Any lady’s dream is gorgeous
look without going to the gym and not spending time in short supply
charging, come true!
In order to quickly lose weight by 5 kg, you do not have to starve
or exhaust yourself with hard work. You don’t even need to
the search for some kind of “secret magical knowledge” or aerospace
And yet some steps will have to be taken! Many people think that
it’s impossible? However, the stories of the ladies built up convince us
the reverse. Everything is possible if you attach at least a little
Let’s start by reviewing your diet. Yes Yes! If you like
to satisfy your hunger with baked goods, junk food or candy, then about
the desired figure will have to forget!
After all, 1000 calories received with high-calorie foods, sweets
or fatty dishes, much worse and more than 1600 kcal,
consisting of a low-calorie diet that can make up your
full lunch Nor will you experience any hunger
your body’s work will be perfect, and the figure will melt and
slender eyes!
Consumption of healthy, high-quality food equal to small
portions will make a favorable change, leading your weight to
the norm. What and how much you eat – this information can be obtained from
notepad that you need to have today and mark every day
food intake.
Now compare your notes and the proposed diet plan.
питания, чтобы похудеть на 5 кг за a week:
Daily morning meal – breakfast – do not miss! Two
Options: 2 or 3 almond nuts, fruit (preferably green, apple
pineapple or pear; from other fruits one should prefer unsweetened
varieties). It also includes juice or cocktail smoothies made from fresh fruit and
greens (to taste).
Another option: take 2-3 eggs, boil them and remove the yolks.
Or pour raw protein on a plate and set for 2-3 minutes in
microwave. The protein omelet is ready. From drinks can be pampered
yourself unsweetened tea, juice or coffee. Then eat one favorite
Lunches in this diet are also divided into 2 options, you can
choose any of the proposed dishes according to your desire:
1. Vegetable salad, Thai cakes or a small toast of bread,
some cottage cheese or tofu cheese. 2 Vegetable salad, stewed or
cooked steamed vegetables, fruits for dessert.
1. A pair of soft-boiled eggs and a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea. 2 Salad from
vegetables, 100 gr. low-fat boiled beef, chicken or turkey
breasts, vegetable soup (without beef broth!) Wednesday:
1. A pair of boiled eggs and 1 grapefruit (orange). 2 Vegetable soup
or chicken (without skin and fat, it is better to use secondary broth,
when after the first boil we pour the broth and fill it with clean
water, boil again) plus 100-150 gr. boiled chicken or
lean meat
1. Vegetable salad, cottage cheese or “zero” milk, grapefruit. 2
Hot sandwich with low fat cheese, drenched in egg.
1. Boiled eggs with yolk – 2 pcs. From drinks – tea or
coffee. 2 Листья са�”ата и�”и капусты, нежирная отварная и�”и
steamed fish: tuna, cod or salmon.
1. Vegetable salad and fruit dessert: smoothie or smoothie
baked apples. 2 Отварное нежирное мясо, тушеные овощи, �”истья
of lettuce.
1. Fried chicken breast without sauce and seasonings, vegetable salad,
apple or grapefruit (orange). 2 Овощной суп, отварная куриная
breast, steamed cauliflower and sugar-free dessert
(cottage cheese with dried fruits).
In this dietary scheme, dinners are intentionally not indicated. To quench
hunger at this time can be vegetables or (only occasionally!)
savory fruit. Other simple rules that need to be
follow to urgently lose weight by 5 kg:
- Per day you need to drink 1.5 – 2 liters of plain water (not counting
unsweetened tea or coffee). Calorie drinks – “taboo”, if you want
have a beautiful figure!
- Avoid unhealthy foods and foods (burgers,
fast food, pizza and others)!
- Say a solid “no” to fat and salty dishes. Better for them
steam, simmer or use herbs, lemon juice,
Apple vinegar.
- Eliminate sugar from your diet! Tea, coffee is better to drink with
dried fruit or honey, and for fruit juice or dessert you can
use healthy sweeteners.
Do not miss the opportunity to move! Any exercise
active outdoor games, swimming, jogging, riding
cycling, yoga and at least 30-minute walks per day
must be present in day mode.
О том, как похудеть на 5 кг за a week: отзывы из Сети
Catherine: “… I tried this menu, to me, in general
I liked it because I love vegetables in any form. С 72 кг за a week
dropped 4.5 kg. Now I continue to follow a protein diet with
vegetables. Sugar eliminated completely. It is only the water in this
drink amount. But it is necessary for fat metabolism. Want
back to your 50 kilos, because summer is coming, you have to look,
how sweetie! �”
К�”ара: « … Ес�”и за a week худеть на 5 ки�”о, то в с�”едующую надо
ждать 10 ки�”о привеса! Лучше де�”ать это gradually, but forever.
Иск�”ючить всякую муру из рациона – конфеты, свиные отбивные,
жареную картошку, бу�”ки. Ес�”и трудно удержаться, надо б�”окировать
аппетит (что эндокрино�”ог выпишет, а не в рек�”аме подскажут). And in
это время не ждать чудес, а привыкать к сба�”ансированному рациону,
уто�”ять го�”од то�”ько здоровыми продуктами! That’s when a month can
избав�”яться навсегда от 5 ки�”о, да еще спортом фигурку ш�”ифовать…
Заг�”яденье! �”
Марго: « … Девчонки, никогда в диеты не вери�”а! Пробова�”а все,
что находи�”а, особенно пос�”е зимы. My whole subcutaneous fat 3-5
ки�”о возвраща�”ся с�”едом. Реши�”а эту, как пос�”еднюю, попробовать и
everything. And suddenly a miracle !!! Минус все 5 ки�”о!!! Теперь ем то�”ько здоровые
продукты, записа�”ась в бассейн, буду держаться за свою
super figure! �”
Любовь: « … Всем, кто не верит, что за a week можно скинуть 5
ки�”о, скажу: «Можно!�” То�”ько те, кто рек�”амируют диеты, не говорят,
что д�”я этого нужен бо�”ьшой стартовый вес! Ес�”и (как у меня бы�”о)
начинать со 100 кг, то в день реа�”ьно ки�”о скинуть. And now I
пос�”е перерыва нача�”а снова худеть с 80 ки�”ограммового веса, то в
день бо�”ьше 500-600 граммов не по�”учается. Therefore, those who have
ИМТ с ожирением, отвес ки�”о в сутки реа�”ен! �”
Е�”ена: « … По себе замети�”а, пос�”е таких диет вес возвращается
момента�”ьно, еще и «доппаек�” прихватывает! Похудеть на 5 ки�”о,
Of course, great! But then how to keep your weight? Ес�”и к
какому-нибудь важному событию, когда нужно выг�”ядеть «на ми�”�”ион�”,
а времени нет, тогда �”екарство супер! And then you have to be careful
выходить из такого рациона, понемногу добав�”ять ка�”ории и
уве�”ичивать двигате�”ьную активность, а то жировые подушки будут
provided! Так что, девчата, стройных вам фигур и не поправ�”яться!