Slimming с помощью 25 кадра: история появ�”ения,Effect

sistema-pohudeniya-25-kadr-v-polzu-ili-vo-vredAs if
trite it did not sound, but nowadays very many women just
obsessed with fighting overweight.

But this is not at all due to concern for one’s own health,
first of all it is a tribute to modern fashion, which dictates
conditions, what should be the perfect female body.

In their desire to lose weight, many girls are sometimes ready to believe
even in miracles. And to one of these miraculous means
correction applies to the following method, known by
titled “25 frame for weight loss.”

Supporters of this program unanimously argue that this
salvation drowning and panacea for most of the trouble. And by
psychologists (psychology is now an official science), she
considered an informational method that can facilitate
transition of people into a new life.

But is it!? And how true
заяв�”енная продавцами информация об Effectивности похудения с
using 25 frames, in this we try to figure it out.


The history of the system 25 frames

The study of man and his capabilities, scientists are engaged in approximately
as many years as humanity itself exists. Before
AD people came to the conclusion that nature has endowed our brains
consciousness and subconsciousness, but it’s not the secret of the second
managed to uncover.

A little later, scientific studies determined that the subconscious
– it is a universal principle of perception of being as such, and that
human psychic activity takes place on this
level, which plays a big role in shaping our memory and

The first who tried to study the features of human
perception with the help of cinema, was a German scientist Frank, but he in 1918
year was not able to achieve the desired due to insufficient
technical capabilities.

However, in 1957, this method for the first time after so many years
was made public by a psychologist known at the time,
a member of the American Association for Market Research, and the most courageous
an experimenter in the advertising business of James Wykeri.

He made his first experiments at a New Jersey cinema,
when using the second projection machine during the movie
displayed on the same screen words such as “Coca-Cola” and “eat
popcorn”. They only appeared for a moment (1/30 of a second), and
the human eye was not able to notice them. But experiment
turned out to be successful, the frames of hidden advertising began to act that
confirmed by the increase in sales of these products.

Soon the method of influencing the human subconscious using
the invisible 25 frames became known to the press, which caused a whole storm
perturbations among ordinary residents who did not want to be in their psyche
strangers intervened for fear of unforeseen consequences.
As a result, the use of 25 frames in many countries is still
remains banned.


The effectiveness of the method of losing weight 25 frame

So, technology 25 frames – is a hidden program impact on
human subconscious by inserting into the video
additional frame. The whole theory is based on the statement that
human vision can distinguish no more than 24 frames per second,
therefore, an alien 25 passes our consciousness and acts directly on

Although it is worth noting that 25 frames we do not notice just because
the inertia of our vision, as a result, it merges with its like
previous frame and does not stand out by us. It’s easy to check by typing
on a computer word in large print, process it and paste into
video sequence, setting the frame rate per second to 25 or even higher.
Despite all these manipulations, this frame you without problems
will see.

In 1958, the Association of American Psychologists was
refuted a statement about the subconscious effect of such a reception
however, the 25-frame slimming program is still quite
a marketable product that sellers are able to
to motivate in the subconscious of a person the suppression of hunger,
changing the gastronomic taste in the direction of products,
contributing to weight loss.

On the technical side, the principle of the system “The method of losing weight 25 frame”
is as follows. In the interface of the program you drive in one
a simple sentence, for example, “I weigh 50 kg.” As a result, during
work at the computer or watching a movie with you at intervals
Your phrase begins to appear in 1/25 second.

Its meaning penetrates directly into the subconscious, after which you
unconsciously forced to find ways to solve this problem.
Program developers recommend using it for no more than 30.
minutes per day, and in duration – no longer than 3 weeks. After
then make one week break, then again 3 weeks of work.
Only 3 laps.

Editorial opinion about losing weight using 25 frames

Изучая в сети Интернет отзывы реа�”ьных �”юдей об Effectивности
this technique, sometimes we met diametrically opposed
opinions. Someone spoke about the principle of the 25th frame very enthusiastically,
and someone was 100% sure that this is another
�”Duck”, invented for pumping people out of money and no more

Of course, there is a significant share of truth in the words of opponents, because
it is necessary to understand that the process of losing weight is a thing especially
individual, so there can not be identical installations,
working for everyone.

In addition, the world’s leading nutritionists who know about losing weight,
perhaps everyone does not even classify this technique
additional means of weight correction and not in a hurry
prescribe it to their patients.

In one, their opinion is unshakable – if you do not adhere
basics of healthy eating and don’t spend enough time on physical
load, a positive result can not wait. In this we them
support with both hands!

Having read all of the above, you can now independently
decide what is closer to you and whether you should test the system
slimming 25 frames. Or maybe better to ask for help.
professional nutritionist?

Reader Reviews: 25-frame slimming program

Alina: “… Once I had the stupidity of ordering a disc with 25 by mail
кадром, чтобы попробовать его Effect на �”ичном опыте. Some
days sat, looked at these flashing footage and ate as usual, but
I did not get any result, I even got the opposite;
because she ate and did not move. And the eyes with the habit began
sick, although before that there were no problems. My verdict is
nonsense! �”

Соня: « … Чуть бо�”ьше неде�”и назад я пода�”ась на рек�”аму
чудо-программы 25 кадр д�”я похудения и заказа�”а диск по почте. AT
первый же день нача�”а отчет�”иво поба�”ивать го�”ова из-за постоянного
ме�”ькания на экране, это притом, что «рабочий�” кадр практически
imperceptible. На сегодняшний день о его Effectивности ничего сказать
I definitely can not, like I eat, as before, and the weight is on
place Посмотрим, что будет пос�”е по�”ного курса… �”

Любава: « … До беременности веси�”а 52 кг, пос�”е – все 80, причем
по нас�”едственности у нас все ск�”онны к по�”ноте. Lose herself not
смог�”а, и в разговоре с подругой узна�”а о методе 25 кадра, которым
она время от времени по�”ьзова�”ась. ATремени заказать диск и
разобраться с программой как-то не выде�”и�”а, но наш�”а в себе си�”ы
на посещение спортза�”а.

AT итоге потеря�”а бо�”ее 18 кг, и ни капе�”ьки не жа�”ею о том, что
с�”ожи�”ось так, а не иначе. ATедь когда че�”овек теряет такую массу,
кожу нужно же чем-то подтягивать, чтобы она не весе�”а, а чем может
помочь 25 кадр, �”ично я не понимаю!? It seems to me that there for
основу ставится какой-то гипнотический трюк… �”

Раечка: « … Бо�”ее двух неде�”ь истрати�”а на ежедневный просмотр
25 кадра, похоже �”учше бы выброси�”а диск сразу и заня�”ась
действите�”ьно по�”езными методиками похудения. Now I try myself in
сессиях прави�”ьного дыхания, ежедневно два занятия (утро-вечер).
After 10 – 15 дней по�”учи�”а хорошее снижение объемов та�”ии и бедер
– вот это понимаю резу�”ьтат! �”

Daria: “… I think this is a normal divorce for money from a simple and
trusting people. We are no longer accustomed to such innovations,
поэтому нужно научиться фи�”ьтровать нужное и по�”езное от всякого
kind of trash like this! �”

Стоит узнать: «Как похудеть на пивных дрожжах?�” и «Кофе
Капучино д�”я похудения – во�”шебная таб�”етка и�”и

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