Single man: how to live with him?

Thu, Feb 06, 2014

How to be if a man does not love women and the people around them, lives
past memories and he is well with himself? Falling in love
such a man can devote some time to a woman, and then his
it begins to annoy that she is always there.

This is a type of single man, a man who is more comfortable in
society itself than anyone else. He tries to avoid
depending on other people, including relatives.

Who is he – a lone man and how to get along with him?

Men suffering from loner syndrome are very similar to each other.

  • They are trying to build relationships in such a way that not
    let a person close.
  • Marriage seems to them a difficult ordeal.
  • Among such men most of the bachelors.
  • calls from him or extra tokens almost
    is impossible.
  • A lone man may be long in sexual
  • He believes that he has nothing to attract women. Many of them
    sure that women need only money.
  • Wait They have a lot of complexes. At home such a man can
    argue that is not afraid of anything. But when he goes into society,
    as he begins to feel his inferiority.
  • For them, there is no authority. They only listen
  • They can do a lot and take care of themselves.
    by myself.
  • They have a favorite hobby or hobby.

As a rule, loner syndrome in a man begins with
childhood, when he felt the need for affection and love, but not
I received them from my parents, especially from my mother. Such children begin
experiencing frustration, heartache and fear for your future.
As adults, they acquire many complexes and insecurities.
in itself.

Living alone with a man is a constant
a reminder to a woman of her imperfection.

But a single man can be a good father, because he
will always find something that will be interesting to his children. In most
cases, it is smart people who are not scattered over trifles.

If life brought you together with a single man and you fell in love
typical individualist, you need to remember that to re-educate him
is impossible.

Tips for getting along with a single man

  • Do not think that this man needs your escalated
    attention. Do not try to give him what he did not receive as a child.
    Increased attention and care will only annoy him. And he himself
    can not take from you love as much as he needs.
  • Remember that this man needs loneliness, he wants
    spend more time alone. Do not blame him if he does not want
    go have fun with you.
  • Keep in mind that most decisions will be made
    without consulting with you.
  • If a single man starts telling him how bad he is,
    then you have to dissuade him from it. This man must be praised
    for the smallest detail. It is necessary for him.
  • You need to find something that is interesting to a man — alone, to find
    interesting feature that can unite you.

You can get along with a lone man if you don’t listen loudly
music, do not attract heightened attention, if not
make tantrums and not spoil his life. If he starts
feel that a woman interferes with his life, he will try with a lady
breake down. Need to learn to adapt to such a man or
learn to live “without him”, living with him on the same territory.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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