Smoked Chicken Salad – the best recipes. howcorrectly and tasty to cook a salad with smoked chicken.

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Автор: Татьяна


Smoked Chicken Salad – General Principles and Techniques

Smoked chicken is loved by many housewives for its specific
bright taste and aroma, juicy meat and excellent compatibility with others
products. That is why it is an indispensable component
sets of dishes, despite the fact that nutritionists consistently rank
her to products that are not useful.

However, it is impossible to call a uniquely smoked chicken. WITH
on the one hand, it contains a lot of cholesterol, and on the other –
tryptophan, which stimulates the production of pleasure hormones.
Therefore, we can assume that with moderate use of this
product, especially in the composition of various dishes, it will not harm
neither health nor figure.

Very good are smoked chicken salads, and every self-respecting
the cook always has in store his signature recipe. If you
don’t have one yet – use our recipes and you
Be sure to choose the right one.

WITHалат с копченой курицей – подготовка

It is very important to buy quality smoked chicken for the salad.
meat. You need to choose a chicken with a glossy skin that has a slightly
golden hue, without visible mechanical damage. Meat
A good smoked chicken should be juicy, reddish in color.

Перед тем, как использовать ее для preparations салата, с
chickens need to remove the skin in which all are
harmful substances that entered the body of a bird during its lifetime, and
also when smoked. Then the chicken must be separated from the bones and
cut with other components of the salad according to the recipe.

WITHалат с копченой курицей – лучшие рецепты

Рецепт 1: WITHалат с копченой курицей, кинзой и грецкими

This salad is as beautiful as it is delicious, thanks to its color
разнообразию входящих в него products. Smoked meat, nuts and cheese
make it very satisfying, and cilantro makes it taste original and
makes all its products sound completely different.
That is why it will be appropriate even on the holiday table, which he
especially decorate, being laid out in a transparent salad bowls.


1 chicken thigh cooked smoked; 2 Bulgarian peppers (green and
red); 200 gr. hard cheese; 1 clove of garlic; a small bunch
cilantro; half a cup of walnuts; 3 tbsp. l mayonnaise; a handful of grains
pomegranate; to taste salt.

WITHпособ preparations:

1. Cut smoked chicken meat into slices,
finely chop the nuts and herbs, chop the pepper into thin strips,
grate cheese.

2. Grind the garlic, mix it with mayonnaise.

3. WITHмешиваем куриное мясо, зелень, орехи, перец, сыр, заправляем
garlic mayonnaise, mix everything and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds
for decoration.

Рецепт 2: WITHалат из копченой курицы с картофелем

Simple and affordable, but very tasty salad, in which
smoked chicken meat, potatoes, carrots, onions and
canned peas. He prepares very quickly and even
novice cooks.

Ingredients:1 копченая куриная грудка;2
potatoes; half onion; 1 carrot; 1 egg; 1 small bunch
parsley; 150 gr. canned peas; 3 tbsp. l mayonnaise;
taste of salt.

WITHпособ preparations:

1. Boil carrots and potatoes, peel and chop
dice, just chop a hard-boiled egg, cut onions finely and

2. Dice the breast meat.

3. WITHмешиваем все подготовленные ингредиенты, заправляем
mayonnaise and leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator, then the salad will be

Рецепт 3: WITHалат из копченой курицы с кукурузой

Beautiful and tasty salad that you will enjoy
components and very rich taste. As a gas station
it is not mayonnaise that is used, but olive oil
supporters of healthy eating. He is preparing very quickly.


300 gr. smoked chicken meat; 1 cucumber; 1 can of sweet corn; 1
can of canned beans or 200 grams – boiled; 2 tomatoes; 1
луковица;1 перчик чили;немного листьев мяты;по taste of salt.

WITHпособ preparations:

1. Dice chicken, tomatoes and cucumber, rings – pepper
and onions.

2. WITHмешиваем подготовленные компоненты с кукурузой, фасолью и
mint, salt and season with a small amount of olive

Рецепт 4: WITHлоеный салат “Наполеон” с копченой курицей

Outwardly, this salad is similar to Napoleon’s beloved cake, and
its composition also includes very high-calorie foods (smoked chicken
meat, cheese, eggs), so it is very satisfying. However, thanks to the vegetables
and apples, which are also present in it, the dish turns out very
balanced and tender to taste.


2 копченые куриные голени;3 яйца;150 gr. hard cheese; 10 pieces
cracker salted; 1 apple (preferably green); 1 onion; 2 tbsp. l

WITHпособ preparations:

1. Cut the prepared meat into cubes, finely chop the onion,
grate cheese. After peeling an apple, rub it on
coarse grater, eggs are also ground with a grater. Crackers
rub in baby

2. Put the prepared components of the salad on a dish in layers,
greasing everyone with mayonnaise: 1 layer – smoked meat; 2 layer – onions; 3
layer – cheese, 4 layer – apple; 5 layer – eggs.

3. WITHмазывая с помощью ножа бока салата майонезом, формируем
“cake” and sprinkle it with chopped crackers.

4. WITHтавим салат на несколько часов в холодильник для

Рецепт 5: WITHалат-коктейль из филе копченой курицы

A very interesting dish that can safely claim to
refinement. It tastes fine smoked chicken fillet perfectly
shaded by lemon juice, and if served in beautiful
creamer, it will become a real decoration of the table.


200 gr. smoked chicken fillet; 2 pickled peppers; 2
pickled cucumbers; 2 tbsp. l lemon juice; 1 tbsp. l mustard; small
a bunch of greens; a few lettuce; to taste salt, ground black


3 tbsp. l sour cream; 2 tbsp. l yogurt; 1 tbsp. l grated horseradish.

1. Dice the peppers, cucumbers and chicken fillet, mix them
with lemon juice, ground pepper and mustard.

2. Cut the lettuce leaves into strips and place it on the bottom of the ice-cream pan,
on top are prepared salad ingredients.

3. Prepare the sauce by mixing the grated horseradish, sour cream and yogurt, pour
im a salad in sundae.

4. Cut the marinated red pepper into strips and decorate with them.
dish, sprinkled on top of chopped parsley.

WITHалат с копченой курицей – полезные советы опытных

Filling a smoked chicken salad, try not to
to overdo the dressing so as not to interrupt the smoked taste and

Smoked chicken goes well in salads with vegetables and even
fruit, so feel free to experiment, discovering new,
completely unexpected recipes. If you поделитесь ими с нами, то
We will be very happy.

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