Slimming tea: helps or not?

Every time I go to the pharmacy, I see slimming teas on the shelves.
Sold and Chinese teas and ours, some are called “Tea
Lose weight.

It’s good that I have familiar nutritionists, whom I always
I can call and ask if slimming tea helps to lose
weight or we are once again trying to cheat.


–  С помощью чая для похудения напитка вы сможете сбросить
1-2 kilograms and clear some intestinal sections – in particular,
rectum and sigma. After all, the effect of slimming drink based
on diuretic or laxative effect. But on this positive
the effect on the body, unfortunately, stops, – says
nutritionist of the center “Palette of nutrition” Natalia Lyutova.

According to a specialist, if a person drinks slimming tea a lot
days in a row, and then ceases – a serious malfunction occurs
intestine.  The microflora is broken, constipation may occur.
It turns out that the body simply loses the ability to independently
output decomposition products! If tea has a diuretic effect,
that is, the risk of losing too much fluid.

–  «Мочегонный» чай поможет вам сбросить пару килограммов.
But further fluid loss can result in a redial
weight, – warns Natalia Lyutova. – After all, the liquid is its
kind of metabolic engine! Many vitamins and trace elements
enter cells only when dissolved in a liquid. If her
not enough, the work of the cells is disturbed. And metabolism
slows down.

–  К тому же, многие чаи содержат травы, которые нередко
harm to health, – says nutritionist. – Ромашка,
for example, relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, and can cause
violation of the menstrual cycle, hormonal failure.

Another “unreliable” ingredient in many slimming teas.
сенна. It contains resins that can
cause intestinal cramps, nausea, and even cardiac arrhythmias.
Опасна и крушица: это токсичное растение вообще
belongs to the category of poisonous. In her tea, of course, a little, but if
drink it for a long time, and you can please the hospital.
Крапива повышает свертываемость крови, может
lead to thrombosis, blockage of blood vessels – and, as a result,
to coronary heart disease.

–  Я бы вообще не рекомендовала употреблять похудательные
tea – even in addition to the diet, – said Natalia Lyutova. – It is better
replace them with homemade decoctions. After all, there are plants
that help improve your figure.

К ним, например, относится мята: благодаря ей
the body absorbs food better, the fat is more actively split. Improve
обмен веществ шиповник и рябина.
The latter, however, lowers the pressure, therefore, is contraindicated

But for those who seriously watch the figure, rely entirely on
grass, of course, impossible. Drink medicinal decoctions, while neglecting
correct diet and exercise – useless

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