Signs of lost decorations

Signs of lost decorations

Long since people attached special, sacral value.
various decorations. Some considered them a kind of amulets and
talismans, others thus preserved the memory of their ancestors, others
believed that together with the decoration they lose a part of their soul. Exactly
thanks to this, there are many different signs that
associated with the loss of one or another decoration. What promise such
Signs to the person and about what warn?


The ring was fooled

In general, the loss of the ring is considered a bad omen. If you
lost a ring that gave you close – it means a quick
with him parting.

If you have lost a ringlet that is your own
purchased – along with the decoration you lost some of your own
energy that you needed to achieve a goal in love

However, the loss of the ring also has a good value. If you in
life last time constantly pursued misfortunes and failures
it is believed that with the lost ringlet, you “closed” the black
lane of your life.

Shackle lost

The omen of a lost earring is interpreted differently. Here
it is necessary to consider who exactly lost it. If this decoration
was lost by an unmarried person who had never gone under
crown – it promises to meet soon a new person with whom she
will be able to build a long love relationship. But if such
the decoration will be lost by the married lady – this means that soon
времени ее ждут серьезные перемены в любовной sphere.

If the earring was lost by a girl who already has a love affair – then
this can be considered a sign of Destiny, which promises her soon

Lost hours

With this accessory is connected a lot of different signs and superstitions and
more bad. Losing hours means failing.
in any affairs.

Waiting for you stagnation and no progress.

Losing hours seems to indicate that time is for you
stopped, and even the greatest efforts will not lead to
result in the cases started.

Lost the chain

The loss of such a decoration as a chain does not bode well either.
good Together with the chain you lose your luck. However this
A sign can also be interpreted differently. If you and so
pursued failures, then with the loss of the chain they will remain in
the past.

All these signs relate only to those decorations
which are made of precious metals.

If you потеряли что-то из бижутерии – не переживайте,
because it speaks only of your carelessness and
has no relation to the signs of Destiny.

Even the most banal at first glance things or
objects have a special meaning in human life. Sometimes we just
do not notice how Destiny itself gives us a sign that warns
us about any danger. Pay attention even to the smallest
little things and you can improve the quality of your own life and live in
harmony with yourself.

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