Singapore – Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, map

Sat, 21 May 2016

Singapore оригинален тем, что это
city ​​state It is also the largest
The country’s industrial and cultural center (the only one), and
the capital. This is a city-republic, which is located on one
a large island and 63 small islets.

Its geographical location is southeastern islands.
Asia The small Johor Strait separates the territory of Singapore from
Malacca Peninsula. The state shares borders with Johor
(sultanate), which is part of the Malaysian state, and
also Riau Islands, which are the territory of Indonesia. In translation
�”Singapore” means “Lion City”.

The largest islands of Singapore are Ubin, Brani, Tekong-Besar,

The population of the country is small, only 4.97 million people. Of them
40% are Buddhists, 14% are Muslims and Christians. Representatives
other religions (Confucianism, Hinduism) are less than a third
from the number of believers.

Despite the small number of people in the country, Singapore stands on
second place in the world population density ranking.
The national composition is quite homogeneous. 76.8% are Chinese,
13.9% – Malays, 7.9 – Indians. Among the smallest
nationalities Armenians, Japanese, Eurasians, Thais, Jews,
the Arabs.

The national currency is the Singapore dollar.

Singapore is a country of many religions. Buddhists make up the most
a large group (40%) of all believers. Also among the religions
Christianity is present (14%), Islam, Orthodoxy and others

The national language of Singapore, by virtue of historical
circumstances, became Malay. The national anthem of the country is also
performed in this language. In addition to him, official are considered
English, Tamil and Putonghua. English is
official, it is used in higher circles, as well as in business
spheres of activity.

Since the English language is taught from school, he quickly
was adapted to local conditions and partly turned into a kind
a mixture of literary and street language – “singlish”, which is beautiful
combined with a mixture of Malay – “Manglish”. But this
occurs only at the level of quarters.


Singapore – holidays and tours

In Singapore, Europeans are literally surprised by everything. From the moment
coming to this land, tourists are immersed in a magnificent world,
full of exotic colors and fancy interlacing of cultures
antiquity and modern art and technical achievements

In Singapore, the rest is more the nature of constant excursions,
contemplation of the charms of the country. Numerous places to relax and
entertainment attract the attention of wealthy tourists. Singapore
It is considered one of the best places for the rest of the elite.

For tourists, shopping in this country is also interesting. Here
an incredible amount of shops and shops are concentrated
artisans. Local handicrafts are good.
souvenirs for any overseas guest.

Для любителей экотуризма свои красоты предлагают Singaporeский
Zoo, Bukit Tima protected area, limiting 70 hectares of forest,
pristine civilization as well as a park of tropical birds

As active leisure activities are available golf, water
entertainment in the areas adjacent to the beaches.

Singapore — достопримечательности

В Singaporeе множество интересных мест. So is the Clar Key Quay,
named after the second head of the city, was recently rebuilt.
Now here is a whole chain of modern shops, pubs
and cafe. Here берут начало все речные экскурсии, проводимые на
boats for walking.

The city has the largest world breeding center.
ornamental fish species.

Another important attraction is the monument to the lion and
erected in his honor temple. According to ancient belief, Sumatran
the prince, descending for the first time on this shore, collided with a creature
which was the lion’s head and tail of the fish. In honor of this unusual
character was erected a temple. Теперь Singapore — это город льва и
the temple.

Singapore — еще и самый крупный азиатский порт, и торговый центр.
In a small area get along well complement each other
modern skyscrapers and buildings of past centuries, many parks and
temples, port harbors and shopping streets.

The city is decorated with many park areas. Here можно не только
take a rest, walking along the alleys with greenery, but also
have fun in sports centers or other cultural

Singapore — погода (климат)

Поскольку Singapore располагается практически на линии экватора,
there is no significant temperature fluctuations. January
temperatures are only 1 degree lower than in July.

The equatorial climate is characterized by warm weather with great
amount of precipitation. Below +19 degrees thermometer mark is not
never goes down. A maximum recorded on the testimony of +36
degrees Scorching heat is not observed here (or extremely rare), and
strong cold does not happen either.

Погода в Singaporeе сейчас:

Singapore - Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, mapSingapore - Recreation, Landmarks, Weather,kitchen, tours, photo, map

Singapore — кухня

Считается, что каждое блюдо, приготовленное в Singaporeе —
real treasure Asia Local cuisine absorbed the best
traditions of the peoples inhabiting the country and turned them into something
perfect, skillful and original.

The generosity of tropical lands has had a direct impact on
the formation of the menu of the people of this country. The most favorite dish is fish
in soy sauce, seasoned with ginger wine.

Vegetables are cooked in a special oyster pot, and chicken is stewed in
tea leaves.

Milk pig and pork
legs stewed over low heat.

В Singaporeе множество ресторанов, где каждый турист может
order any national dish and appreciate
culinary art of local chefs.

The delicacy is soup made from shark fins and saltwater
scallops. A special highlight that distinguishes the taste of Singapore dishes
from Malay or Chinese dishes, add spices, which
grow only here. Various herbs are actively added to the dishes.
nuts and spices.

An abundance of marine gifts provides almost constant
присутствие на столе жителя Singaporeа креветок, кальмаров, рыбы,
crabs, lobsters.

Singapore – интересные факты

В Singaporeе крайне нежелательно нарушать общественные устои. it
can lead to unpleasant consequences and emptying the wallet. On
$ 500 fined for spitting, scattering paper or smoking
in public places. If the careless hostess accidentally after watering
flowers left in the pan water – it will also impose
$ 500 fine. The explanation is simple – water attracts

Такие жесткие меры привели к тому, что теперь в Singaporeе самый
lowest crime rate in the world. For many offenses, by
local legislation may be beaten with sticks. And the death penalty
assigned to those criminals who brought drugs to the country
or committed a brutal murder.

Singapore – оформление визы

To travel to this country will need a visa. It is made out with
using specially accredited companies.

Documents should be submitted: • Electronic version of the completed
profiles, • Passport and scanned copy, • Color photos, •
Document about the reserved hotel room, • Scanned copy
invitations to the country • Booking tickets.

The visa fee is 750 rubles. Additionally follows
pay a service fee – 600 rubles. The request is not considered
more than 3 business days.

Singapore — посольство

В Москве Посольство Singaporeа расположено по адресу Переулок
Kamennaya Sloboda, house 5. Tel .: 8 (499) 241-37-02.

Карта Singaporeа

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