Sociologists have found that men are more romanticof women

Tue, Apr 26, 2016 The representatives of the stronger gender
регулярностью забывают о вещах, которые для of womenы имеют особое
value. Men at the last minute run for the gift of his beloved
wife and do not remember the wedding anniversary. However, these disadvantages
совсем не мешают мужчинам быть романтичнее of women, утверждают
American sociologists. Specialists studied the results of the global
online survey of almost 70 thousand respondents and rendered their verdict
— мужчины склонны к прекрасному больше of women. They are much
more romantic and often amenable to sudden impulses. Polled truthfully
answered questions about the relationship. It turned out that 48% of men
fell in love with their partners almost at first sight.
The same figure among the ladies was almost half as low
(28%). The authors of this case study, professors
Chrisanna Northrap and Pepper Schwartz, who work at the University
Washington, published the survey data in the book “The Normal Bar”. AT
Other quite interesting facts from
human relationships. For example, men, despite
sympathy for romance, more prone to adultery. 33% of men honest
admitted that they changed partners. Women on their background look
well worth it – only 19% confessed to adultery. Regardless of
this, the vast majority of respondents (74%) said that quite
happy in the current relationship. 66% said they were very lucky
and the fateful meeting with the “second half” has already taken place.

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