skin. Like the rest of legumes, fruits
enclosed between two non-opening leathery doors.
Formed in September.

Sophora Japanese – places of growth

The genus Sophora is represented by 45 species growing in Europe,
South Asia, the Pacific Islands, Australia and South America.
In Russia, only three or four cold-resistant species are common. WITH
for medicinal purposes use Sophora Japanese.

WITHофора японская — часть рода — обитает главным образом в Китае и
Japan, widely cultivated in parks, gardens of the Caucasus, the Crimea as
phytomeliorative and decorative tree. The best development reaches
on sandy and loamy soils. Shade tolerant
drought-resistant plant does not tolerate hard frost, with
time perishes.

WITHофора японская — лечебные свойства

WITHофора японская — панацея от многих заболеваний. Possesses
unusually rich composition and range of actions, along with
golden mustache or hellebore. In addition to essential vitamins and
trace elements Japanese sophora concentrated in itself a large
the amount of routine – the best “friend” of the cardiovascular system.
Laboratory studies have shown that flowers contain up to 30%
routine, the remaining parts – up to 17%. After which, the plant began
применять и в традиционной medicine.

As you know, rutin has a unique ability
favorably affect the walls of blood vessels. He strengthens them
makes elastic, cleans the walls from organic deposits,
preventing blockage and, consequently, heart attack, stroke,
blood clots. In addition, Japanese Sophora reduces cholesterol.
and blood sugar, treats anemia, gently eliminates hypertension and
prevents the development of gangrene on the background of blockage of blood vessels.

The plant also has a soothing and anti-inflammatory.
action, relieves skin itching and irritation. Thanks to some
substances that treat diseases such as rheumatism, hemorrhage,
thrombophlebitis, radiation sickness, avitaminosis, angina pectoris,
atherosclerosis, diabetes, measles, typhoid, etc., and also helps
recover from advanced vascular disasters and prevent
repeated. The high content of iodine is beneficial to
condition of the thyroid gland.

WITHофора японская — лекарственные формы

Medicinal raw materials are unblown flower buds.
and the fruits of the Sophora of Japan. As a rule, processing and drying
engaged by experts. Ready raw materials are transported to different countries,
where they sell in a separate form or in combination with others
medicinal charges.

For better effect, Japanese sophora must be applied.
совместно с витамином WITH, дополняющим и усиливающим лечебные
properties of the plant. In this case, pharmacies are widespread.
herbal tea with dogrose sophora, which has a very pleasant and
mild flavor. If desired, flowers and fruits can be purchased.

WITHофора японская — рецепты народной медицины

Tincture for outdoor and indoor use
cardiovascular diseases: shredded buds 100 gr.
put in a glass container and pour 750 ml of vodka, insist 10-12
days in a shady place, then squeeze the raw material and use it three times
1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. Must hold 3
monthly course with 10-day breaks. Tincture is applied and
outwardly, by applying compresses or rubbing.

A tonic decoction: prepared at the rate of 4 tsp of fruit
Japanese Sophora 400 gr. water. Mix everything, boil and
simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. Drink decoction must be three times a day:
in the morning, at lunch and before bed (required). Externally applied for
washing wounds, rubbing in the scalp, as well as conjunctivitis,
angina, fungal infections.

WITHофора японская — противопоказания

Contraindications not identified. Drug-based drugs
plants are not toxic. In rare cases, allergic reactions are possible.
reaction to the individual components of the Japanese Sophora.


WITHлаварод 18.10.2016 К семейству бобовых кроме WITHафоры относятся
White Acacia and Glyadiya. Glyadia also has a close relative
growing in India and the Middle East, called Soapy
Tree. Its pods are ground and used for washing instead of
soap. Кроме перечисленных качеств WITHафора в Нашей семье всегда была
wand wand for many abdominal pains. For this
used semi-annual infusion. Для приготовления WITHафора снимается с
the tree before frost is placed in a dry warm place to
maturity. After she comes until the desired candidacy is dried.
Затем стеклянная бутылка наполняется сухой WITHафорой и заливается 40%
vodka or moonshine. Then put the tincture in the closet from the direct
sun rays and insist half a year. Tincture work
dark brown. For anesthesia applied 1 / 3-1 / 2 tablespoons
I poured and waited until the alcohols evaporated by about 1/3, since I
do not consume alcohol at all, then licked brown from a spoon
raid Usually all the pain went away with one spoon, rarely to whom
had to apply a second time. Бабушка Наша WITHафору пила курсами,
but she lived for almost 97 years! Although she is still on a hunger strike
strongly travaned and miraculously survived, and after the war due to the lack
shoes froze and suffered from cold diseases, and from
hard work was torn up all the internal organs! Так что WITHафора
this is truly a miracle tree !! VALENTINA 01.10.2016 I use
Sophora is more than 5 years old, in my opinion he heals everything, heals any
wounds, treats hemorrhoids, i.e., pus, from
cold, diabetes, raises immunity, in general from all sores, by
Many people use our recommendation and no one
responded badly. 100g Sophora poured the floor with a bottle of vodka, it is worth
3 days, then scroll through the meat grinder and pour the remaining
vodka and worth 10 days, shake daily, then poured, and thick
leave, helps wounds from tumors and much more. Be not afraid, this
tested on our whole family volif 08/04/2016 my father read without
points in 81 years, thanks to Sophora. Galina 06.05.2016 For the first time
I meet this name, and the plant itself is not familiar to me. But I
I join the general opinion – medicinal qualities of him, very
standing and necessary for human health. WITHпасибо за статью,
Be sure to take note. Wow! WITHемейство бобовых, и
such a growth in this plant! Yes, and bean fruits. Spectacle
probably impressive. It is possible that I will buy myself such
infusion. Yes, he is not only useful to me. Husband and parents are not
interfere with a drink.

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